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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Helicopter Knife Fight. hmm, I wonder who this link-less, misterious guy... or group of misterious guys are.
  2. huh. I would expect the Z pokemon to look more like a Z in shape, like X and Y do. I dont think this is it honestly. Also, I looked at my hands today, and they were empty. They weren't holding a copy of Pokemon Y. I am Disappoint.
  3. Blastoise knows my feelings so well... no wonder he was my favorite starter from G1.
  4. If I may, I enjoyed "Follow your dreams" but the vocal mixing was painful to my ears. Re-record them with a better microphone, and/or mix them better in the song and the track will improve a thousandfold. There were a lot of piercing frequencies there.
  5. ^ At first I thought nintendo did an investigation to determine how this got leaked, but as it turns out the guy who leaked the stuff was a complete moron. Either way, nintendo is in their right to fine the store because if they don't, every other store can do the same thing without fear of repercussion.
  6. I woke up today and saw that its still not release day. Sad day.
  7. Some of you may be wondering, have my HYPE levels dropped? No, no they haven't.
  8. I am, of course, EXCESSIVELY HYPED about this game, and pledged for it. Extremely pleased with the goals reached too. I'm trying not too talk too much about it because of how HYPE I feel about this game and how long I have to wait until its released now (around 18 months, but I'm willing to bet it'll be more than that). Shariq and I talked briefly not too long ago about what mega man needed to be made, and this is exactly it. I watched the livestream of the closing hours last night with a perma-smile on my face.
  9. Shariq told me the zip wouldn't upload because the internet can't handle the final round's awesomeness. The second time he tried to upload the file his computer blew up so we won't be hearing from him for a while.
  10. I am bumping this because this album is gorgeous in all aspects. I can't get it now but I will as soon as I'm not broke anymore.
  11. I know that, I read it. As I said, it sounds good on paper, but I'll want to see what people think of it after it has plenty of time out. D3 and other pre-ordered games have made me very cautious about this stuff.
  12. Needless to say, after these recent news I'm almost positive I'll get the expansion. I'm not going to pre-order or get it right out of the gate though, because I want to see people's reaction to the new loot system, which looks good on paper, but after vanilla d3 I'll play it on the safe side from now on, so I'll probably get it a few months after release but these news changed everything for me, I was 100% sure I wasn't going to get this or any other d3 expansion but now I'm actually pretty excited for this one.
  13. Still HYPE. *double checks* Scratch that, MORE HYPE THAN EVER.
  14. goddamit YES. This is exactly what D3 needed, i didn't think they would do it. FUCK YES!
  15. These compos usually tend to lose steam towards the end, this one has kept pretty active actually.
  16. That many nerds in a single room should be illegal.
  17. umm... I've done lots of dubstep in these and other compos o_0 And about using Zebra, I don't use VSTs, I build all my sounds from scratch in Reason (with Thor mostly, and subtractor sometimes). EDIT: The effect on the lead at 0:59 is a result of some automation with Reason's phaser and Scream distortion unit, as well as some pitch bending.
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