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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. so, yeah. I mean, Unleashed... it wasn't that bad. 40% of the game was really good. So what do die-hard, always hopeful sonic fans do when Sega crushes their dreams? (again!) Well, what else, shift our attention to the next game. I mean, it definitively looks better than secret rings so far. It looks a lil too 3d for sonic but, at least it's kinda on rails and it won't be the platforming nightmare that we often had to play through in any 3d sonic game. Maybe they will fix the Secret rings controls too. You gotta admit it was a fun game but the controls were kinda wonky. Uh? What do you say? that sonic is carrying a sword?. Well, maybe... yeah, kinda, I guess >_>. Ok ok he does, and it's another gimmick imposed over the sonic franchise, but, you know this could work out, with a little faith uh? besides hey let's be frank, it's not as bad as having him transform into a stupid, slow werewolf... or giving him guns... right? right!? ... RIGHT?
  2. haha, I love this guy. He's aware of the fact that he's one of the most popular internet memes and he just goes with it. Most people would probably shrug it off.
  3. On illidan I get around 600-800 which is pretty nasty. But playable with the help of some addons. I wasn't online on wow yesterday but once I get in I'll give you guys a shout.
  4. So, I played this game yesterday. The daytime levels were near perfect for me. It was really great to see that SEGA got it this time around. They really did. Then the nighttime levels came up... fuck.
  5. I was wondering if you were accepting members although they won't be playing too much. I have been playing wow for years now, but on alliance side (andorhal, now ragnaros), and would like to be in this guild but I don't have any horde toons I could transfer (except for a lvl 29 hunter twink on burning blade). Anyways, I'll create a horde toon on illidan tonight and hit you up later. Illidan's kinda laggy for me tho.
  6. Hey Douli, the name of the song is "Blissful Contrast" I will get the songs when I get home.
  7. oooOOOH... Darkwing duck!!. Maybe this is the time to return to this compo with my electro stuff
  8. BTW take me off the hosting list, I haven't renewed my webspace in like 2 years, lol.
  9. Well I don't have a webspace anymore so: Rapidshare: (Not very reliable) http://rapidshare.com/files/151847392/Sir_NutS-Hello_Miss_Rexy.mp3.html Doulifee's Website: (Thanks douli!) http://doulifee.com/prc/PrcSong/prc130/prc130_Sir_NutS-Hello_Miss_Rexy.mp3 Enjoy, and thanks Rexy for all the work all these years EDIT: Douli's link is still uplaoding, should be done in 4 or 5 minutes. E2: It took me 3 hours to do that song (I started when I saw the therad) so bear with me XD. It's more like... my way to say thank you .
  10. When I bought the Ozone I wasn't actually looking for a MIDI controller, it just happened that a friend had this unused Ozone and she wanted to sell it, so i bought it off from her, but I wasn't exactly looking for MIDI controllers at the time, or really knew what the advantages of this one over others were. Anyways I checked another thread and saw that the emu 0404 is a good choice overall, and I've heard great things about it from other remixers, so I might be going with that.
  11. Just noticed this thread. I have been researching and asking and have heard good things about the 0404, I think I will get one.
  12. Well, I will make an assumption here, but since this sound interface in my MIDI controller is mainly to enable control and easy plugin of wires and stuff from the controller, I will assume this sound card is as good, if not worse, than any onboard soundcard I might be using. Since I want something to improve the quality and performance of my mixes and music programs, as well as the output and output options I might have when it comes to music and games, using that wouldn't help at all. Now, anyone out there has a recommendation? I've been asking some remixers out there and I kinda have an idea of what to go for now but some more advice and recommendation based on experience would be helpful.
  13. Mostly something that won't go for 190 bucks or more. I saw some cheap-ass creative stuff at around 60-150 but I dunno how good are those. About what I want to use them for, I don't mix a lot anymore, I just do it casually now, or when some competition interests me. I don't work with vocals, most of the work I do is with Reason, but I do have a midi controller (M-AUDIO Ozone). I don't know if getting a relatively good soundcard will enhance my mixes, but I am guessing that's the case. I also game a lot, and well as I said I have Vista right now, and the sondcard being compatible is one of my major concerns because I hate formatting and as much as I dislike Vista, I don't really feel like backing up hundreds of gigs for a format.
  14. Hello fellow remixers. I want to get a good sound card and I am looking for advice on this matter. I am ashamed of this fact but... I've never had a quality sound card, all I've ever worked with has been onboard crap. Anyways, yeah I'm a cheap bastard, but really I've invested a lot in all my computers but have never thought of getting a good soundcard, until now, and I would like to hear some recommendations. I don't want something uber-expensive, as I don't mix a lot (or at all) lately, but I would like a Vista-compatible sound card, because that's what I'm using right now and I don't feel like formatting my PC and installing XP as long as its working. Any recommendations? (also preferably something I can get in one of OCR's sponsors, to support the site)
  15. I've been looking forwards to this game since the first announcement, and I'll surely get it as soon as possible (that is, on my next paycheck) I had too much fun with the creature creator, getting the full game and experiencing the whole thing will be epic.
  16. I have been trying it today and some of the features are really nice, plus it is VERY lightweight, I love how speedy it is. After getting used to slow, heavy browsers over the years, this is a nice change. Still needs some tweaks, like an easy way to change the default search engine like firefox does. But as of now I can see myself using firefox way less everyday.
  17. Well, obviously I can't get into specifics because, although we work in the same field I have no idea of how the site is coded and what tools you're using, the most obvious of course are the language (php) and the forum engine (VBulletin)which don't really give me any specifics to comment about. The things I was thinking about, and that I glossed over were broad recommendations based more on structure rather than tools related to the core system that keeps OCR running, because that is only known by DJP and I can't really say hey you can maybe add this or this module here and there because that is only known by him. Anyways, maybe as DJP said, they were pointed out but I think no one gave any suggestions on structure ideas. Something like, for example, having a database of games (which you already do) with which you can feed a submission system will do some admin work easier as, and I am again guessing here, I think right now the e-mail format in which submissions are received forces the admin to maybe fill out a form with the new remixes-to-be-posted data, filling every field manually which could be pulled right away from the submission itself. Hell, for all I know DJP could be filling the database manually, for every new remix. As I said, I wouldn't know. Yeah well, I just think that the email system is a bit counter-intuitive, to say the least. It worked some years ago, but right now it seems archaic to me, but I'd say, bear with me on this because as I was saying I work in this field and maybe these flaws are more evident and glaring to me than to the common user, and while I can see ways in which this can be done better maybe most of the remixers don't mind. Yeah I think that it could be solved by requiring subscription before submission. Most remixers become part of the community anyways and most websites that deal with content require you to subscribe as well. This could be exploited, and there are a lot of things to take in consideration, but as you said, it could be doable. yeah, regarding the submission system, my point is not about the speed at which songs are judged. That is a variable that can never be controlled, because there's the human factor behind it, and there are periods where you won't be able to have every judge available and the judging process will inevitably slow down. I think that what can be done better is how people deal with the submission. I think that having an e-mail address and say, "hey, send your stuff here" leaves most people hanging. They might know the submission was complete, they get an e-mail response after all. But it's mostly like (and I'm going to use an analogy I've been using for years when discussing this) dropping a rock in a well. You know the rock will get to the bottom, but you don't know how deep it is, you don't know when it's going to fall, if it got stuck in a wall, or if a wormhole appeared in that spot and swallowed it. After some time you see the song on the judges panel, and you can see it stuck there. You can't know how many votes it has received so far, how much more will you have to wait till you submit your next masterpiece? I think a lot of nifty stuff can be done around this. I think most remixers would agree that having a section where you can effectively keep track of all of it would be really nice. You log in, and you get a message etlling you that your submission has been accepted and is on queue for future posting, congrats! or you receive a message that says your submission has been denied and suggests you check the judge's decisions to see how you can improve it, or you could get a message asking for missing information etc. Think about it, on the admin side, if information is missing, you just set a flag up and state the missing information on that submission, and the system sends a message to the remixer asking for this and puts the mix on hold for other judges to know. All this could be automated, and it could be very awesome. But brainstorming is the easiest part, right? and I understand that, I also understand that DJP has a job and I really don't know how he can keep the site running while also doing other things in his life, but we all want a better OCR, I don't think it hurts to make suggestions, and if the progress OCR has made is any indication, DJP is as enthusiast as any of us about making OCR better. It just seemed off that he would take my comments like that. Oh well. Also, I'm no admin, not even part of the people who help with the website, so maybe this has been discussed over and over internally, but I wouldn't know, I guess I can't be blamed for that. Anyways, I've talked too much. Keep up the good work, as I think that you're doing great (but it could be better! )
  18. Obviously all I said wasn't only "OMG U SHOULD BE MORE WEB 2.0", evidenced by the wall of text I wrote. I gave some valid tools that can be considered for implementation to make the website more streamlined. Seems like constructive feedback is considered crap around here without even taking a moment to considerate the points made? maybe it's my english which is not very good. *shrugs* I didn't say in any moment that you should scrap OCR as how it is now and start from scratch, on the contrary, I said that OCR has made advancements in its design and structure, all I did was point out the aspect of OCR that I think are way outdated and could use a bit of consideration. In my post there isn't a spot where I say you should cover ocr in every widget possible, nor I said you should play catch-up with the internet's trends. However, one thing is to play catch-up, and another is to have a system that is almost a decade old and, although it's working, it could be much better and could be streamlined more to make your life and the remixer's experience more pleasant. "If it's not broken, don't fix it", I guess? OCR is about content, as you said, and nothing that I said goes against this, on the contrary, some tweaks(or a new implementation) to the current song submission/WIP system will make the content easier to handle and offer a better experience to the people around here, I don't think anyone can argue to that. I don't say it's as easy as cake to implement new stuff in this scope and make it work with what we have, I know it first-hand because that's what I work on and that's what I've been doing for years, but that doesn't means that new technologies shouldn't be considered. Anyways, I tried to be helpful, and I don't see how those suggestions can be resumed in "OMG U SHOULD BE MORE WEB 2.0". If that was what I really meant to say, people around here know that I would have said it that way and get away with trolling.
  19. I actually miss VGmix2 a lot, and if it were still up maybe I would still be an active remixer now. I never considered VGMix a WIP dump like many people did, for me it was more of a place that allowed me to get my music out there more easily. The Process of submitting a song to OCR, is incredibly outdated and I hated it back in orange OCR, still hate it now. Considering how much OCR has advanced in features and design, it's a shame that we still have to use an obnoxious system for the most important aspect of the website, when it comes to remixers. In the last days of VGMix2, yeah it wasn't very pretty. People wasn't reviewing, and you uploaded a song and most of the time got 0 Feedback (a lot like OCR's WIP Forums), which was destroying the spirit of VGMix to me. When I read about the things they were doing to promote users to review stuff I got pretty excited, but seeing as how the project has been pretty much abandoned, well, it's pretty sad. I think that reworking the WIP forums into something more helpful is a good idea, but if you want to gain some of the spirit that made VGMix great you should start by offering a more streamlined song submission system. An ideal setting in my mind would be something similar to what VGMix2 had, it was very nice to have a wizard that guided you and allowed you to specify the details about your song (game remixed/collab partners, among other things). Hell, this data could even be used for when you want to post the mixes, to be able to do it within your own admin system directly using the data supplied by the user so you don't have to "build" a submission information. And when you think that this could allow users to "follow" more effectively their submission status (say, by having a "status" page showing where it is sitting in the judging queue, how many judges have reviewed it so far, what the hell you could even streamline the posting process and give estimated front page posting dates etc.) this could add a fresh and modern face to a process that right now is something annoyingly archaic, and even make the site administration easier. Anyways, enough of my little rant. I'll make it short by saying that although its a dead project by now I really hope VGMix can come back in full in the future, and I still believe in their vision. And also, I think a lot can be done to OCR to catch some of that sense of connection that VGMix had, starting with the song submission and WIP Forums. In the days of completely streamlined websites and the "web 2.0" being glorified I think OCR still needs a lot to catch up to.
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