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Everything posted by RedTigrr

  1. I say set it as wav format. That way each person can change it to their own personal taste in format once they DL it.
  2. Cool. Thanks I-n-j-i-n. Now if only I could get someone to fully explain to me the fascination with the Smash Bros. series to me......
  3. I figured this would be the best place to ask this question, but why does everyone go so gaga over the Mother/Earthbound series? I saw it maybe once in the store but never played it. So someone help me out here please.
  4. Unfortunately you can add this one to the mediocrity list. I didn't laugh once at all during this episode.
  5. As far as Ed, Edd, & Eddy goes, I think a year & a half ago, they showed what was said to be the final episode of the show. So the Ed's run with CN is over as well.
  6. Well either way it goes, 11 years was a pretty long time, even though it didn't really seem like it. I'm gonna miss it along with the good stuff CN used to air.....
  7. I think they should do a proper sendoff for one week by showing people why it was so beloved amongst fans.... but then again this is Cartoon Network so I know good & hell well that they ain't gonna do it.
  8. Now that's pure funky. A lot of the anime duing the 80s and 90s used a lot of music styles like this. It wasn't until recently that anime went to more j-pop style openings. And I must agree, it does get annoying
  9. If nothing else, I'd get it & never open it for collector's purposes in his GB Uniform
  10. All I know is that if Cyanide is not done, there will be consequences and repercussions for said travesty.....
  11. I'm in under Goodluv's Good Picks
  12. Yup. Sad to say but it's true. But I've been a fan of his music since I was a kid growing up in Memphis. So this is definitely doubly sad for me..... RIP Isaac Hayes.... tomorrow, I'm listening to nothing but his classic epic songs!!!!
  13. No kidding..... plus his tv show was still one of the best out there. I still watch the reruns of it. RIP Bernie.... you're definitely missed.
  14. Checking them out as we speak....... Holy Mothah of Pain!!!! Ok, definitely adding them to my collection!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hell I used to have that song in my UT2k3/2k4 playlist too. Granted I also was laughing manically whenever I took someone out. My roommates always got a kick out of it watching me play.
  16. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01270/ - Wrestling with Double Bass by Malcos is another good chill out song.
  17. Nope, there is talks of a 4th X-Men movie after the Wolverine movie.
  18. If they get Yoko and the Seatbelts to do the music for the movie, then that might be a saving grace... but not much.
  19. Not necessarily. There were two loose ends that haven't been tied up as of yet & I think they did that on purpose to leave it open for maybe a couple of extra eps.
  20. Now I have heard rumors that there will be a couple of mini-movies coming out for Avatar. One takes place when they are older and a second one that will address the questions of Zuko's mother & Azula. But that's just what I heard......
  21. So in the end, I agree with you and they ended the series at a great point and if they did continue it, I think it would probably end up dragging on...... but I was hoping that Katara and Azula would have had a real knock down drag-out cat fight with Katara doing some Blood-bending to finish it off.
  22. The music has always been on point through out the series. Which is why FFVI Cyanide has become one of my favorite mixes. It reminds me a lot of the Avatar series.
  23. Well I definitely enjoy the series as well. I think as far as the movie goes, there was talks of doing one for the theaters, but I don't know if they're still gonna do that since the movie is coming on tonight. We'll have to see how things go with this.
  24. Well here's the thing: I never liked the SSB series to begin with. It was just meh to me. It's cute for about 15-30 minutes. After that, time to find something else to play.
  25. So far, the only Wii game that I've enjoyed (and kept for that matter) was No More Heroes. So far Nintendo has left a bad taste in my mouth with what's been released... and yes that does include SSBM. I'm hoping that all changes this fall.... but from the sounds of things, it's looking like I'm gonna continue to be disappointed so far.
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