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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Yeah kinda sucks that they turned him into a softcore cocky version of Duke, cuz in my mind the original commando was kind of a quirky guy, with that hairdo and glasses. But I think it fits with the art style more (which reminds me a lot of Metal slug and snk games, and It's probably because the snk staff that works at capcom now did the art), and the over the top nature of the remake. Anyways, this game is awesome, and whether you played the original or not, whether you're a fan of retro gaming or not, I think you should give it a try and also support Capcom for doing this. Capcom has shown lately to care about what their fans want, and to give them exactly that. Can't wait to play mm9, the new BC and Street Fighter 4.
  2. Bought it yesterday. As some may know, I'm a big fan of the NES BC. And this remake is a dream come true for me. Worth every penny. I'm loving every aspect of it and I love that capcom decided not to just remake it by changing sprites and the like, but to make a game from the ground up for current consoles/pc, and make it to feel exactly like the original. I'll be playing this for years to come, just like the NES BC. Now if nintendo did something similar with Kid Icarus, I could die happy. EDIT: Spork, I bought it off D2D. No steam download sucks, but D2D wasn't too bad. You create an account, buy the game (I used paypal), and you get the authentication code and a download link. I had to download the fileplanet downloader to get the full dl speed though, and it was the only thing I didn't like about the process. Aside from that, it was very clean and easy.
  3. OMFG IT'S MAE. See I told you it wasn't a legend SHE EXISTS.
  4. well obviously (and sadly) I couldn't finish my song in time. For those intersted this is a demo I roughly put up together, note that some of the sounds were placeholders:
  5. Nice interview. I hope this is just the first of many projects for OCR.
  6. I'm happy and relieved to hear you're back home Jordan. I'm still finishing my mix for the mini-project thingy though .
  7. My mix is coming up nicely. WIP coming soon-ish.
  8. First I must apologize for missing voting again, but you should be all used to this as I miss voting even in compos I participate XD. I won't review them all but I did listen to them all and I want to congratulate flex because his song was pretty well done and I liked it. The only things I would change on it would be the heavy use of sidechaining (as one of the reviewers noted) and the somewhat long and stale buildup sections (even for trance). Long, empty sections create some level of expectation, but it drains quickly over time if you don't start building up, and I think they just dragged on for too long here to get to a level when I was about to hit fast forwards. Work on that and your mastering, but this was, as you noted, a step up for you.
  9. As you said, outside from 1st party titles, console war is practically over. It always boggled me why one company would like to stick to a console, because the more you spread, the more people you cover, the more units you move. Look at nintendo, they are spreading over the non-gamer and making millions, they didn't choose to support just one audience (the hardcore). I for one I'm happy that this is where we're going. Picking a console in the future will be more of a pick between "Do I want to play the next mario, the next halo, or the next gran turismo?"
  10. Dude, of all the sony ps3 games released, I highly doubt none of them filled the entirety of a blu-ray. Otherwise, we wouldn't be getting one of the biggest ones for another console, hmm? Most of the crap that we hear about blu-ray making things possible on ps3 that otherwise would be impossible on other consoles come from sony 1st and 2nd parties selling us PR bullshit. We've all seen games released in both consoles and in most cases, the xbox 360 version wins out in almost every aspect. Besides, in this day and age, consoles that take their games and users seriously have a hard drive (FU Nintendo!). Which would make disc swapping irrelevant. Now I'll sit and wait for the imminent release of MGS4 on x360, so I can then grab one after the price drop that has been already announced, and hope, pray that it doesn't bricks on me.
  11. I don't mix anymore. But for Jordan, hell yeah. I'll do my best, I'm really rusty.
  12. Holy fucking shit. If there ever was a definition of owned, this must be it. GG Sony! That's the only reason I had left to get your overpriced crud. MGS will eventually go over to MS as well, and probably enhanced too.
  13. Just post the link on the comments and upload your entry to something like rapidshare or filefront or stuff like that. Make sure you state that you had to encode your entry at a low bitrate for the competition in your comments as well. I won't be joining this one (not very inspired about the source) but I'll be checking out the entries.
  14. Jordan was my primary influence and motivation to get into remixing back in the days, and he was always helpful, his advices helped me a lot back then. I wish he recovers soon and continues to contribute to the community the best representation of what can be done in the trance genre. And also so he continues being such a nice guy.
  15. Thanks for this, Rexy and hylian! I finished my remix, I HAD to do it yesterday for two reasons: one, I loved Golden Sun, and two, I'm going out of town and wouldn't have time to do this later. I'm happy to be back and participate, and thanks to the people around here who gave me advice on this one! see you next week! (Entry is uploaded at thasauce)
  16. There are a few games that I always play and have beaten countless times and really never get tired of them(in no particular order): -Ninja Gaiden 2/3 (More 3 than 2, yes its easier and story is crappier but the controls are tighter imo). beaten it hundreds of times. -Bionic Commando Can't wait for rearmed. -Super Mario 64 best game ever IMHO. Beaten it hundreds of time, but from 0-to 120 stars only about 40~50. Megaman 2 Maybe not the best gameplay of all (I think mm3 tops it) but this one has the charm and one of the best soundtracks in a videogame. Covert Action THANKS F4T4L. This one is always in my hard drive. Guitar Hero 1/2/3 whatever Only came out a few years ago, yes, but its the only reason I turn on my ps2. Been playing it nonstop since I first got it. Star Fox 64 I think my N64 bricked out because it got sick of me making it play SM64 and SF64 everyday. If my n64 still worked I think I would have been at my 1000th sf64 ending by now. Halo PC and this is single player Halo, never played MP. Always installed on my PC, but I don't think I've beaten it more than 30 times. still, gets a lot of playtime. I also used to play the first Unreal Tournament every single day, but haven't done that for a few years now (If my friends still played it, I surely would!)
  17. Not exactly this, but surely is a subjective tempo change phenomena: When I yawn, music speeds up around 10~20 bpm. Fun times while mixing late at night.
  18. The domain www.sirnuts.com (where my refill was hosted) does not exists anymore, since I haven't been exactly active at mixing for a long time i decided to let the subscription run out. So, the link you have up there in the listings is broken. If anyone has it and can upload it somewhere, I'll appreciate that. Although I'm not so much into mixing now I was working on a second version on that refill, and will probably release it soon, although it won't be as big as I wanted I bet some people will appreciate having some new patches to meddle around with.
  19. I guess I should do this, since I'm the "guy with a bunch of sonic remixes". If I get Reason to work on shitty vista this week, I'll give this a try.
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