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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. It's good to have you back man! I added you because I was talking with Sadorf about all those excellent songs you submitted to ORC back in the days (Like Castle in the Sand) and how you basically disappeared afterwards XD.
  2. Dude! that's always the same dilemma I'm in XD i wish there was an option to participate but let someone else choose so you can participate again. Besides my picks are always the worst and they never bring people in.
  3. I am having issues uploading my song, tried 4 times and it failed. I'll post the song here just in case I can't get it up and I'll try again tomorrow. https://soundcloud.com/sir_nuts/pearly-gates
  4. Good thing the brackets are one on top of the other, if they were side by side it would tip over.
  5. I don't mind which bracket I get, all I ask is to get an easy to beat opponent in the first round, maybe Brandon.
  6. Making 6 good mixes of the same song is not feasible for me. Making 4 is hard already. Even just doing 3 I was having issues with in the wily castle gauntlet.
  7. timaeus, that isn't a 909 snare. And yes, it's a layer of 3 different snares. Likewise, there's no phasing or flanger effects on any of the bass sounds, it's all bandpass/low pass/notch filters.
  8. I know I got my start on the IMC (IronMix Competition) which was the predecessor to PRC, and I refined my skills by joining these kind of compos, I know many others who got their start here as well or at least honed their skills by joining. There's no other activity that has been as consistent and long-running at PRC in OCR as far as I know.
  9. 10 Years of uninterrupted competitions every week. I feel this is something OCR should showcase, it's a pretty damn impressive milestone and quite a lot of mixes done for PRC have found their way to mixposts, and quite a lof of artists including myself have grown a lot thanks to PRC.
  10. I think TotalBiscuit put it best: people seem to have the idea that copyright holders and content creators should be enemies when in fact they should be working together. There is a huge growing market for the kind of content that AJ, TB and others do, as well as an equally huge and growing market for Let's Players. Hell, Sony and Microsoft are already capitalizing on that by allowing people to stream. They should get their heads out of their asses and get to a middle ground. TotalBiscuit actually mentioned us (OCR) as a good example of content creators, artists and fans working together with publishers to bring out albums like deus ex and mega man.
  11. I do feel sorry for people like Angry Joe and other legitimate content creators who go above the norm to create great content for youtube are getting this slap across the face. Certainly dire times for people trying to make a living out of the medium and striving to make the content of the highest quality possible while also bringing legitimate product reviews, first looks, comments, editorials, etc. Whats more, this blanket flagging wasn't even requested by the copyright holders in question. Blizzard, Ubisoft, Capcom among others have stated plainly that they haven't asked for content to be flagged like this.
  12. We should just vote for OneUp in every prc, he always picks the best themes to mix. I should do this one at some point.
  13. The song is finished, thanks for the extension! I had a secret helper this time, it was a bit difficult because I have used google translate for writing XD Hope is good!
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