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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I approve of this, but the green needs to go.
  2. Up, Down, B, A, Left, Right, B, A, B, A Start. guess and win a cookie.
  3. Phew I was worried we wouldn't have any shenanigans this year... but even small ones like these help. Keep it up!
  4. I also noted this, and stated in gecko's birthday thread that we should have a sub-forum of sorts for this kind of stuff. That way we don't need one person looking for everyone's birthday and updating the thread, but something like what we have now, where you know someone you appreciate has his/her birthday and you post it up.
  5. Agree with the OP (who is that noob?) Anyways, grats Gecko. Isn't it about time we have a HAPPEH BURTHDAY sub-forum? gen disc is 50% happy birthdays now...
  6. CAN I HAS COOP PLZ? Grats dude, you're one of the coolest guys around here, hope you have a great one!
  7. I love this game, and goes well with most of my latest tracks which have been electro-ish.
  8. Bump for great justice! I might squeeze a bonus mix if I have time.
  9. Keep your eyes open for the next PRC, I'm pretty happy with the song I chose, its very fun and its from an overlooked (great) game from a popular franchise. I might even drop a bonus song if i have time.
  10. well, not quite. Most of those games looked like they were going to be shit from the start. This one tho, had a great trailer showing classic sonic gameplay in a 3d environment, which surely tickled my fancy. But then this, a werewolf? slow brawling gameplay in a sonic game? yeah cuz that's what sonic fans have been asking for years ;
  11. Thanks. I did enjoy chicken's, as it based its merits on mood and originality alone. Turning the original source upside down, and giving it a serious tone, I just wished the technical side was a bit more complicated, a more elaborated and less mechanichal arrangement for the left hand would have helped lots. Anyways, that was kind of an extended review. Hope to see you all in the next PRC.
  12. http://kotaku.com/377014/sonic-unleashed-ineffectually-teases So, now he's a werewolf and shit. Right.
  13. Here goes for one of the most talented artists of the community, and a personal favorite of mine. Hope you stay around many, many years giving us the awesome stuff you're always delivering!
  14. I was rooting for Pit's inclusion in SSB since the first one. Kid Icarus wasn't the greatest of games, but like all nintendo games of that era, it had a certain charm to it. Also it was unforgiving, which is something I love about it. I still play it sometimes. A sequel could work, if they make it in a god of war-ish scale but with a lighthearted touch. Which with all the mario sequel-itis we're getting from nintendo lately, I doubt it could happen. One can still dream tho, I wished the same for bionic commando, and I got a next-gen sequel and also a remake in glorious 2.5d, can't ask for more.
  15. OK Dhsu, although I despise the idea of this project I must admit that wip was pure genious. But that doesn't takes away the fact that this project will have the likes of Mazedude and djp who haven't made a good remix in what? 4, 5 years? Put some Chuck M in there and MAYBE this project will have some kind of hope.
  16. I rejected the invitation to join this lame project because everyone knows how hard it will FAIL. I mean, jigginjonT directing? are you F***ing SERIOUS? The Coop? the coop SUCKS at EVERYTHING. And bLiNd, aren't we all sick and tired of that guy already? gj OCR you're now the lamest of the lamest. Also, nothing beats EARemix
  17. Guys guys check this out!!!1! Some guy came with an AMAZING addon that breaks the /random algorythm and makes ALL your rolls go over 99!!! I tried it already and works like a charm, already ninja'ed a couple of epics from a TK raid, wow just download it and check it out!!! http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8583-HighRoller.html#info This one gets Nuts' seal of approval.
  18. Catchy and CHEESY. good job, Maybe I'll tackle this.
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