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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. You forgot Kuolema in your review, who really stepped it up this round IMO. Also I'm too old to have babies at this point.
  2. Ultra serious and dramatic lyrics: (Verse 1) I thought in time, Things would ease my pain, But I keep hearing you call my name. My heart fights jealousy. Why don't you want to be with me? Caught in a triangle, Our hearts entangled, Bleeding tears and rust. Although you may choose another, You're more than a brother, With my soul I intrust. (Chorus) 2 boys are better than one Together, it'll be so much fun, Tonight, things will be done, Until we're numb We can't stop what has begun. (Verse 2) 3 bodies, you never said. You form the arms, I'll form the head. Some choices you regret for life. But others, feel just right. I see the flutter in your eyes, It's pleasure in disguise. Excitement drives the pace. While I splash woman all over your face.
  3. Finished my track and submitted. I haven't slept much because I couldn't work properly on the track until yesterday. Mastering may not be as good as usual because my ears are pretty tired (as is my brain) That being said I'm happy with the results. Flying Dog Platform: proving that two boys are better than one.
  4. This week at Flying Dog Platform's Headquarters: Turns out Bass wasn't the only one with a hidden interest in Mega Man, and as a matter of fact, Duo has something to say on the matter. We also stumbled upon the universal remedy for hangovers.
  5. I make technomanga so none of this music theory babble applies to me.
  6. Try Diablofans forums. Speaking of which I booted up the game today to check it out and see how it changed from the last time I played it (1.05 I think). Its mostly the same with the exception of monster density on mp1+ which IMO helps the game A LOT. The game feels much more fun when you can go to your favorite act (act 1 in my case) and farm hordes of monters instead of just a couple here and there. I played for around an hour on my barb and it felt fun WW'ing stuff again, but after some time farming I ended up browsing the AH for almost an hour getting upgrades again :S. Since most stuff is dirt cheap now with the exception of BiS stuff you can gear up your character in pretty much no time. I went to the diablofans forums to check for what builds are being used for Wizard, and found a very well done and detailed video (its over an hour long) about a new Archon/Critical Mass build which I tried after watching it (after getting the items I needed from the AH, which again took me quite a while). But how sad is that the video is more than an hour long, and 50 minutes of it are dedicated to browsing the AH for the right items? It's literally 50 minutes of the AH screen and the rest of the video explaining the actual gameplay. It was a very well done video tho, and the build is fun to play albeit a bit of a no-brainer. I was hoping to find some viable Meteor builds because its my favorite Wizard spell but this will do. But yeah the game is still pretty much about farming that gold to get the build you want from playing the AH. I will be playing on my wizard for a while and maybe check out the new monk builds later (if there are any).
  7. I have never been big on TGCs, I played Yugioh and pokemon for a while, but hearthstone has me very very excited, I've been watching streams all week whenever I can. It look like a very simple one but also looks like a LOT of fun, its perfect for guys like me who are kind of newbies to that stuff. I hope I get a closed beta key soon I really want to play this game.
  8. I'm sure some of you guys will get your remixes badges with some of the stuff I've heard in this compo.
  9. Well Diablo 3 is all about the loot if you look at it as the final purpose of everything you do, but Diablo 3 is really about grinding gold and playing the AH. I agree that D2 had much more randomized gameplay and of course with the new skill system there are no complex gameplay decisions whatsoever. Sigh, see this is what I mean when I say the core is just messed up, and why I'd rather wait for Diablo 4 than pay for this expansion which just builds more stuff on something that is just not great, and fails to reach its predecessor in almost every level.
  10. which changes nothing since you'll be buying your items on the AH to enchant them later. I highly doubt crafted items will be best on slot right out of the gate for the expansion, that would be incredibly stupid. Maybe down the line they would introduce better recipes after everyone had a hand at grinding for a while, but making the best items in the game to be crafted and not found is just not a good idea at all. All this time I've heard the complete opposite to that. Haven't seen that, gotta see how it works. Again crafted items being awesome is great after the game has been out for a while, not right out of the gate. Indeed they have admitted to that several times now. But what they have shown really hasn't made clear they really think so. The only solution to this problem is a No AH mode, and they obviously don't want that. I see the gold grind being delayed a little with the new loot, but it will be just that, a delay. They have done that, it didn't help, or only helped for a few days because the core problem with the game is still there. Diablo 2 didn't need new and exciting modes to be successful. It just needed to be a game about killing hundreds of mobs and get epic loot, a game where its ALL about the loot that's pretty much it.
  11. D3's gameplay was excellent, but the story was really laughable and it got worse every act. No one was expecting literature, but as with every aspect of the game we just were expecting it to be AT LEAST at d1/d2 levels. I don't know why anyone would want more of THAT. If the same writers are in charge I would actually want less of it. Much less. Now that adventure mode would fix a lot of the problems with D3 grinding, if its actually a story-free free roaming mode that people wanted from the start. Also what I meant when I said they didn't fix the core problems and are just adding stuff is about the economy. None of this will fix it and in fact will just make it worse after the release boom ends. There's still no AH-free mode and no ladders. So the end game really will not change, you will still be farming for gold, the threshold point of WHEN you start farming for gold may be a little bit farther down the line due to changes in the loot system (still don't believe crafting will make a difference end game) but it'll still be as bad as ever. Now, with only 1 act, only 1 new class, and only 10 levels in this expansion this should be priced at around 20$ to be worth it. If you think of how many new things Lord of Destruction brought to the table and how it changed vanilla d2, this expansion looks pretty lame in comparison.
  12. It's fine to use your effects as inserts and manage the levels with the dry/wet knob. Parallel compression isn't useful in everything. Actually, I don't use it in every drum and very rarely use it on a whole drum bus, and since I compress a bass once every 1000th mix, I never use it there. (I do use compression on the bass but just sidechaining, not to actually shape it with compression, and again, not all the time). It's something I do in selected cases.
  13. Just checked the info and Cinematic. The cinematic was totally awesome, as expected from blizzard. After reading all the info, I think I'll pass on this one. I don't think they are addressing any of the issues with D3 with this expansion, they are just adding more stuff on top of it. The only significant change I saw was how the legendaries can roll skill-changing affixes. The crusader looks more like a mix of a monk and a tank barb than a class of its own, and since we're only getting 1 new class, nothing to look forward for me there... At this point I am WAY more excited about hearthstone than D3.
  14. Our song this week is a love song by Bass where he talks about his digital feelings. Lyrics: Verse) I know what I must do, Always chasing after you, Leaving with a bleeding heart. We're locked in conflict, Pain we must inflict, Even though we're meant to be together. (Pre-Chorus) Love is a competition. I've had a premonition. I want to shove my spanner in your works. Please free me from this curse. (Chorus) I love you but you're my rival. We fight for our love's survival. All my heart and cannon chase are blue. Kill me so I can finally be with you. (Verse 2) We have so much in common If only we were free to Ride our dogs majestically. Time burns my circuitry, A bond of electricity, When I hurt you it hurts me.
  15. Just submitted my song. I started to work on it really well at the start of the week but due to work i couldn't finish it till today. It's still good but I wish I had more time to work on it. But that's fine, we're riding our dogs majestically.
  16. This week in Flying Dog Platform's Headquarters: The Master of Jives and the lord of all things nutty find the real reason why Bass keeps chasing and challenging Mega Man.
  17. I am wearing my acid-washed jeans and hot pink shirt just for this round.
  18. I make vgm dubstep because its one of the most fun things to work on if you're the kind of guy that builds his own sounds.
  19. I'll be up for the listening party. I'll keep the files unzipped till then.
  20. If you're doing stuff that is less organic and more electronica oriented, try using simple white noise. Put it through an envelope with slow attack and you got yourself a basic rising reverse effect.
  21. Much appreciated. Yeah I can't really afford to buy new stuff atm, as my budget is really tight and I just bought reason 7 a few months ago. Hopefully if I release something in the future and it recieves some support I may be able to buy dem expensiv samples and/or synths
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