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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Pokemon that level themselves up before the second gym? where can I find those? GIMME.
  2. I've done two wonder trades so far and they've ended up being pretty good for me. The first one I stumbled upon Dunsparce twice (a very rare find in the starter routes) so I figured I would do someone a favor by wonder trading it and got a Magneton, then traded an extra Caterpie I had and got a Snorunt. I am 14 hours in and I only got one badge. I am catching every pokemon in the route before moving on and I spend way too much time bonding with my lineup and rising their EVs. FUN TIMES. Current Lineup: 1-Flechinder 2-Pansear 3-Butterfree 4-Frogadier 5-Squirtle (SOOO HAPPY THEY GIVE YOU ONE FOR FREE OMG BEST SURPRISE EVAR)
  3. Man this game grabbed the absurdly massive hype I had going for it and completely smashed it. What a fun game, i can't stop playing it. Definitely the best pokemon game so far.
  4. I'll say Sixto's because Rock bias and because it melts your fucking face off.
  5. I know this is a first for OCR and all, but people are focusing way too much in the cash aspect of this. Would love to see more reviews of the music instead, which is amazing btw.
  6. The physical copy will be so sweet too. That artwork is Udon quality. I think even every remixer on the album wants one.
  7. Man this sounds pretty awesome, but having the pressure of another compo so soon may be too much for me right now, and I also have tons of stuff pending... but this looks very fun. I may end up joining, but I don't want to disappoint by having a no-show... we'll see.
  8. I had a lot of fun working on my tracks for this one, this was a very productive competition for me since I got 3 tracks that I'm very satisfied with. Also grats to the winners, I felt at times that Brandon and Joel got too few votes compared to the awesome quality of their songs, but eh what can you do, I'm proud of all the songs from our team. Also I'd like to say that I got some pleasant surprises from the newer mixers in this one, some showed a marked improvement from the stuff I've heard previously, making really solid entries (jakensnake and kuloema come to mind) so keep it up.
  9. Hi, just chiming in with irrelevant anti-Christian stuff because I don't want to help offer suggestions to this proposed arrangement. Also fuck dubstep.
  10. Shit just got real http://kotaku.com/warning-challenger-approaching-and-its-xerneas-the-1-1448372712
  11. So my brother already got his copy of pkm Y, while I still haven't got mine. It's the way murphy works, get hype about something, wait extra time to have it.
  12. Meh I have FL10. FL has always been a very unstable software, I started using it since version 2.x and it was always prone to crashes and loss of data, while with Reason I've had maybe 1 crash in the 6 or 7 years I've been using it. I could've loaded Reaper if I wanted to use VSTs but as much as I love reaper it does requires more setting-up than FL to get things going, and I just wanted to do something quick using synth1 and tal-u-no. Anyhoo, with the time extension I may finish the track now, no promises tho.
  13. So I started working on something for this, and loaded fruity loops to be able to use my favorite retro VSTs cuz i didnt feel like building stuff from scratch on Reason. I had almost a complete song and was just writing the outro when FL crashed on me. Reloaded the project (after several tries because it kept crashing) and had only half a song. Then i remembered why I love Reason so much. Yeah sorry I had something awesome going for this, I may upload the half-song I managed to save later, when I don't feel like bashing my head against the wall anymore.
  14. I won't get my copy until tomorrow or tuesday (preordered on amazon so it takes time to arrive overseas). But at this point the hype levels went past infinite and back to zero.
  15. Thank you very much! Back to tacos and beer!
  16. Yoshi's Island. What? it makes perfect sense to me.
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