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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. How about NutS vocal silliness or Strader electronica? It has happened before.
  2. I wanted to get past the first round at least, but looks like that ain't happening. At least I got a sig.
  3. Yeah I haven't been breeding for good IVs yet, I'm just breeding for trading and completing the pokedex. I do try to breed with pokemons from diffferent regions for that extra shiny chance.
  4. Yep, not like plot is really important or interesting in pokemon games, it's all about DEM POKEMANS. I'm 50 hours in now and only got 3 badges, and I'm just breeding, trading and catching pokemon. 180 pokemons in my pokedex atm, and I have around 95% of those.
  5. Well that's a nice find, but there goes my Idea of doing an 80s electronica remix of ice cap. Loving the original though.
  6. Yeah they announced a version of player housing that has some features of the companion system from SWTOR as well. Though that's a feature that doesn't interest me in any mmo, I'm sure people look forward to that. BTW guys you can already sign up for the Heroes of the Storm Beta if you check you Battle.net beta profile page. So do it! the game looks great. Raynor vs Diablo? Blackthorne vs Thrall? Preposterous! and utterly fun most likely!
  7. I don't think so, but who knows if they will let you do that later, for now it just seems like it'll be blizzard heroes only. HoS was the most exciting thing for me out of everything.
  8. Well apparently the best thing they can think of for making a new outlands expansion is to take outlands and strip it of everything that made it unique and awe-inspiring. Well I guess that's 30 dollars I get to spend on something else.
  9. Diablo 3 Feature trailer http://vidbull.com/9onwngcwc3rn.html
  10. I actually got some good deals off the GTS, it has been useful to me so far although I've failed to find good trades for a few pokemons (elektrike for example). Even then people were asking for pokemons I had but the level requirement was a bit too high for what I had. Also wonder trade is supposed to be random, heh. DOn't expect to get good trades there but I can say I've got several pokemon I didn't have yet this way, and it's also very useful if you need a pokemon from a certain egg type and from a different region to increase the chance of shiny. Just put one pokemon in wonder trade and keep trading what you get until you get something compatible.
  11. In the end is the same thing Darke, if it was based on modern tech and engines that take advantage of modern gpu architectures it wouldn't have to rely on CPU power as much and it wouldn't run relatively worse than much modern games. At this point the engine is pretty bloated, and there's not much they can do about that other than creating a new one which is based on newer tech from the ground up, which won't happen because that would be a nightmare.
  12. Just like any other MMO. The only difference is that newer MMOs based on newer tech and engines are better optimized while WoW has just been piling features on a 10 year old engine. There's only so much you can do to optimize old code before you need to start a whole new platform with new codebase.
  13. That's a lot of pokemon.. too bad you can't get them by yourself... the possibilities of me getting one of these are almost null because I don't own any of the ds games.
  14. So I was wondering are any of the other starters in this game? I want to get my hands on a Totodile...
  15. hmm I don't know man I haven't had this happening to me, maybe it's an issue with your 3DS? even if it's new, it may have a factory issue. I haven't had any bottom screen locking problems at any point and I must be near 30 hours in by now. Other than the bottom screen taking around 2 seconds to load every time i switch from amie to pss or super training, no lockups whatsoever. Maybe try another game and see if it still has lockup issues? EDIT: ah just read that you have no issues with other games. I'm at a loss then, maybe your pokemon game is faulty?
  16. I don't think it's showing it's age mechanically, as the game is surprisingly fun to play and the gameplay mechanics have never been so polished, playing every class is surprisingly very satisfying. However the game is showing its age in many other aspects, specially the graphics. They will be doing an update to the old character models in this expansion, but with the current engine I don't see them being a huge leap in quality. They keep adding stuff to this old engine to try to keep it updated but all it does is make it require more resources than it should. I can play games as beautiful as Tera, Rift or Guild Wars 2 but I can't enter Orgrimmar without my computer slowing to a crawl? come on. As for Wildstar I was interested in that game since the first time I saw it, it looks incredibly fun and I love the art style but they haven't sent me a beta key yet :S. I hope I get one in the next wave in December so I can try it out, but it does look fun indeed.
  17. Can't have "Boner" or anything that remotely ressembles "Fuck" (I tried Fuk, Fuuck, Fok, etc.) P.S. I kinda got away with it in the end, by naming my psyduck "mindfak"
  18. I'm excited about several things. First, the Blizzard moba. If it turns out to be as fun as hearthstone is then I'm totally in. Second, I'm really curious about the new WoW Expansion. It has been leaked already that the expansion will be "Warlords of Draenor" which hints at a return to outlands or (what I'm thinking makes more sense) a new chunk of Draenor that is not outlands. The outworldly setting appeals to me a lot, since In my opinion this last expansion was boring as shit regarding the new Pandaria continent. Even cata had some very interesting places (my favorite was deepholm). I dropped out of MoP because of that, and also because forcing dailies onto everything was ridiculous and I fucking hate dailies. I came back for the last patch and they seemed to have learned their lesson and now dailies aren't mandatory, but we'll see how they handle things next expac. Second, I really want to know what are they going to do to keep the game fresh this time around. I don't see any new class that could be included that has ties to warcraft lore like the death knight and monk did. New races? All the main races from warcraft are playable in the game already except for the Naga, so any new inclusion would feel gimmicky as well. We know the new models for the old races are coming this expansion but thats not really exciting enough. So yeah a big part of why I'm looking forward to the expansion announcement is to see what they will do because for every other expansion I knew there was still a lot of cool stuff left to be done but right now, other than a return to an outlands-style world I really can't think of anything else. Maybe a new fourth specialization for every class? that's a possibility. Ranged Warriors and priest tanks, make it happen Blizz. I guess I am remotely interested in the new D3 expansion. It's no secret by now how D3 wasn't the Blizzard quality game everyone expects but they seem to be genuinely interested in fixing everything up, even going as far as doing what no one thought they would, removing the main source of every major problem in D3: the auction house. But maybe at this point it's too little too late? we'll see, but its kinda sad that a fucking D3 expansion is so low on the list of games I'm looking forwards to. But yeah, Blizzcon should be interesting this year, if only because of the blizzard moba and WoW expansion.
  19. I think Brandon can cut at least 1/3 of the height because most of it is wasted space. atm they take more space than the posts themselves
  20. In my experience the framerate drops a lot, and it doesn't matter if you have 3D on or off. It's more noticeable in horde battles and when the camera pans around the field sometimes. Regarding input lag on the touch screen I haven't noticed this.
  21. So I got Terra, nice! this should be easy, I don't have to be too original since this is such an overlooked theme... ... WHY AM I DOING THIS?!?
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