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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. It's sad, but I had something for this compo and my pc went apeshit and I had to format and since I don't have xp around, I had to install... ugh... vista *shudders*. Which means of course that all my files are gone. Again. This is not the first time it happens and I'm pissed off at myself for being dumb and never doing backups. This also means I won't be doing music for some time because I don't feel like installing everything again and dealing with vista retardedness toward sound output.(not that I was doing any music lately anyways) But man I really liked what I had for this :S. Oh well.
  2. AS is a good choice, grats man. Dunno about fishy, must be sum nub. Oh and now that you're a shittyjudgefgt, I must hate you. So no more refills for ya.
  3. I started something, but I dunno if I'll be able to finish it on time. Keep your fingers crossed.
  4. Yeah real life sucks. I'll see what I can do since the song was already halfway done.
  5. Bah, I was out of the city since friday so I couldn't get to finish that song. Shame on me.
  6. Well, I prefer to encode to Wav from Reason or FL and then use an external encoder such as CDex to make the mp3 file. This one in particular allows me to encode it in VBR which is a pretty neat way to keep my files small without losing too much quality overall. Also encoding to wav allows me to load the file to different external programs to analyze it, and maybe do some post-mastering... which I rarely ever do because I'm cheap like that, but when I want my songs to be as perfect as possible this is the best route to take.
  7. I think you can submit your track anywhere you please. I've submitted my song from the last competition to Remix:ThaSauce and I Rexy didn't say anything about it. But then again i don't know if she noticed that.
  8. The man speaks truthiness. EDIT: BTW I'm working on a mix, it sounds good so far.
  9. Oh Burn! And yes Kefka is full of win. Nihilism at its best.
  10. Anything by: Zircon Beatdrop Sir_NutS Prophecy Darkesword chthonic DragonLord Harmony J:/Drive I know there must be others but these are the ones I'm aware of.
  11. Well psycho It's not much the program you use but how you use it, I know some people like Malcos and another soundscape use Reason, and their stuff does sound awesome but there are also others like Zircon who use Fruity Loops and get the same awesome results. I think Sir_NutS used Fruity Loops as well. I use Reason atm btw (I used trackers but recently changed).
  12. For wav editing and post-mastering (rarely do any cuz I'm cheap like that) I use goldwave (www.goldwave.com). It's fairly simple but it has the tools I need.
  13. I wouldn't say sequenced piano is frowned upon, but bad sequenced piano certainly is. I am by no means an expert on the matter, as I fail miserably to get a piano section to sound convincing, but I will say that it all depends on context. For a melodic or dream trance song, a sequenced and not very humanized piano works, because the genre provides a canvas in which everything else isn't very human or quantizised. However, when you go at a piano solo, like how you did in some sections of your mix, like the intro, it has to sound convincing, natural and human, something that the best piano patch can't achieve if you can't make it sound like a person actually played those notes, and that leads me to my next point: Most of my OCRemixes took months to get done. I would come to them, work for 2 or 3 hours, then walk away for another 4 or 5 days, maybe weeks. Some of them only took a few weeks, while others like my Metropolis mix took a couple of nights at most. My point with this is, I would have worked back then for 4 months on my metropolis mix, and it wouldn't have sounded any better. Same for all the others, and this is because it all depends on your skill level and experience. Right now I could crank a song in a couple of days that would sound leap and bounds better than anything I could do 3 or 4 years ago. I still have most of my old samples, and specially since I had a few hard drive crashes, I don't have many sound libraries other than the default soundbanks of my music programs, but it still would sound better because I've grasped some concepts over the time which were alien to me back then. So, don't think that because you worked hours to end on certain sections of your song it will be perfect or fault free. We're still all learning and we all have a limit to our current abilities, so all you can do is work on it until you feel it's good, and hope for the best. As a final note let me remind you that we're not here to bash, be elitists, or be rude against you or anyone's music just for the hell of it, we have no reason to. We give our honest advice and I hope you can appreciate that. Rexy is not the most knowledgeable person in the world when it comes to piano humanization, or how a piano should sound, but she sure has way much, much more experience than all of us together when it comes to that, and has years of piano playing experience under her belt, maybe 3 times the amount of time I've been mixing. So when she speaks about my crappy pianos, I listen.
  14. That kid has way too much time in his hands. But, my mind is blown.
  15. xGx, I may have some words of advice that will serve you better than any production/arrangement advice I could ever give you. Take all the criticism you can get, accept it, embrace it, and learn from it. I don't consider myself a great remixer or anything, IMO I think I can put out decent enough stuff, but what I've learned and improved over the years has been from taking criticism in account, and not turning a blind eye on it or just saying "hey, I worked 20 hours on this how can you say this is shit?", I might say instead "ok, obviously I was doing something wrong, maybe I can improve on that?" I listened to all the tracks, and I agree with most of the reviews about yours, specially Rexy's. I tought the composition was clever in some spots and all around the place in others, the production was spotty as well, and the crowd added a large amount of cheese to it all. Some stuff I liked about it, other I hated, like Rexy said it was a mixed bag. You shouldn't be pissed off about getting a sloppy production, how long have you been doing this? I think there's still room for learning. But then again I could be more specific if I wasn't at work and had acces to the song because what I'm saying is from what I remember when I listened to it. Also, this "competition", from the very beginning (some years ago) was made as a mean for artists around here to be able to mix something that they normally wouldn't, face the challenge, and improve their skills. I've never considered this competition as a means to show I have better arrangement or production than anyone (which I certainly don't) nor to show I can win agaisnt somebody else. I join this competition as a mean to win against myself; to go outside the box, improve on my arrangement, on my production, try some new ideas, face a challenge, or just beat boredom and have a good time. I might suggest to approach the criticism that others are offering with a humbler attitude, it will do you better than doing it the other way, believe this: it's hard to get criticism of any kind around here, and you're getting it for sure and for free by joining this activity, take advantage of that, and above all, be nice and have fun.
  16. Thanks all, I didn't get to vote but I did listen to all the songs and remember liking binweasel's and NeoS' the most, although I also thought that all of the others had something good going for them. Honestly the competition was very tough and I didn't think I would get first place. I saw that most people didn't like the weirdness going at the ending, with all the modulation and pitch shifting, but it was all intentional, to give the track a less happy, more "expressive" ending of sorts. As I said in the write-up this was a challenge and I had way too much fun doing it, so it's kind of sad for me not being able to participate in the next competition which I'm choosing the song for. But anyways, I'll try to pick up something good for you all to remix.
  17. If that is the case then nevermind.
  18. ThaSauce is a good community site! go visit it more! BTW: One of the mixes page (and front page thingy) is all Fuxxored.
  19. Wangless: lawl. JCvwutever: Nostalgia needs time to develop. I feel nostalgia everytime I see or play mario 64, and I'm sure I will feel the same for some of my favorite ps2 and gamecube games. All those lost feelings that come attached with the moments you spent playing your games is what makes them feel nostalgic, and it doesn't really work if those memories are still fresh. 10 years from now more morons will be creating threads like this saying how they don't make games like they used to, like, that golden era of games like shadow of the colossus, portal, bioshock, etc. Oh, and how New super mario bros was the last great mario game.
  20. OMFG Rexy, nice work picking the tune this time, so many entries o_0
  21. No offense ghetto but if I remember correctly (I don't participate in the forums as much as I used to a few years ago) most of your posts were pretty ignorant and stupid, like this one. Simply put, today's games are as good as games back then. You missed chrono trigger, but chrono trigger is one of the best RPGs ever made, just as how now GTA IV is one of the most inmersive, open ended games ever made, or how Guitar Hero/Rock band/Wii sports are a revolution in gaming comparable to what the NES was. There are many more innovative and incredible games that came last generation and that we're still getting: katamari damacy, shadow of the colossus, okami, portal, etc. Games being more garbage now? hardly. Obviously you didn't own an atari, or a nes, or a master system, or a super nes, or any other console ever made hell, you didn't even set foot in an arcade room it seems; as every console in gaming history has an incredible ratio of bad to good games, bad being the obvious majority. Again, the Original post is just the ramblings of an ignorant person that has nothing better to do, and I've seen this post again and again, specially in teenage nerd-angst ridden forums such as gamefaqs. Not worth your time Dhsu, or any of ours.
  22. Epic fail, sorry. Been here since atari 2600 was the shit, and good games are still being made.
  23. Thats what I get for hanging out with a friend that still has faith in duke and WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT THE DAMN THING. Fixed. EDIT: Here's the full pic for extra creepiness: http://z.about.com/d/puzzles/1/0/x/R/004.jpg
  24. oh WOW this thread goes places. From sonic to the bible to my sig. I don't have a problem with the songs being midi rips and the such, after all this is more of a remaster of the game (graphically and sound-wise) than a remix(which would be more in the veins of what nintendo did for metroid zero Mission). Of course, some level of interpretation would be good in the "remastered" songs, but I think that songs remixed OCR-style would break the nostalgia, which is what this project is all about. About my sig, that's Don Quijote. Try looking at that while high.
  25. w00t!!!! Although, as kyle noted, august is a little far away XD Hope some people join this, ORC used to be my favorite compo.
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