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Posts posted by DarkeSword

  1. Arrangement and interpretation are fine. I'm having some issues with the lead when it comes in; it's really weak and doesn't make as strong of a statement as it could be making with a melody like that. Others Js are spot on with saying that mids are cluttered. Ultimately though I feel like these aren't hitting dealbreaker level for me. It's borderline, but I'm a YES.

  2. This isn't really a competition, so I've moved it to recruit and collab. If you're looking for music for your mod, you need to provide some more information. What is Diablo Median XL? What songs do you want remixed? Also, generally speaking, "your name will be known" is not the best way to get people on board with making music for your project. Remember, you're not providing an opportunity, you're asking for a service.

    Good luck.

  3. On number 4, "ReMoved" has never been an official OCR thing, it's just something fans did when collecting the tracks we took out of the catalog. It's not something artists added to their tracks when releasing them otherwise either, and AFAIK, the tags on removed tracks were never updated to reflect this when being provided at places like Doulifee's site. There's no real authoritative source that uses "ReMoved." We just take tracks out of our catalog. I would really hesitate to use MusicBrainz to turn "ReMoved" into some kind of official, definitive way of referring to these tracks.

  4. The melody at 1:44 is a really nice touch but we head straight back into copy-paste territory once we hit 1:59. Honestly, even bumping the melody at 1:59 up an octave would have been a welcome variation; even better, start soloing in the synth and go a little nuts while everything underneath is going on.

    This mix clocks in at 2 and a half minutes but basically loops twice. Gotta get a little more variation in there. The dubstep breakdown is cool the first time around; second time? It doesn't feel like a breakdown anymore.

    Production is great. Sound design is great. I love the groove and this makes me dance. But I need a little more variation and more risks on your part.

    NO (resub)

  5. In agreement with the other Js. Love the sound and texture of this but the copy-paste is hurting the track. Here's the thing: you've got this great guitar solo and then...we don't hear the guitar again. What happened? On your second run-through, let's hear some more of that. The track feels done halfway through. You're on the right track. Let's take another look at the arrangement. NO (resub).

  6. I may the be one judge on the panel most qualified to take a look at this track, given how much FFXIV I've played, haha. :tomatoface:

    The arrangement in this suite is VERY straightforward. Frankly I don't think this piece is taking enough risks with the source material. There are some tempo variations that are happening, but I feel like the part-writing is largely the same; not just melody but a lot of the accompanying parts too. When the arrangement is so similar to the source, I feel like I want to listen to the originals more than this. The sound design is competent but just feels strangely emptier than the original, like there's something missing in the lower end of the spectrum.

    I've gotta say NO on this one, Rebecca, but I'm excited to see you bring your skills to more of FFXIV's massive and expansive soundtrack.

  7. I think the verse and chorus sections are recognizable but that bridge section is too different. It's a tough call because the production and sound design in this track are impeccable, but there's just a little bit missing in terms of the source being prevalent. Really like this one, but I gotta say NO (resub).

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