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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I play this game once every 1 or 2 years, so when I come back to it I have forgotten mostly everything, yeah my memory sucks. Anyways I said it was the most difficult and brutal ZELDA game, which really can't be argued. There are many more dificult games out there, specially on the NES. I find bionic commando and ninja gaiden 3 easy, because I've played them to death. Most people have nightmares trying to beat them.
  2. Zelda 2: I LOVE this game. Sadly for me, it hates me with a passion. It's the most brutal and unforgiving zelda game that exists. Mario Kart Wii: As any other mario kart, its a really, really fun game. It has the best online multiplayer I've seen so far on wii. If only nintendo stopped using the fucking friend codes... Empire Total War: I absolutely love the total war series, but this one sucks ass from a straw. It has long loading times, dumb ai and dull gameplay. Better stick to Rome or medieval total war. EDIT: Fixored the lenght.
  3. Thanks for the summary Jovian, I knew about the jenova cells and all that but I never looked at the plot from that side. Still if this is the case and sephiroth was just a marionette, well that leaves us with a real villian that has absolutely no motivation, oh well. I can't argue that FF7 had a good story, because it did, I think there are good stories that can be simple and understandable on the first pass, and also good stories that require additional examination and analysis. For example most people would understand the story behind say Million dollar baby on the first watch, but most people would need to watch several times say, for example, 2001: a space odyssey, and read extra analysis to grasp it. Both great stories on their own, but one needs further analysis to be fully understood.
  4. Yeah thats how I remember it but seriously ok you find out this freak was your mom, any guy would go ok thats kinda gross and fucked up, maybe get depressed for a while, thats understandable. It's like finding out you're adopted, OK I didn't come from where I thought I came but in the end everyone just gets the fuck over it, I haven't heard of anyone going apeshit at the world because they found they were adopted or some shit. And you know being made from some alien crud could mess you up pretty bad, but unlike kefka who went batshit crazy from the moment they messed up with him (before the game started I guess, because he's always loony in the game) , Sephirot just kinda flipped a switch. If you remember the flashbacks he was a pretty normal dude, in fact he was even kinda heroic, they never even implied he was fucked up in the inside back then. Anyways its all really silly to me. And don't get me started on the following JENOVA's footsteps thats like oh I just found out my real parents were psychopaths and murderers lets become one too just for shits and giggles. Anyways I digress. This thread is about cloud and I guess I don't have much to say about the guy cuz I don't really think he's as zomgawesome as many people think but hey if your thing is writing about how awesome he is more power to you I really have no complains about spikyhairdude, at least not in FF7 because as others pointed out he's just pathetic in KH, its as if he and squall changed bodies.
  5. Ah, FF7. I seriously don't get why people obsess about characters like cloud and sephirot. Sure FF7 was awesome, though personally I still like ff6 over it, but still, great game. But these two characters, I really don't get why they are so special. Specially Sephiroth, I always tought he didn't really have a good excuse to become a villian. In the case of Kefka, he was just batshit crazy because people fucked up with magitek experiments on him and it screwed up his mind. You put an insane person with delirium and nihilistic thoughts in a position of power and you will surely get the world into some deep shit, that's very plausible. Now I would really like those well versed in the FF7 story to explain to me why Sephiroth became obsessed with destroying everything. As far as I remember his reasons always seemed really silly and dare I say, emo to me, and as a villian, he ended up feeling very weak. I dunno, maybe its just me and I can't like people who can't get over stupid shit. Cloud was OK but I like to think that people like him because he looks cool with his big ass sword and all that. Personally I cared more about Tidus than Cloud. EDIT: And as for "the most enduring game of all time", yeah right, well maybe for the most enduring ff7 fanboy. As I said, great game, but most enduring? uh. I can think of many, many more games more enduring than this one, but hey if you did it to add shock value to your article, well then kudos.
  6. I loved your mix, Hylian, your victory was well deserved!
  7. So there I was, barely dressed, carving notes with a rock on a cave wall, when suddenly, out of the blue, a song hit me on the head. I picked it up and noticed It had an inscription, but at this point, the hermit life has made reading difficult for me. "The Coop" was written on the front. I examined it closely, it had another, single word on the back: "Awesome". And just like that, all the knowledge of mixing came rushing back to my mind. An epiphany. I had to do it, I got off my ass immediately and improvised a mixing setup out of coconuts, rocks and sticks. Thanks for giving me back my humanity, Coop.
  8. Hello, I'm back. I did something for this, it's not very great, but I had fun doing it!
  9. I want to live in your city of order assimilate me inside of your system. I want to live. Nothing too complicated, its just something to go with the melodies, as it is common in electro. I would also ask for joystick to pick the future song for the next competition, it will make simpler for the others. Thanks for the votes, i had fun.
  10. Hey, its me I made a short remix, its uploaded at the website. Nice pick for the song ! had a really fun time with it.
  11. OMG, this song! rofl. I remixed this song years ago for the grandfather of this competition, IMC. Actually its a song that I tend to come back every now and then to make a new version. Let me pimp the last one: http://www.mediafire.com/?1uddxyygejd
  12. I'm up for any of the following: -A Sequel starring Raiden. -A Prequel starring The Boss. -A Prequel starring The Big Boss. -An in-between starring solid snake before the events of MGS2 would be decent but I'm not crazy about the idea. -A cat is fine too.
  13. This. It's capcom, so expect the sequels to grow in # of characters. Also expect models reuse ad nauseum, and the good ol' palette swaps + slightly different moves = new characters.
  14. This. but then also this: I mean, you're a good guy on a pretty shitty mission, then you have your gf having her worst hormone-filled drama day on your ear. Then you have otacon weeping about how he couldn't knock up his sister, in the middle of a world-threatening crisis. Then you have his sister which is as annoying as can be, and you have to carry the little bastard around. You have crazy-ass bad guys who are out to get you, not before telling you the story of their lives which you couldn't care less about because there's a frigging bomb about to explode here. The only decent guy you meet (snake) doesn't show up as much as you would like, and the mission changes objectives faster than Otacon fapping to his sister's panties. The least you could do is whine, and I didn't find the guy THAT whiny. I think people didn't like him because they were expecting a badass snake to play with, and got a guy that looks like a girl and has no idea of what's going on. But Raiden is perhaps one of the most real characters you can find on the game's story that actually acts accordingly to what's going on around him. Needless to say, I'm ok with a MGS5 starring Raiden, bring it on.
  15. I hope he retires snake. I love the guy, but MGS is looking more and more like Zelda than like a franchise based on people that age and die. Also I like that people changed his mind about raiden after MGS4. Even is MGS2, I didn't think raiden was lame, on the contrary, he was just a good guy in the middle of a fucked up situation. I found the people around him far more annoying.
  16. hey nex, please send me that mix! Can't find it anywhere but I remember it vividly.
  17. ^this. And dude you made me remember that castlevania remix you made that I used to love and I can't find it anymore arrgh. omg just remembered the name "exotic arabian rave" it was made for one IMC I think.
  18. A rare occurrence: I agree with every single word of this post.
  19. Greetings all! Thank you very much, I wanted the song to be in your project but when I contact you it seemed it was too late, but I am happy I am getting this song in posted up at OCR. After reading the feedback from PRC and specially Rexy I think about it and decided to try and send up the song for judgement. I am happy its accepted! Also I had the chance to listen to this project, great work everybody did for this!
  20. Little Samson Go emulate it now. It's one of the best platformers on NES.
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