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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Love both of them man, and it's showing a lot of progress from your previous work (not that they weren't amazing, but this is certainly one step up). Congratulations on a job well done.
  2. Sadly, "Sega" and "Smart" don't go well in the same sentence lately.
  3. Malcos you already know how much I love your stuff, this just made my day. Hell, my week. Downloading right now, can't wait to listen (damn slow connection @work)
  4. 1-Download goldwave (www.goldwave.com). 2.-Split big wav into small wavs. 3.-Load them as separate samples in NN-XT 4-??? 5-Profit!
  5. http://savygamer.blogspot.com/2008/04/sonic-2-hd-fan-remake-on-way.html Of course, most fan remakes either are crappy, fail miserably or are left in the road. But this one looks REALLY good so far, the quality is up with what capcom is doing for Street Fighter HD. So for now, enjoy, and dream.
  6. hahaha I'm loving this. Keep'em coming.
  7. When I think of Tales of Symphonia, I think of this song. I'll give it a try.
  8. This looks like a fun thing to do, sign me up for the next one.
  9. I played this game not long ago, it's a good game, with some clever puzzles.
  10. I actually catched up on the idea of the hand drumming . At first I checked my headphones (what the hell is this noise?) but then I figured it was part of the mix to make things feel more random and live. Although it was a little too random for my taste, I don't think it takes away too much from the song. Anyways hope to see you all next time, although I'm not sure I'll be able to participate in the next round.
  11. Worse idea to spend 10 bucks in. Next itme you're drunk and want to spend 10 bucks, get more beer instead. FF8 is pure suck.
  12. Oh, pardon my ignorance I've been away from PRC for a good while and I thought the contestants flow was good for most of them XD. Sadly I didn't get time to make a mix this time (working overtime all week), but I really wanted to.
  13. Well this will sell like hotcakes anyways, I don't think having good/bad gameplay matters at the level this game is.
  14. OMG, forget everything I said, I just saw the gameplay trailer. MY EYES, SOMEONE TEAR THEM OFF FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. http://kotaku.com/381640/mk-vs-dc-batman-versus-sub+zero For some reason it was working better in my mind :S
  15. I read that a long time ago, it's pretty well done and summarizes a really long and complicated story in one single poem, everyone who is a FFVI fan should check it out, brings back some great memories.
  16. Another Sir_NutS' sponsored PRC Bites the dust. I think I have the record now uh? I think next time I'll let someone else pick my songs.
  17. At first I laughed. HARD. Just the idea of liu kang going at superman with a bicycle kick and good ol' super smashing him into oblivion had me in tears. But after the initial impression passed, I'm starting to get excited for this. I'm a fan of DC (not much of a fan of MK but I've played most of the games) and this could be good, in the "It's so bad it's good!" sense.
  18. Icarus Fights Medusa Angels Danger !!!!!! Terror Horror
  19. OMG, I fail so hard, you're completely right. I forgot the starting BABA ; I even made a little gingle back then to remember the code which I still can "sing"... but I guess it wasn't catchy enough. OFF TO THE DRAWING BOARD!
  20. Yep. I would give you the cookie now, but I ate it
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