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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Alright, If I do Beth and Gar on one team with their third, I can get Xarnax and DjjD to fill out GrapplingHook's team. And we'll be set. Beth, Gar, get your third person as soon as you can. I'd like to run the draft this weekend.
  2. DjjD told me over chat that he'd be willing to jump in if we can get another person. Hit up Ben Briggs on Twitter asking if he's down to participate too, he seemed interested when we hung out at CEO2015.
  3. Nothing wrong with that! But let's all try to find Grap some teammates if we can.
  4. We need two more people to be on GrapplingHook's team. Don't let him down guys. Reach out, help a brother out.
  5. Nice arrangement, though the piano sample really isn't up to the task. Gets really messy later on in the mix, especially around the 1:55 mark. Feels like this needs another pass on production. Wind sound is super fake and pulls me out, and the piano sample sounds too bright and the reverb is kind of making everything bleed together. NO, resub
  6. Here's how the draft works, copied from previous competitions: Here's a quick overview of how the draft works. When the draft starts, everyone's first choice is their top choice. I go down the list and look for top choices that have conflicts. When top choices conflict, I roll a die to see who gets their top choice (dice are useful when more than two people have the same choice). Once all of the top choice conflicts are resolved, the people who lost their die rolls get their first choices greyed out, and their second choice becomes their new top choice. I make a second pass through the list, finding conflicts. Note that at this point, it's possible that a choice that didn't have conflicts in the first pass could have conflicts in the second pass, and a choice that won a conflict in the first pass could also have a new conflict in the second pass. Conflicts are again resolved with dice rolls. Losing choices are greyed out, and the process repeats until there are no more conflicts. Sometimes people will get bumped down to their third or fourth choice; sometimes two people who both picked the same song as their first choice will both lose out to someone who picked it as their third choice; it all depends on the dice, but the draft does ensure that entrants are given a fair shake at getting a choice that's high on their preference list. ___ If it turns out that your 5th choice gets bumped, I'll contact you and figure something out. In addition, my sheet's been updated with StarDragon's fixes. We need one more person to round out the final team, but since we're starting next Sunday, signups will remain open.
  7. One more person needs to post picks, and then I'm locking this up. We will start the first mixing stage next Sunday.
  8. I appreciate the work, but I already compiled and posted a list yesterday, which is linked in my previous post and also in the first post. Also your spreadsheet's sharing settings are restricted, so people can't view it anyway, and also when sharing a sheet from Google Docs its better to Publish and post a link to the published version, rather than just posting a link to the doc. Need one more person to post picks.
  9. First post has been updated with Current Picks and Teams. Check to see if everything is okay. Nuts and GrapplingHook are both free agents right now. If we can get one more person (ectogemia?) to participate, I can put you guys all together in one team.
  10. Folks, the issue here is not a bogus copyright claim against a YouTube video. The issue is the wholesale plagiarism of an OC ReMix being used in a commercial work.
  11. First things first. When you submit to OC ReMix, you need to submit an audio file. You can't just send us a link to a YouTube video. Please make sure you're following the submission instructions. Now that that's out of the way, I've got to say that there are some good ideas here; I like the percussion part and the effects are nice. I don't think there's enough here though. It's a pretty repetitive remix and its not even that long. Some of your melodic choices are also a little strange; the melody has some weird variations at 1:22 from the original source. It's not off-key or anything, just an odd choice to make that doesn't really add anything. If I had to guess (and this is pure conjecture), it sounds like you listened to a MIDI file for reference and listened to a section where the one lead channel goes off and starts harmonizing with the melody in another channel, and then arranged that harmony as the melody. Very strange. Anyway needs a lot more going on; longer more evolved sections, etc. NO, resub
  12. Larry hits the nail on the head. Interpretation and energy is in abundance, but this really has an over-compressed sound to it. I think this could use another pass on the mixing before we post this up. NO, resub
  13. The vocals are excellent, I wish they were louder. They sit a little too much inside the rest of the mix. Great idea going the half-time dubstep approach with a 3/4 time song. Ends up sounding like a beautifully aggressive waltz. I love Nier's soundtrack and this is a great tribute. Really wonderful interpretation of the theme, fantastic forward momentum that keeps pushing and pushing. Other Js have production crits which are certainly valid, but overall there's a clean, uncluttered sound to this piece that I really like. It could have gotten ugly, but it didn't. Loving this. YES!
  14. You ain't gonna fool anyone into thinking this is live—not with that brass—but that's okay. This has a great mid-90s redbook audio PC game vibe. Something like DREAMLAND MALIBU RACING. This is great. LOVE the slap bass going all over the place. Very energetic. Overall take is a bit conservative, but not egregiously so. I like it! YES
  15. What am I fighting for?

    1. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      The right to party.

    2. timaeus222


      The right to having bear arms.

    3. KingTiger


      Everlasting peace.

  16. Session musicians and performers are instrumentalists and vocalists you're bringing in to play parts that you have written. Bringing in someone to sequence a solo falls outside of that, because that's essentially the composition of an original part; it's sequenced and not the result of an improvisational performance. The spirit of the competition is such that you and your team handle everything you possibly can on your own, without outside help. A concession was made during the last WCRG to artists who wanted to use live performers they knew in place of using a sampled and sequenced version. I only want artists to go outside of their team if very specific, very focused things. If you have a flute part and you know a flute player that can play it, that's fine. But bringing in an artist to help sequence your drum track falls outside of the session musician role. The allowance for session musicians is not a free pass to bring in non-participating artists from the community as collaborators. Session musicians are, in the context of this competition, not collaborators. They are analogous to a sample patch. I should also make it clear that you definitely should not be bringing anyone in to help with the production aspects of your track. That's way out of bounds.
  17. Nice to see such a turnout. Signup will continue throughout next week, and the draft will take place Friday evening, so please continue to spread the word and get people to sign up. I'll try to consolidate all selections into a spreadsheet tonight. If people want to work out Maverick-selection conflicts on their own before I lock everything down next week, they're certainly free to do so. I want to wait for Ramadan to end before we get started with the mixing stages. As far as mixing stages go, would people prefer to have a weekend at the end of the stage, or at the start? I'm thinking of doing Sunday night to Sunday night. That way you get the week to plan and start, and the weekend at the end of the stage to pull everything together.
  18. Diablo III is really accessible. If you've played Torchlight you're fine. Although, playing the XBox One version? I know people like the console versions (djpretzel loves the PS4 version), but I've gotta say if you're gonna play D3, join us and play on PC. That's where most of OCR's players are playing, and that's where the game is most up-to-date. Here's the "Starter Edition" where you can try the game out on PC.
  19. I'd like to see the community take on the effort to do a full coverage album project for both the Genesis/MD and Saturn soundtracks for Sonic 3D Blast, similar to how Temporal Duality covered both the North American and Japanese soundtracks for Sonic CD. I can't run the project myself given other responsibilities here at OCR, but I'm willing to contribute some music. Is anyone interested in taking this on? These soundtracks are both wonderful, and I'd love to see a conceptual follow-up to Temporal Duality.
  20. Don't usually like doing this but Kris covered literally every issue I had with this piece. LOVE the approach. Gotta bring that Banjo up. Source usage in the back half drops off. Can another J corroborate? NO, resub
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