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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Wow, nice use of dynamics throughout the piece. I'm really enjoying this arrangement. Lots of expressive lines and interesting interpretation of the theme. I love ever-changing aspect of it. Lots of twists and turns, all performed very well. Plenty of nice harmonic ideas too. YES!
  2. The opening is pretty good; nice crunchy sounds and good balance between elements. Unfortunately the piece degenerates over time and becomes overly harsh and ridiculously distorted, especially around halfway through. Piano is a nice touch but its short lived. Things get mucked up around 3:14. The arrangement overal is pretty repetitive too. Some more clarity and separation would have helped this track. NO
  3. So anyway, is this project still going anywhere? Looks like 11 days of inactivity. Let's try to make some progress gentlemen.
  4. I didn't notice this when I was listening, but you guys should say the dates for the week you're covering. When you say, "This is VGDJ show #14," you should follow it up with "for the week of august 15th - 21st." It helps when listening to older shows.
  5. Hey just so you know, when you say the word 'hole' and you mean entire, it's spelled whole. Not trying to be a jerk or anything; just letting you know. Anyway, as far as MMOs go, I'm not a big player, but I played RO a long time ago during the alpha days, some of the beta, and on a few private servers. That game is filled with hat quests, but it was still pretty fun as far as the social aspect went.
  6. I'm moving this project back to General Discussion for 1 week so that it can get some more exposure. Shael really needs remixers guys; it'd be great if anyone can help him out.
  7. Yes, I'm sorry, I missed the deadline. I was working on something yesterday, but did not get at least 1 min.
  8. The lead sounds good, but there's hardly anything there to support it. I'm getting a real feeling of emptiness from this mix and its really hurting it. Some comping chords, arpeggios, or pads to fill out the midrange is what this mix really needs. I would like to hear more interpretation in the melody as well; more than successive eighth notes. The percussive beat is nice, but the lead screams for some rhythmic variation. The acoustic guitar is fantastic but underutilized. More acoustic guitar would be great in this piece. The production is really nice. Everything has a clean sound and sits well. Nothing really clashes, so kudos for that. I want to see a resubmit on this piece; right now it's bordering on really awesome; give it the extra push. NO
  9. I really don't think the background locks together harmonically at all with the melody. Not as well as it could, anyway. I think that the breakdown section is pretty gratuitous; it sounds like something completely original thrown in for variation's sake. It seems like there's a lot of freestyling in this piece without a lot of substantial use of source material. The texture isn't bad, but it's a bit sparse, and the percussive elements stick out and have a strange enclosed kind of reverb on them. The pitchbending ending doesn't really fit in this context either. NO
  10. I think having a separate forum for VGDJ is a bad idea. This is OCR's official podcast, right? It should be based on OCR. If you create a separate forum for VGDJ.net, the show's focus will invariably shift away from OCR to VGDJ's own community; we'll start hearing more inside jokes and, eventually, music unrelated to OCR.
  11. Quoted and fixed for emphasis. As an artist releasing music on the internet, you should never, ever delete your project files for any composition, remix or otherwise. It's the only proof you really have that the song was made by you. I'm sure in this particular case though, we're talking about lossless encodes.
  12. KFC has the right idea. Start proactively contacting remixers who may not know about this project (if you haven't already). I agree with you in that at this point exclusion is not really an option. Contact those unresponsive people and ask them if they seriously want to be on the project, or if you should just go and get someone else. Be firm about it too. You don't have to exclude them, but keeping in constant contact is always a good idea. It's something I learned the hard way with the Kirby Project. That said, deadlines ARE good because they give people something to shoot for. Initial WIP deadlines usually call for about a minute of material by a certain date. I would say that when you've got most of your spots filled, you should think about setting up some deadline dates.
  13. So go ahead and buy it; updates are free for life.
  14. I think the reverb in this piece is just right. Not too long of a decay, yet it conveys the feeling of expansiveness. Definitely a nice interpretation on the source material too. I mixed this piece myself, and I like what you did. This piece is pretty solidly constructed, IMO. Zyko mentioned the stretches; you've got some nice evolving lines in here that really make this a good upbeat chillout piece. I say YES.
  15. I don't think it's that important at all. Selected games would be fine. Look at that Bomberman post. He's been in way too many games. Four or five games that the mascot has been in would be better. There's no need to add on all that extra bloat.
  16. I'm not interested in "building a fanbase." Part of my job here is to moderate the forums; if someone doesn't like my mix, then they're perfectly within their rights to express that in a review thread; however, there is no need for someone to be called a "fucking idiot" just because they don't like my music. I appreciate his sentiments and his attempt to defend my song, but the language was overly harsh and has no place in review threads. Anyway, thanks for your review.
  17. I think the production is clean enough. There's no glaring rough spots in the soundscape. The guitar and other instruments are played well, and everything is mixed together at the right levels. Percussion serves its purpose, but it's nothing remarkable. Nice guitar solo! The interpretation is conservative, but it's still an interpretation, rather than a cover. I like it. YES
  18. Heh hrm. He'll be gone until the 9th, however, but seeing as we're not likely to finish before then, it doesn't really matter. This, I believe, concludes the recruitment phase. As mentioned before, anyone is welcome to help, but we need a team to do the real work, and that's... us. I just hope 5 isn't too many, and that we'll get along, now that there are 5 of us. Hopefully it will allow us to work more efficiently and finish the project in less time. Darkesword, thanks for the bump. I guess it's time to move this thread. Yup. Also, it might help things to run smoothly if we were each assigned (or we each choose, it doesn't really matter) a set of characters to write bios on. It shouldn't be a problem if someone gets characters they don't really know because Google is like your old grandfather who knows just about everything. One last thing, I know it was already sort of mentioned in this thread, but a definate layout/outline should be created so that everyone knows exactly what the format for each bios should look like. That's the task of the editor. Anyway, moving to SP. Dafydd, you need to contact me on AIM in order to join the Project Coordiator group.
  19. Everything is buried in reverb in this piece. It's hard to differentiate anything (omg calculus?). Strings sound really fake and lo-fi, and like Shnab mentioned, harmonies are wonky (meaning your thick harmonies don't sound good; it's largely due to the sample you're using). Drums sound far away in this mix; the balance overall here is really terrible. Everything besides the percussion is right in my face. The cello sample sounds like it's stretched really thin too. There are production issues all over this song. It's muddy, mechanical, and unbalanced. NO
  20. Go ahead and start choosing people and assigning jobs, etc. It's your show; you're the project leader. Edit your first post's thread title to something like "OCR Mascot Bio Project," and write out what you need from people. I'll leave this thread in GD for a few more days just to recruit peple, and then go over to Site Proj with a new thread to actually organize and work on everything.
  21. This song lacks any kind of punch or intensity. Jump around the song; it's pretty much at the same dynamic level anywhere you go. The arrangement is pretty slapdash too; only a few patterns that are layered indiscriminately throughout the piece. I don't hear any builds or releases. The bassline is very boring. The percussion is good, but the rest of the texture is pretty uninteresting, and a lot of the melodic lines are played using several instruments in unison. I don't think there's anything really remarkable going on here. I'd like to see this go to 6Y if it's going to be accepted, because I really don't think this is over the bar at all yet. NO
  22. Two or three paragraphs is fine for each character. Adding few fun facts is fine as well. Content submissions should provide credible sources, unless it's common knowledge (i.e., Mario was in the Super Mario series). Keep character bios as objective as possible. Since there are so many different people submitting content, it's inconsistent for everyone to editorialize. Those questions are pretty irrelevant. DJP added the mascots as a part of the redesign. Forum avatars are not 'mascots,' so leave them out. I don't really think you need any extra graphics. Just one picture of the character is good enough.
  23. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Shael and Liontamer both: take it to PM and keep it there. Two sets of posts have been moved to Abuse.
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