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Status Updates posted by DarkeSword

  1. nope, there are already Wii U and 3DS threads to talk about that stuff

  2. I really hope that the Batgirl in Arkham Knight is Cassandra Cain.

  3. The combined height of your sigs can't exceed 250px. Please resize or edit in some way.

  4. Hey man. Your real name field is for real name only, not for titles (album director, etc). I've removed it.

  5. If you have a specific release date for the album, you can go ahead and post in Community. If it's just a "hey here's what we're working on, we'll release it when it's done" preview, then wait until the album is actually available to post in Community.

  6. Hey man I've been listening to your Chaotix remix NONSTOP. IT'S TITE, YO. (b¯^¯)>

  7. No, but something like it.

  8. Your sig is too tall. Sigs can't be over 250px tall. Please resize/change it.

  9. Your sig is too tall (over 250px). Please resize or adjust your sig graphic in accordance with the 250px height limit.

  10. As cute as your doggie is, your sig graphic is too tall. Needs to be 250px or less. Please adjust accordingly. Thanks.

  11. Stop spamming youtube links in your posts. If you want to pimp something, put it in a sig.

  12. Asking for free copies of commercial software is not allowed on this forum.

  13. your sig is too tall. resize it to be under 250px tall.

  14. -Dan accidentally clicked "report" instead of reply. Here's the message he meant to post:

    "Ok. I undestand you. I'll think about it and contact you when I have the cash. Thx"

  15. Your BoF sig and Jesus Fan sig stacked is more than 250px tall. Please edit one or rearrange them so that they are not stacked.

  16. Your sig graphic is too tall. Please resize it in accordance with the 250px height limit. Thank you.

  17. sig's too tall, needs to be 250px or less

  18. When posting in review threads, please remember to leave a review before making any other comments. Review threads are primarily for discussing the remix that was posted, rather than responding to whatever djpretzel says in his writeup, or other posters' off-topic comments. Thanks.

  19. 5 songs is fine, that's like an EP.

  20. Please don't use chatspeak on the forums.

  21. So long as you continue to post negative generalizations, I'll reply.

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