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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Yeah this is my jam. Gotta agree on those low strings; killer, especially when the chord changes and everything sort of shifts harmonically. Keeping things fresh around 2:30 too, really nice change-up. Feelin' it. YES
  2. I feel like the big wooshy pads are hurting this track. Makes the whole thing feel like it's flooded. Think about transforming that into some kind of rhythmic accompaniment. Gotta agree that the violin is SUPER-fakey and not working for me as a lead at all. You really need to revisit that choice. There's also some stuff happening in the harp that I'm barely catching that could be brought out more. Not a bad approach to the source, but it could could have a bit more going on. NO, resub
  3. LOVE the source tune, love the game. Great soundscape with the chip/harp mix. Pitch-bendy square waves really channel the sound of older Gameboy Zeldas. Awesome arrangement. YES
  4. Call me crazy but I actually like the lo-fi quality of the drums here. It's got this very old school vibe. The problems you guys are having with this piece don't really bother me all that much. I love the expansive feel you give the track and I really like the looseness of the live parts. I love how big this gets in the end. Really cool. YES
  5. ooof...this started off great with some really interesting metal sounds and stuff, but as the piece progressed it just got really messy. You have a lot of parts sitting the same registers with very similar sounds that are fighting for attention. Its kind of like when you download an old MIDI from vgmusic.com and whoever wrote it forgot to set the instruments, so everything is set to piano. There's no definition between the parts. Everything is just sort of happening at the same time without any concern for the other parts. The resulting mix just sounds super messy. You need a lot more variety in your soundscape. This sounds like mush. NO
  6. What the intro of this remix says to me is "I've discovered the arpeggiator in FLStudio." That part feels so exposed. Agreed with Larry and Kris that the repetitiveness is killing this track. Variation hits around 2:30 but it feels like it comes out of nowhere. Very straightforward approach; not bad, and a great start for someone new to the craft, but you need some more variation in the melodic lines that will help with the repetition problem. NO, resub
  7. I'm feelin' it. Nice atmospheric music, great take on the sources. But it's got a kind of BGM quality; it sort of coasts and stays in a holding pattern throughout the piece, like a Sakuraba dungeon track in a Tales game. I was leaning on YES earlier but I'm tipping towards NO now. This needs a little bit more to it. Some more highs and lows. NO, resub
  8. I think this sounded pretty good, but the danger of trying to sequence solo piano is that you're going to run into the problem of having your one instrument completely exposed. You can't rely on percussion or accompanying instruments to mask the sequenced quality of your work. I feel like Larry's right here; it's sitting in that uncanny valley. My suggestion? Export MIDI data to sheet music and collaborate with a pianist. Maybe I'm being nitpicky, but a solo piano piece needs to absolutely nail the performance. NO, resub
  9. Oof...really not feeling the recording here. Kills me considering how great the arrangement and performance is. I have to side with Larry on this one though; I hope you're able to revisit your recordings and clean things up. NO, resub
  10. I don't like how you used For Endless Fight here; you've got it book-ending the piece but it's in a different key as Departure, which makes it feel out of place. There's no integration at all between the two themes and the transitions are jarring. There's also some bad note choices in your flute part around :37 and :40. I feel like this piece has a real balance issue. The lead guitar seems to be getting lost in the mix during the heavy rock sections, and the drums and bass seem to be fighting everything else for attention. You've also got the ascending arpeggio doubled in the guitar while the guitar is playing the lead, which just mushes everything together. I like the acoustic section in the middle. I love the sources you picked and there are some nice ideas here, but overall I think there are production issues and the arrangement isn't doing it for me either. It's a bit repetitive at points. NO, resub
  11. Apex 2016 Garden State Exhibition Center Somerset, NJ June 17-19 OC ReMix is proud to announce that we're continuing our tradition of creating the official album for the Apex Series of tournaments. Apex is the premier Smash Bros. tournament of the world, with competitive Smash players from all over the world coming to compete. I don't have a confirmed list of games, but suffice it to say, all four iterations of Smash Bros. will be there. Super Smash Bros. 64 - Garrett Williamson Super Smash Bros. Melee - Beatdrop Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Chernabogue Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - DjjD Pokkén Tournament - Open Street Fighter V - Neblix, timaeus222 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Killer Instinct (XBox One) As always, I'm looking for high energy remixes, suitable for usage in combo videos and highlights reels. While I prefer to have remixes of source material unique to the Smash Bros. games, Nintendo music used in Smash Bros. games are also acceptable. Apex is in June this year, and I need to produce physical albums, so the tentative deadline for final remixes is May 1, 2016. If you're interested in remixing some other fighting game soundtracks, please sign-up for the Northwest Majors 8 album, which has an earlier deadline of April 1st.
  12. I'm going to lock this thread. A lot of it is just speculation from people that didn't really know him. Gray was a great guy and a real friend, and he had his own reasons for exiting the community which we'll probably never know. I feel like a lot of this "he's probably dead" or "he's just someone's alternate account" is being disrespectful to one of the best members this community ever had. He was an amazing musician and one of the most dedicated staff members we had when he was with us. I'm not comfortable with people in this thread diminishing that with random, uninformed speculation.
  13. SIgnups are open! Go go go! http://ocremix.org/community/topic/41336-mega-man-x-the-sigma-fortress-remix-gauntlet-2015/
  14. Introduction It's the year 21XX, and the Mavericks have gone...MAVERICK?! X and Zero have convinced the Mavericks to come back to the side of heroes! Now it's up to all of them to mount an attack on Sigma's fortresses and end his reign of terror once and for all! Current News Votes have been tallied! Congratulations to the Rock Hard Mandrills on their victory, and to everyone who participated for putting out an amazing set of music. Here are the final scores: 60 - Rock Hard Mandrills 50 - Vintage Reploid Squad 45 - Maverick Astley 44 - Nightmare Tank Police 44 - Zero Tolerance 36 - Sigma's Enigma 35 - Desert Catz 22 - Wily's Rejects 19 - Team Zero Treble 19 - X-Square 13 - Dopplergangers 02 - THE SIGMA FORCE 01 - Faster than Light Check the scoreboard for the round-by-round tallies! Signatures for competitors are available here. Releases Block 1 Round 1 - Palace Grounds (X) Round 2 - Doppler Stage 1 (X3) Round 3 - X-Hunter Stage 1 (X2) Block 2 Round 4 - Final Weapon (X4) Round 5 - Sigma Palace (X8) Round 6 - Cyber Maze Core (X5) Block 3 Round 7 - Observatory Hall (X) Round 8 - Gate's Laboratory (X6) Round 9 - Sigma Stage 2 (X3) Voting Rules and Guidelines Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing. Voters, post your top three remixes in the thread as follows. Your name First place choice remix name Second place choice remix name Third place choice remix name Your Team Name, if you have one Please use the forum's bulleted list feature, as shown above, and please do not "creatively misspell" remix names. This is really important, because it'll help me plug your votes into my tallying spreadsheet without a lot of hassle. Things to keep in mind when voting: The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Competitors should not place their own team's remix in their rankings, regardless of whether they are the remixers for that round or not. However, by voting, they will earn a first place vote for their team's remix. If you are on a team, you must post what team you are on in your vote so I can make sure your team gets your voting bonus. If you do not specify your team, I cannot guarantee that your team will receive a voting bonus. You are required to make an actual decision for each choice, meaning, you cannot declare a draws or a ties for different places. This will be counted as not voting and your vote will not be counted. Do not post reviews in the voting thread. Compile your reviews for each round into a single post in this thread. Post only once in each voting thread. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. Submissions and File Name Rules Submission All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include your team name and the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Do not send MP3s. Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable. File Names If you worked on the remix without the help of your teammates: Everlasting Peace - DarkeSword - Rainy Days (Storm Owl in Sigma Fortress 1-1).wav If one team member helps you with your entry in a significant way and you want to give them credit, add their name as follows: Everlasting Peace - DarkeSword feat. OA - Rainy Days (Storm Owl in Sigma Fortress 1-1).wav If both team members help you with your entry in a significant way and you want to give them credit, add their names as follows: Everlasting Peace - DarkeSword feat. OA & DragonAvenger - Rainy Days (Storm Owl in Sigma Fortress 1-1).wav Notes: I'll tell you exactly what you need to write for the Gauntlet Theme part of the file name every week. Maverick names are two words. Maverick names and Gauntlet Themes must be capitalized properly. Team names, artist names and remix titles can be whatever case you want, but team names and artist names must be consistent from round-to-round. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphens between Team Name, Artist, and Title. If your remix's title has special punctuation that you can't include in the file name (e.g. \ / : * ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. I'm dead serious about file names guys. You need to make sure you follow the format exactly, because I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I re-tag everything properly. It's a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag's file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster. About The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet (SFRG) is a team-based remix competition. Each remixer will choose a Maverick, and then remixers will form teams of three. The competition is divided into blocks. Each block is divided into three one-week-long rounds, and there are three blocks in the competition. At the start of every round, I will reveal the Gauntlet theme (which will be the level music from one of Sigma's Fortress levels), and the team-members will decide who will be the remixer for that round. Remixers can only take one round per block. The chosen remixer will then write a single remix using both their Maverick's theme and the Gauntlet theme for that round. The other team members are allowed to help with production, playing instruments, and arrangement ideas, but the chosen remixer must act as the primary artist/arranger. The easiest way to think of this is that you are taking turns remixing for your team every week. Please note that artists are allowed to utilize session musicians and performers who are not involved with the competition, but those musicians and performers should not be heavily involved in the arrangement of the entry. At the end of the round, voters will rank their top three entries, and placing entries will receive points based on where they place relative to other teams. At the end of the competition, points will be tallied, and the team with the most points wins. FAQ So do I just pick a Maverick? Is it first-come-first-served? I'll be doing a draft for Maverick selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of five Mavericks you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Choose any Maverick from the following games: Mega Man X-X8 Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Maverick for the competition. Every team member must post their own five picks. Are you assigning teams or do we get to make our own? I won't be assigning teams. Please feel free to form a team with your friends or artists that you already work well with. Can we have team names? Team names must be specifically Mega Man themed. Your team name can't just be a generic video game, music, or robotics reference. Team names must be 1-3 words long. A number counts as a word. Team names can't contain characters that are invalid for file names. \ / : * ? " < > | Team names must be rated E for Everyone. This means no alcohol, drug use, sex, or excessive-violence references. Some examples of good team names: The Yellow Devils, Team Metool, ENERGYTANK, etc. Wait, so we have to all collaborate every week on a remix? Not at all. The whole idea is that each team member will take their turn at remixing. Collaboration is not required at all; in fact, I really want to avoid one single artist carrying the entire team every week throughout the competition. That's not how this is supposed to work, and I'm trusting everyone to play by the rules and make sure that the primary remixer is changing every round. How many rounds are there? Rounds are grouped into blocks. We will be doing three blocks this year, so that works out to nine rounds. There is also the possibility for extra rounds either in between blocks or at the end. I have not made any decisions regarding those yet.
  15. I've never really been a huge fan of the MMX sound set, but I've gotta say the compositions are incredible and the SNES sound texture re-creation is really good!
  16. Username changes are not enabled for all users. It seems to be something that only certain users with elevated privileges can do. Given that, I'm reopening this thread. As always, post your username change request and one of us will take care of it for you.
  17. Yeah this is definitely an on-off game.
  18. I really doubt Gray is someone's alter ego.
  19. Yeah pretty excited for a new area.
  20. That's probably a fan-theory that doesn't really hold any weight.
  21. More about CEO! http://ceogaming.org Album & Event Trailer! http://youtu.be/b2tlrkJ9q38 Download it! http://ceo.ocremix.org Torrent! http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/CEO_2015_-_Champion.torrent Our next fighting game community album is here! Let us know what you think!
  22. Thalzon, please stay on topic. If you want to talk about those other games, make threads for them. This isn't a Nintendo E3 news thread, it's a Tri Force Heroes thread. Anyway, I'm pretty excited about Tri Force Heroes. I've always loved Four Swords and Zelda multiplayer games. Also the costumes look AMAZING. The only thing I don't like is that the three links all have their own respective colored hair, instead of classic blond or brown. Looks weird in the art! xD
  23. They could just also just...change their mind. Just because a writer says they don't want to do something doesn't mean they won't eventually do it if it makes sense. Comic book companies do it all the time. Marvel once said that they'd never crossover 616 and the Ultimate universes, and now they're doing Secret Wars.
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