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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I think he makes some good points, however I don't really care whether other people use expensive libraries or the London Philharmonic. I'm here because its always fun to participate and it's a very good experience if you want to grow as a musician (just this round I picked up on some new stuff). I don't really care about winning. But I understand how others may be more competitive about it. If I were into this for actually winning, I would think about the implications of allowing outside members to help. The rules serve as limitations to keep the competition sort of leveled and to help you do stuff you wouldn't normally do. Without rules or limitations nothing can really stop me from doing a barebones arrangement, handing it over to say Thomas who's much better at arranging than me to make it epic, then hand it over to blind to get amazing production values on it, and then paying for the final mastering. There is actually something I want to do for this competition but I won't be able to because it requires a female vocalist. Without rules I would tell Mae or even ask Injury to do it, but because I can't I'll have to think out of the box if I want to do this idea. tldr: If I was actually competing I would say its good to have these limitations. But since I'm more into this for personal growth, I'm fine either way. EDIT: well, nevermind now! hmm time to do the preparations for that idea of mine...
  2. Oh awesome, I thought I would be missing on this but there's still one week to go. I finished my mega man remix for Darke's compo so I really want to try to bring something for this PRC. No better way to show appreciation than with support! I'll try to come up with a mix this week.
  3. Balls are already steamin' and my mix isn't even out yet.
  4. Track is done. Only minor polishing remains. Balls be steamin'.
  5. I'm looking for magic. People think I'm insane.
  6. The lord of the hard-shelled dry fruits and the Master of all Jives are cooking something hot. Be prepared.
  7. PRC 250. Amazing. I don't know if I'll join because I'm swarmed atm but this is a great idea. I hope people get interested and join for this one. Also I wanna take the opportunity to thank Kevin again for keeping PRC running smoothly every week. If it wasn't for PRC I probably wouldn't have come back to OCR and make mixes.
  8. Yeah all the music in darkwing duck is excellent, quacker jack and moriarty are two good examples.
  9. I just want darkwing duck. Duck tales would be fine but everyone has high expectations on that. Other than that I don't feel interested in other disney games, they were good (some even great) but the music wasn't something that really got my attention.
  10. Jivemaster will go this week instead of me. After listening to his WIP I realized I had no chance of reaching those levels of awesomeness. Ladies and gentlemen, hold on to your butts.
  11. Well that was random. I don't mind the bait and switch tactics too much but I certainly would've preferred to mix wily castle themes, specially since not every week will be duck tales or darkwing duck which are two disney games I found the music to be memorable, all the others I didn't care about too much. It seems I'll be going first for my team so yeah.
  12. Thanks for the nice work here, the thread will look pretty colorful. Only thing I would say is that mine looks a bit dull with the grey theme, would've liked it to be more colorful, maybe with bright blue since splash woman's stage is sea themed. EDIT: Just noticed the colors are team-related, nevermind.
  13. HYPE LEVELS RISING. Release day can't come soon enough.
  14. Waiting on Rogue Legaxy to go on sale. It is an AWESOME game based on such a simple concept but manages to be incredibly addicting. Everyone should play it.
  15. Hey guys, I was telling Abadoss that I was trying out some shader mods for minecraft and how beautiful they make the game look. I can't run the heavier mods because my pc isn't that good but even on low settings it's a HUGE improvement. Here's some screenshots I took around my place and spawn city It took a while to config but it was worth it!
  16. LoL players can be harsh but here's some general advice, if you're going to play a team-based game you should do research on how to play the game. Otherwise you'll be wasting other people's time and of course they will get pissed off at you. Some communities are worse at this than others, and LoL is definitely on the harsher side.
  17. Udyr is pretty weak. His ganks are among the worst when it comes to junglers. He has some uses late game as an inmortal stunbot, IF you're ahead. The only way his ganks work better for you is if you can't land skill tackles from the likes of VI, J4 or Sej.
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