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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Yeah that probably has something to do with your script's mime-type settings or the fact that there's no file extension on that URL. IPB probably looks for specific things when verifying that an image is embeddable. This isn't something we're going to investigate or fix. Up to you to figure that out.
  2. Welcome to our brand new, upgraded forums! After many years, we've made the switch from vBulletin to Invision Power Board. This is a huge deal, as it's going to allow us to finally move forward and do a lot of things we've been planning to do with the site. As with any big changes, there will be some growing pains. You're going to have to get used to how the new forums work and there are probably going to be some things that we might have missed, or functionality that's different and weird. We're all in the same boat here and we're going to try to figure it all out together. Please use this thread for reporting any issues you come across with the new forum software. If there are things you were able to do that you can't do now, those issue reports are of particular use to us right now. While we certainly welcome them, any opinions about aesthetics are probably not going to be high priority for us right now. We want to focus on functionality. One thing you should all do is head over to your Settings page and make sure everything is set to your liking. There are a lot of default settings with this new software that you might want to change, such as notifications and email settings. Forum avatars were also not carried over from the old boards. You're now able upload your own user photo which functions as your avatar across the site. These user photos are subject to the same general guidelines that you have to follow with your sigs, which means nothing inappropriate, i.e. porn, violent, gross, etc. Please also note that any thread subscriptions you had in vBulletin have not been carried over to Invision. If you were relying on thread subscriptions to keep track of certain things like WIP threads, you need to resubscribe. Thanks to everyone for being patient with us while we adapt to the new forums, and a special thanks to our Patreon backers for making this possible. We'll be upgrading again to IPB 4.x sometime this year as well, which means even more new features. Have fun guys! __ Issues we know about that will remain unresolved for the time being: Reverse-Chronological Post Order (newest post first) is not supported out of the box with Invision. Discussions on Invision's site indicate no options available on the per-user level that enables this. We'll keep an eye out for plugins in the future that provide this functionality, but I recommend getting used to first-post-first.
  3. Jeanne D'Arc is a really great Tactics RPG for PSP. It's the all-around package. Very very good.
  4. Need this one judged for an event. Want to try to post Sat or Sun. Obviously we will encode MP3 - DS Remixer: Neblix This is my NWM Mix: The source is Night Walker (Linne's Theme) from Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late. Mixer comments: "This one was a real doozy. I was talking to Shariq on Tuesday night and he told me that he needed mixes for this thing... due in two days. I didn't want him to have to do two or three mixes in that time by himself, so I volunteered to do one. I let zircon (my current boss) know that I wouldn't be able to do much for Impact Soundworks the past couple days, and then I dived in. By the way, putting a shoutout right here to the OCR community which has hundreds of good artists: WHEN PEOPLE NEED REMIXES FOR STUFF, YOU SHOULD STEP UP AND DO THEM, OTHERWISE NO ONE DOES. WE NEED TO BE A TIGHTER COMMUNITY. Anyways, I got nothing done on it Wednesday, but then started it yesterday (Thursday) morning and came to completion around 3AM. Because of food and breaks, the project time for it turned out to be 10 hours. This is my first ever metal arrangement. I did a rock/jazz thing for Apex 2014, but that didn't come close to this level of heaviness and raw power. I learned a lot about metal mixing/mastering, and don't claim that this is a perfect first try, but I'm pretty damn proud of it. My friend at school has been getting me into bands like Periphery and such, so I've grown to start appreciating fast drumming and rhythm guitar syncopation, so I tried to incorporate that in places here. I didn't really figure in the beginning that I would like this arrangement; it was self-forced in a short time span (so is everything of mine, but two days notice changes the mentality). But as I kept writing it, I grew to really love it. I started rewriting sections instead of giving up on them, and I redid the production chain at least a few times. I kept coming back for more and more tweaks. I kept tweaking, and tweaking, and tweaking. I actually started to love it and wanted it to be the best thing ever. It's not perfect production wise, but I feel it's a considerable step forward from my other stuff, and the arrangement, while sometimes suffering from "metal cover", has a lot of my own input. A lot of it is in the part-writing, and also in the flow of the song and what I did with the improv. All in one, this turned from "worst thing ever" to one of my favorite arrangements I've ever done, and as a first entry into this kind of genre, I look forward to getting more practice with it. As for the make-up, this is all Shreddage 2, Shreddage Bass, Studio Drummer, and Juggernaut for the riser. The piano later on is PEARL Concert Grand. The amp sims I used are Guitar Rig 5 and Peavey ReValver HPse. The synths are Diva!"
  5. Forum avatars are cropped and resized when you upload them. There's a filesize limit on uploads, and then a resizable box that you use for cropping. Avatars can't be animated. Content that's allowed in avatars follows the same general guidelines for sigs. Basically no porn, no gross stuff, etc. If you can't put it in your sig, you can't put it in your avatar.
  6. Would prefer energetic! What that means is up to you. Doesn't necessarily have to be fast tempo. Just something that would work well as background music for a combo video or something.
  7. Hey guys. We have a couple of events coming up where we're providing music. I need solid remixes! First up! The Northwest Majors 7 Mini-Mixflood! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49193 NWM7 is next week and we're going to promote the event. They have a lot of games that don't have remixes on the site yet, so we want to post some new remixes of new games. Here's what I'm looking for. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R (PS3) BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Ver.1.10 (PS3) Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3) Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late (PS3) Skullgirls Encore (PS3) The event starts next Friday, so if you make me a remix, it will get FAST-TRACKED through the submission queue and if it's great, it will be posted TO THE SITE NEXT WEEKEND. Submit directly to me via PM! NEXT! The CEO 2015 Album: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=48851 I still need to fill spots, specifically for: Killer Instinct (XBox One) Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Persona 4 Arena Ultimax I need remixes from these games by the end of April! These tracks will be included in a physical release that we'll be distributing at CEO 2015, a fighting game tournament in Orlando. Jarel and I will be flying down there to sell OCR merch, so if you have some original albums that you want us to sell for you at the OCR table, we can work something out. Sign up either here or in the thread, or contact me via PM. I realize that the deadlines are pretty tight, but I know that people in this community are absurdly talented and able to produce killer music in a crunch. Thanks!
  8. Preloaded forum avatars will be going away with the migration to IPB. People will be able to set custom avatars after the migration.
  9. We're all super happy for Jill, but this does feel like a PM. Keep an eye out on VGL tour dates if you want to catch Jill and the rest of the VGL crew again.
  10. Season 2 ends and all of my paragon is dumped into my normal characters. Holy moly. I think I'm going to revisit my other characters and see what I can do with them.
  11. Well turntable.fm shut down. I'm saying people made this because they miss turntable.fm.
  12. I sent you a link via Twitter DM. We're going to go live in a few, join in when you can. This week's Talkback link: http://youtu.be/I75yA5nr2tg
  13. This is basically turntable.fm with worse art! xD
  14. Oh you write for trumpets in your orchestra pieces? I write for and play my own hand crafted custom brass instruments that I made myself in my brass instruments workshop I built myself in my garage. But your way is fine too, I guess.
  15. No. That's clearly C or C++. Our code is a JavaScript/COBOL hybrid.
  16. We have some older projects that we've debuted in the past that have gone back into development, like Remixanator and Judganator, which made heavy use of some proprietary algorithms developed by OCR New Dehli, a small coding subsidiary of OC ReMix located in India. In order to efficiently tag and classify all of the remixes on the site, they forked and reworked the code (JavaScript and COBOL) they had written for the Algorithmic Synthesis System (used in Remixanator and later Judganator) and adapted it to an analysis tool used to determine genres. Obviously there will be some errors, so if you see any remixes that don't necessarily fit with what came out of the ASS, let us know. We'll be setting up a community review in the next couple of days to fix issues.
  17. Because technomanga isn't a real genre. It's a thing that some dude made up because he doesn't like techno music. And come on, be serious. You're not leaving.
  18. This is a good point but it's been brought up in internal discussions that we still want people to try to expand their musical tastes and try out new genres. Possibly Techno helps with that.
  19. None of these are any good or as specific as we need them to be. Like Dave said before, three is enough, and possibly too much. Excuse you? We post plenty of songs on the site that are Probably Not Techno (Maybe). :\
  20. Yes, that's accurate. We'll be releasing a genre classification document in a few days that should go more in depth with what each category means. Expansion of the genre list isn't really something we're interested in doing. To be perfectly honest, it's a little unwieldy as it is with three genres.
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