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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. None of us ever judges impulsively, so why don't you shut the hell up and get off the panel, jerk. :whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa::whatevaa: Sax stuff in the beginning is pretty weird, but I can see what's going on there. Problem with this piece is the total crap production in the orchestral section. Why so much reverb on everything? It's muddy and it amplifies the hiss in your recording. What gives? Arrangement is nice, and sax gets the job done, but the recording and production need serious overhauls. NO
  2. How the hell am I supposed to follow up these dissertations? Anyway, here's the short version; the guitar sticks out and is ridiculously repetitive. The percussion doesn't balance well with the rest of the track; the low percussion and bass fight for their right to party, which isn't good. The development in this song is pretty bland. The song just plods on and on without really going anywhere. Not a lot of highs or lows; just some instruments dropping out here and there. I like the gating stuff tho', so that's nice. NO
  3. Vig, I'm pretty sure Bladiator plays all of his stuff, rather than sequencing, so the perfect timing in this case isn't really a bad thing. Maybe.
  4. How could you have forgotten to vote on this? It was there FOREVER. Anyway, this is a nice track; good job DZ.
  5. I ended up blabbing on IRC about this piece when I first listened to it in the j00jchat. Let's see what I had to say! So yeah, that basically sums up my thoughts. This is a sweet little number; perfect music to chill to, to drive to, to do anything cool to (even ending a sentence with a preposition! Breaking the rules of grammar is totally rad!). Not much else to say. YES
  6. Yo Brandon, I finally got around to listening to this piece. Really tight stuff. I love the guitar. Everything locked together really nicely. This is a keeper, definitely.
  7. Excellent work here. The two songs are seamlessly combined into one cohesive piece. The fact that the meat of this song is the Oracle of Ages theme done in the style of the Ocarina of Time title theme is enough of an interpretation as far as I'm concerned. I really like the expressiveness that comes out when the Oracle theme is played, especially starting around 1:30. Very emotive. It's short, but I think it makes it's point, and in this case, the brevity is justified. Any longer and it may have gotten boring. YES
  8. I listened the entire original while looking at analoq's sig. It is strangely fitting. I like the electric piano-ish instrument you're using. It has a nice sound, and it's pretty well sequenced too. Nice percussion too; very chill, heavy stuff. The arrangement is pretty awesome; lots of cool, inventive ideas with some good solos. One problem I have is that there's a ton of reverb on this track; it's cool for some leads and the percussion, but some of the stuff like the bass should have a tighter, more focused sound. The balance between instruments isn't terrible, but it could be better. I think this piece just needs an extra push on the production end. NO! resubmit please, for awesome arrangement's sake
  9. I think this is great. I love how the piece slowly evolves; the ocean samples are so appropriate, because this piece really has an ebb and flow to it. It's relaxing, and while the source has been simplified, it's got a lot of nice subtle textural things going on. I really like the distorted section; it sounds very deep. Production is clean enough, arrangement is nice, I say YES.
  10. Just want to pop in here and say that this project has been approved for organization on the OCR forums. Good luck Starky.
  11. Hey I wanted to clarify something about the lockdown you guys were talking about. The lockdown is NOT a re-evaluation of every mix on the site based on CURRENT standards. The lockdown is a reviewal of all songs on the site to find mixes that are in VIOLATION OF OCR POLICY, i.e. MIDI rips, plagiarism, completely original work using only samples from games, etc. We are not going to rejudge every song to see if it meets the current bar. If you guys can mention that in the next show, that'd be great. Also, next time it'd probably be better to get the full story from a judge, just so misinformation doesn't get spread around. Just sayin. Other than that, this show was a great listen. Nice work, once again.
  12. Before posting a remix project thread, familiarize yourself with the Album Project Guidelines.
  13. No. I got super busy. Anyone want to make one? If you make a good one I'll put it on the kirby site.
  14. God this song drones to no end. Fruity drumloop in the perc. Hooray? I think not. At least slice that up and retrigger it every measure or so. Don't rely on a drumloop to carry your song; you have to do something with it. And for pete's sake don't expose it like it's some kind of awesome drumbreak. The rest of the song is pretty repetitive and goes on too long for what little content is actually present. NO
  15. I've gotta agree with the other NO voters. This piece sounds like more of the same from you man, and it doesn't really indicate any kind of growth as an arranger. I don't feel that the arragement is as cohesive as your other stuff. This certainly isn't your best work. It's a nice piano piece though; some good playing with decent production. But I think you need to bring something new to the table; it feels like more of the same from you, and your previous waltzes deliver more impact to the listener. This song sounds like you're just applying a formula to the original, rather than approaching the piece creatively. NO
  16. I would very much like to see this project go to SP, but I need a status report, STAT! walan plz contakt wit infoz kthx
  17. Good show. Kudos to Majin and Ambient for keeping their blurbs short. Pixie did a good job, though I think Aurora has a better radio presence (whatver that means). Some of the Razya/Pixie dialogue was laugh out loud funny. Nice work. Hooray for VGDJ.
  18. Oh man what a badass song. Beats are so tight all around, and I love the rapidfire bassline. Excellent work. Moreplz. Taliban out.
  19. That's because they follow the procedure. Also, this project had a recruitment thread in ReQuests for a while.
  20. The production on this really stinks. Sounds fuzzy and muffled. Not a bad arrangement, considering the source material; not bad at all. LOTS of creative interpretation, which is exactly what we look for at OCR. Your concept is pretty solid. The problem here is the execution; like I said, it sounds muffled. You need to separate your instruments a bit more and bring out some high-end, please. I feel like I'm listening to this piece run through a low-pass filter (okay, so that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea). There are some dead spots in the arrangement where there's drums + lead and nothing else; you lose momentum there. Maybe that's intentional? I think at least some kind of bassline would help with that. Unlike Gray, I don't think your trumpet sequencing is fantastic; it's a bit stale, in my opinion. You could do with a better sample, I think; something thicker, with more presence. I would like to see this arrangement posted to OCR eventually; you have a lot of great ideas. Just polish up the execution, and you'll be good to go. NO (please resubmit!)
  21. KWarp, please adjust the topic title to include a date if you're going to post IMPORTANT UPDATES, because if you keep posting IMPORTANT UPDATES, people will never know if they've seen them already.
  22. *coughDarkeSwordINterview* Seriously, though... 3 minutes may be a bit long. We just want everyone to get a fair amount of time to discuss their mix, as well as pimp out some of their original stuff. If we can get people listening purchasing independant music, I think that's wonderful. Well my interview was an interview; my clip later was pretty short. Also, I understand that you guys want mixers to be able to talk about their stuff, but sometimes the ratio of talking about the mix to the actual mix playing is really disproportionate. I listen to a guy talk for like...3 minutes about his mix, but I only get to hear 30 seconds of it. I know that I'm supposed to check it out here, but I find myself just fast forwarding through a lot of comments.
  23. You guys seriously need to limit the length of the clips you have the remixers send in. Some of these guys just love to talk.
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