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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Oh I'm sorry, I mean I only have you down for doubles. I don't have you down for singles.
  2. Hi everyone. We're still looking for about six more people to compete. Please check the competitors tab of this document for a list of current sign-ups. Sixto, Xarnax, and Nabeel, you guys haven't posted your Singles or Doubles tourney preference. I would like to put you all in Singles because then that will be locked down to 8 people. Then we can look for 6 more people for the Doubles tourney.
  3. Jarel and rnn and I do hangout weekends every couple of months where we sit around and watch Kamen Rider and Super Sentai at my house. Aside from that, I just see OCR folks regularly at conventions and stuff. This year has been pretty crazy for that actually.
  4. hrmmmm Well here's the thing. The rule about allowing outside collaborators is really something that came out of a discussion in the last WCRG. Some artists expressed that since they had access to session musicians, they should be able to make use of that. I had previously indicated that that kind of thing wouldn't be allowed, but they made a good case for it, pointing out that using session musicians was a lot like using specific sample libraries; i.e., just another tool in the toolbox. When you're competing in these competitions, it needs to be YOU that's competing, not you and all your friends. In the case of Doubles, it's YOU and YOUR PARTNER. I realize that people like to work with others, and that's great, but there's a certain point where I just have to say that you need to be working on your music yourself, and not relying on collaborators all the time. So I'm going to say "no." You can't bring in outside collaborators unless they are essentially just session musicians/vocalists. Don't bring in someone to do part-writing for you, don't bring in someone to write your drum tracks, don't bring in someone to write a killer synth solo, don't bring in someone to spruce up your production. YOU need to bring YOUR A-game, not everyone else's. This goes for both Singles and Doubles.
  5. Perhaps I need to clarify a bit. Knights of the ReMix 2014 will feature two tourneys: a "Singles" tourney and a "Doubles" tourney. Each tourney will operate independently of each other; the draft will be separate. If you wish to compete by yourself, please indicate "Singles" in your post. If you wish to compete as a part of a two-man team, please indicate "Doubles" in your post, and post your teammate's artist name. If you don't have a teammate but still wish to compete in the "Doubles" tourney please say so and I can match you up with someone. I am looking for 24 people to compete: 8 for "Singles," and 16 for "Doubles."
  6. It would be up to the team members on how they want to do it. No forced alternating or anything like that. Just to be clear, the team will pick a single Knight. So it wouldn't be one battle you use Shield Knight and then the next battle you use Tinker Knight.
  7. If we want to do a Doubles tourney, then I need everyone's help in spreading the word and getting people to sign up. Go go go! I will also probably ask people to revise their picks once that occurs so that they are posting picks as a team.
  8. We currently have more than 8 people who have posted picks. I'm fine with this; if there's a high enough participation demand, we can run another alternating tourney with a different pool of remixers. I'm actually thinking it might be nice to do a "doubles" tourney alongside the "singles" tourney, i.e. instead of single remixers picking a Knight, having a two-man team choosing a Knight, and each battle will be a 2-on-2 collab vs. collab. That way we can potentially have 24 participants! The two tourneys would have separate drafts as well, so we could have Shield Knight in the singles tourney and Shield Knights in the doubles tourney without issue. What do you guys think? I felt a little bad setting the competitor limit at 8 because I know a lot of people love Shovel Knight's soundtrack and want to participate. I don't want anyone to feel left out.
  9. Shovel Knight: Knights of the ReMix Presented by the OverClocked ReMix Forums Introduction Hear me, hear me, ye ladies and lords of OverClocked ReMix! The time has come for the grandest tourney of our age! Brave knights have traveled across the land to compete in bouts of musical prowess. Come one, come all, and join us in the first ever Shovel Knight remix competition, Knights of the ReMix 2014! Strike the Earth!!! Current News Match-ups for Round 3 of the Singles tourney are as follows: WillRock - Black Knight Hakstock - Propeller Knight Eino Keskitalo and Jorito (Treasure Knight) are the winners of the Doubles tourney! Congratulations! The voting stage for the Singles tourney ends Sunday, Nov 2 at 3PM EDT. Voting takes place in the Public Voting forum. Check the Voting section for instructions. Check the Shovel Knight Sources sheet for the tracks available to you as your sources for this competition. You must use at least one of the sources listed for your Knight in your remix, as well as at least one of the sources listed for your opponent. You do not have to use all of the sources associated with the Knights in your remix. Remember, if you are competing, you must fill out the Competitions Consent form. Releases Singles Tourney Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Doubles Tourney Round 1 Round 2 Support game music! Buy the original soundtrack and the arranged album from virt's Bandcamp page! Shovel Knight Original Soundtrack Strike the Earth! Shovel Knight Arranged Submission All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the name of your bracket and the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Do not send MP3s. File names must be in the following format: Remixer - Title (Your Knight vs. Opponent's Knight).wav Example: DarkeSword - Snow Problem (Polar Knight vs. Shield Knight).wav Please note that the Knight names are two words (e.g. Shovel Knight, not Shovelknight). Also note that versus is abbreviated with a period (e.g. Shovel Knight vs. Black Knight, not Shovel Knight vs Black Knight). Your artist name and mix title can be whatever capitalization you want but the Knight names must be capitalized properly (e.g. Shovel Knight, not shovel knight). Properly formatted file names make it much easier for me to tag everything properly, which ensures good, consistent metadata on all the files that will be distributed to voters. You must adhere to this file name standard. If you don't, I will seriously consider disqualifying you, and I don't think anyone wants to be disqualified just because they couldn't name their file properly. In the past I have received really cryptic file names like gmrb2wip.wav and frost.wav, and that is unacceptable, especially now that the submission format is WAV. Voting and Results Voting takes place in the Public Voting forum. Things to keep in mind when voting: Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote. The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability can also be considered. You are required to vote in each battle taking place during the round. If you don't, none of your votes will be counted for that round. You are not required to vote in battles that have a competitor advancing by default (in the case of missed deadlines or resignation). Generally, a voting thread for these battles will not be made. You are not required to vote in specially marked Duel battles. You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each battle, meaning you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes for other battles will not be counted. You are allowed (and encouraged) to vote for your own entry when voting in your own remix battle. Do not post reviews in the voting thread. Compile your reviews for a round into a single post in this thread. Post the name of the remixer you're voting for in boldface text. Post only once in each voting thread. All voters must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. Rosters Singles Tourney WillRock - Black Knight Xarnax42 - King Knight Helicopter Knife Fight - Mole Knight Hakstock - Propeller Knight Alexanderandom - Shield Knight dusk - Shovel Knight Neblix - Spectre Knight Ethan Rex - Treasure Knight Doubles Tourney GrapplingHook, timaeus222 - Spectre Knight Eino Keskitalo, Jorito - Treasure Knight Jonathan!, Trism - Tinker Knight Ghetto Lee Lewis, Jason Covenant - Shield Knight FAQ How does it work? You, the remixer, choose any of the Knights listed in the Shovel Knight Sources sheet. Choose wisely, because this will be your Knight throughout the entire tournament. Once all competitors choose their Knight, they'll be matched up with an opponent. When the round begins, remixers will have one week to write a "vs. remix;" that is to say, a remix featuring the themes of their own Knight and their opponent's Knight. Because the game Shovel Knight features multiple songs associated with each Knight, competitors are allowed to use any of the songs listed for that Knight on the Shovel Knight Sources sheet. Contributions from non-competing artists are only allowed if they are essentially just session musicians/vocalists. The primary artist must be the actual competitor(s). When the round ends, a public voting period of one week will be conducted for each battle. The tournament will be single-elimination. Knights eliminated from the tournament can still compete week-to-week by challenging each other to duels. I will include duel remixes in weekly releases alongside competing tracks; voting threads for duels will be created, but voters will NOT be required to vote in them. Due to the high number of artists who want to compete, I will be hosting a second "Doubles" tourney that will remix on alternate weeks. This "Doubles" tourney will feature two-man teams assigned a single Knight. The teams will also compete in a separate single-elimination tournament in the same way that the "Singles" competitors will compete. All participating competitors and voters will adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. I would also like competitors to fill out a Competitions Consent form. This is nearly identical to the Album Project Consent form artists fill out when participating in album projects on OCR. The Content Policy referenced on the form is the same one you agree to when submitting remixes to the site. I need this because if we decide to do an official archival release on the OCR BitTorrent tracker or through other channels, we need to have official artist consent. So do I just pick a Knight? Is it first-come-first-served? I'll be doing a draft for Knight selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of four Knights you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Knights of the ReMix 2014 will feature two tourneys: a "Singles" tourney and a "Doubles" tourney. Each tourney will operate independently of each other; the draft will be separate. If you wish to compete by yourself, please indicate "Singles" in your post. If you wish to compete as a part of a two-man team, please indicate "Doubles" in your post, and post your teammate's artist name. If you don't have a teammate but still wish to compete in the "Doubles" tourney please say so and I can match you up with someone. Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Knight for the competition. When does it start? The draft/recruitment period will last a week or so. I am looking for 24 people to compete: 8 for "Singles," and 16 for "Doubles." I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help? We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that would be a big help. Please wait until I nail down the visual design for this competition before making anything though. I'd like things to be visually consistent. Can I pick Town/Tower/Enchantress/Hall of Champions Themes? No. The competition is limited to the Knights and their themes. Isn't this all just your way of tricking people into making Shovel Knight remixes for you? Yes.
  10. Welcome to the Public Voting forum. This forum is the new home of public voting threads for tournament and gauntlet style competitions that run in the Competitions forum. We'll be using this forum instead of social groups from now on. This forum is only for competitions voting. It is not a generic polls/voting forum. You are only allowed to create threads in this forum if you are running a competition. Check with me or another forum moderator before posting new threads in this forum. When creating voting threads, include a link to the competition's main thread in the first post of each thread. Thread titles should follow this format: [Compo] [Year] Information For example: [GRMRB] [2015] Mega Man Bracket - Blizzard Man vs. Ice Man [WCRG] [2016] Mega Man 2 - Wily Castle I Polls are also enabled across the forums. You can set up a poll for your voting thread with multiple questions. This should help with voting in tournament-style competitions.
  11. Gotta go with Kris here. She nailed everything. Gotta add though that the siren's a good idea, but it just sounds so dry and lonely; I feel like you're trying to evoke a kind of city-at-night-in-the-80s feel with it, but it just comes off as a cheap sound effect. Needs to sit in the mix better. NO, resub
  12. The lead starts losing me a bit once you go into Metal Man's theme, but it's not too much of a dealbreaker. Performances are killer and it's a great arrangement. Something about the soundscape reminds me of good Japanese doujin rock. Great stuff. YES
  13. Would have also liked some more interpretation; what we got is pretty conservative. Really clean though, and some nice variation throughout. The build with the clock stuff was cool, would have liked to have some clock sounds stick around. Some sections get pretty lush. I like it! YES
  14. Said this the last time I heard it. I feel like it still applies, for the most part. Synth lead is especially still just going off in weird directions; it's like you're afraid of sustained notes. Whatever; I suppose it's just a compositional style that doesn't jive with my personal tastes. It really is excessive on a second listen-through, though. Arrangement is pretty creative, and not badly produced either. I could see other Js passing this. Gonna vote NO for now, but if any other Js give some solid arguments, I can change my vote to close this out.
  15. This probably would have been better if you performed it at a real English pub. *cough* Anyway! I think it's just fine. Volume levels could probably use a little bit of tweaking and I agree that maybe the ice cubes were a bit much, but the performance is great and the instrumentals are really good. I think it's a nice, creative take on the theme. I like it! YES
  16. I think Larry's on the money. Maybe I'm being a grandpa too but the Spark Man sections just felt way too straightforward in their approach. Would have loved a lot more creative sections and more interpretation. Started getting some of that around the end, but it felt like too little too late. Aforementioned crackling was also pretty noticeable. The piece came alive during the more interpretive sections, but for most of it it felt like it was going through the motions; maybe just a touch too slow which ended up making the piece feel like there was a lack of energy. Needs more. NO, resub
  17. Yeah, that's enough talk about depression in this thread. If you want to discuss depression and suicide in general, take it to PPR. Just split a crap-ton of posts to a new thread in PPR. Let's keep this thread about remembering Robin Williams and how great he was. If you feel the need to get on your soapbox about depression and suicide, keep it to yourself. If you really feel the need to get on your soapbox, go to PPR, but I still recommend the former option.
  18. Yeah, this hit me hard too. Loved his work. Immensely talented and unbelievably funny. RIP, Mr. Williams.
  19. No, it's not mind-blowingly awesome. It's good, but the first half is rough around the edges. It's only in the second half that it starts to get really good.
  20. Yeah, basically. Humans also get tired at night; that doesn't mean we're "powered by the sun," it just means that we have circadian rhythms that we're adjusted to which line up with a day-night cycle. Incidentally, we can adjust our circadian rhythms if we want to sleep during the day and do things during the night, and we'd be just fine. Animals aren't "powered by the sun." That's photosynthesis, and like The Damned said, that's what plants do. Okay but that's not what's happening in Attack on Titan. There is absolutely nothing in the series that actually suggests that everyone is experiencing mass hallucination. The horror of the Titans is very real and is something that characters throughout the series witness individually. People are actually being eaten, destruction is actually happening. There are more things that happen in the manga that suggest what the Titans actually are, and misconception and mass hallucination don't play into that.
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