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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. 2.5D is the new 3D. And this is yet another ame that is pushing me over the edge to get my hands on one of those unreliable piece of hardware called xbox360. Bionic commando for NES ranks high as one of my favorite games of all time, still play it regularily, and this looks like SEX.
  2. Correct, but the bolded word should be: "Al Presentar" o "Al enviar"
  3. I made the translations based on latin american-styled spanish, which has it's small differences from Spain's spanish. Here, Arcada is a common name for arcades (Arcada and arcades are used in many places, but rarely "recreativas"). As you said, in latin america the term "ordenador" is used rarely while "computadora" is common. You're right about the differences between cualificar and calificar, however in this case it should be "no cualifican" instead of "no se cualifican" because the intent of the paragraph is to say that the songs in itself don't qualify (as in, they don't meet the requirements), not that they are not qualified. Again this could be a difference between the latin-american and spain's use of the language. Another regional term which is rarely used. But given the context "encarecidamente" gets more to the point. That could be arguable, the original sounds pretty negative in itself and stresses the point about any special treatment given to these submissions. Correct. Or, "Arreglos musicales de cualquier género" could work as well, it is indeed redundant as you say. Again this is in my opinion another regional difference. however, "Letras" is a more commonly used name so I think it could be used instead of líricas. The correct term is "arreglo musical", the lack of the final "s" is a typo. In this case "no cualifica" is the correct term, "no se cualifica" makes no sense within the sentence, unless it's pluralized as "no se cualifican" along with the whole sentence which brings me to the point I exposed before. "Arreglo" has different meanings and although in this song it's implied that the topic is music, the "arreglo" could imply other things. The sentence after corrections would be: "Tomar el audio original del videojuego y simplemente añadir “Drum loops” o usar un archivo MIDI existente y asignar nuevos instrumentos no cualifica como un arreglo musical substancial u original." "El material enviado debe ser lo suficientemente largo" <= You are correct, this is how it should be. About the emphasis on "envíos de material" it is written this way because "envíos" does not represent the whole idea. There is not a correct or exact translation for the term "submisssion" that comprises the meaning in the context used at OCR, so "Envío de materiales" is the closest and more exact translation. Correct. Both can be used, but "cumplan" indeed sounds more correct. It says "Solo un", so I think it implies that it is just one, and only one. Correct. Yes that part indeed sounds a little weird, but the translation of that section is pretty hard because of all the "internet terms" that don't have a translation at all. If you can make a better translation we can discuss it.
  4. uh wut? when doom3 came out i played it on decent settings with a really, really shitty video card for the time, and hey, HL2 and Doom3 shared almost the same system requirements... I don't know how paying for such a expensive pc got you so shitty results. Maybe you didn't know wtf you were getting. Do some research first. And this is why we don't buy WHOLE PCs, we just upgrade what's necessary. Your arguments are getting ridiculous as no one who spends 1400 on a pc right now wouldn't be able to get cutting-edge games like crysis or COD4 running on decent settings. But yeah, another thing about PC games: ever tried to play your favorite NES game on an xbox360? oh yeah you can't. Unless you have a Wii. But even then you have to plug it and pay for the game you bought years ago, again, to download it and play it on a different setup than when you played it on your old rusty NES. But hey guess what, I was just playing Leisure Suit Larry and monkey Island last night. On my actual PC, not the old IBM 386 I had when i used to play these. I didn't have to pay for them again, I didn't have to switch consoles, just install and play, and they played exactly how they used to back then. Backwards compatibility on consoles? meh.
  5. My last pc upgrade cost me around 500 bucks. New vid card, new processor and an additional gig of ram (yes, pc gamers with a brain UPGRADE and reuse components that are perfectly working, it's not like we throw our old computer to the trash and spend all our money to build a new one from scratch...). back then I got an ATI x850 XT and an athlon 64 3800+. Now I am going to upgrade again, with a core 2 duo e6600, prolly more ram, and a new shiny ati hd3870, which will set me back for around 500 again. Taking in account that I use my pc for waaay more things than just gaming, and that I get free mods and free multiplayer, and I don't have to spend money on an expensive hdtv to get high resolutions, I think it's a good deal. And well there's the fact that RTS, FPS and other types of games are incredible to play on a PC setup and so very shitty on a console. I still love my console for the same reasons i love my pc, there are some games that I just won't get to play on a pc, and to the naysayers: PC gaming has been called dead since the 90s and it's still rocking the place and leading the way technology-wise, in ALL aspects.
  6. COD4 is my favorite FPS of the year, even above UT3. I was fairly impressed with COD2 back then but this one surpassed all my expectations.
  7. Final fantasy VI did have limit breaks. I know maybe you're not implying that but it might look like it.
  8. Well at least not all shameless music thiefs are crappy mexican djs.
  9. Yeah from what it looks like, this online mode will be teh uber sux. Sure it will let you play online, against people who will look pretty much like they're cpu anyways. No leaderboards or rankings, so you might end up playing against a bunch of noobs instead of people of your own level, or viceversa. Nintendo needs to understand that we want OPTIONS and we want a complete online package, not a gimped piece of crap. If you want people to play anonimously like this, allow them, but also allow the players who want to, to see each other, interact etc, and allow for rankings. Sure, rankings can be haxored by sneaky players but it will give you a good idea overall about who you want to play against. And RD, I guess that in your eyes we can't ask for a better product and services from nintendo without being a jerk? when everyone is offering a much better online experience you will want to have the same from all companies, they're way behind the bar, and "ZOMG DON'T PLAY ONLINE GTFO PLZKTHNX NINTENDO FTW ROFL!1!11!" won't justify that.
  10. Loved the stage, loved the music, love the NEW music.
  11. This is a huge loss, Reuben was very very talented and contributed some awesome music to the OCRemix community. Reuben will live forever in our minds through his music. My Condolences.
  12. Gabriel Knight. I would like to collab with someone on this one *hint*
  13. lmao, dude, this is a game tailor-made for FANBOYS. Geez is people running out of topics to rant on? lol Nintendo is practically delivering every fanboy request in this game, so I don't see S&P being out of place and he did earned the spot there, after all fanboys bitched so much for this game that it got released in the VC after all.
  14. I played OoT a month ago and it was every bit as delicious. Mario 64 haven't played for about a year but I never stopped playing that game until my n64 died. I don't really think I'm biased. Prior to playing OoT I didn't get into the hype and for me Alttp was the best game to ever exist, and it just required a rental and a few hours into it to realize how wrong I was. But, for instance, I never QUITE got into twilight princess (still GREAT game though) and I still think okami beats the hell out of it. Anyways, OoT is a great game and IMO one of the few games deserving to be considered the best game ever made. Of course, as with everything, you can't please everyone so there still will be people who think it's a great game but not one of the best ever made, or even those who just despise it. Are you a bad person for hating OoT. YES. U R MR GAY AND I HOPE YOU DIE IN YOUR NUBISH POOL OF IGNAROANCE.
  15. There has been plenty of answers about the intrincate process of morphing the two sounds into he vocoded sound but I think the OP wanted to know about how to actually make it work. Most vocoders work the same way, you have 2 audio inputs, one is the carrier sound, and the other is the modulator. The Carrier sound is the "blanket" you will lay on top of the voice(modulator) to mask it and make it sound different. For example, a basic retro vocoded voice uses a square wave-like sound as a carrier. Since the square wave is rich in harmonics, it provides a richer audio result when mixed with the voice, oftentimes delivers a "robotic" sound. This carrier will also have the pitch information most of the times, so is in the carrier sound where you should write the melody line you want to hear when the voice gets vocoded. For example you might want to write a long chord for the whole duration of the voice sample for a uniform pitch, or you might want to make the vocoded voice sing a melody and thus you write said melody on the carrier track. The Modulator is in this case, the voice sample you want to use. Have in mind that with heavy vocoding you will lose any pitch change the original voice sample had, and it will be overriden with the carrier's pitch information. As a general rule, use carrier sounds that use more high frequencies than low, to make the vocoding more noticeable. EVERY vocoder machine should have these two audio inputs for the modulator and carrier signal, so now you know what to do. Also, as Zircon stated, you can use several other things, such as a drumloop, for a modulator signal. I for example have used this technique on pads and it gives a nice rhythmic effect to them. I for one love vocoding (I wish I coould use it more), so it's just a matter of trying it out and experimenting. With this you should have an idea of where goes what. Good Luck!
  16. After I stated in my quick preview, The sequencer would take me some time to get used to it, and it did, but right now I can say that I never want to look back at the old sequencer. This one is MUCH improved and when you figure how things work, you actually do things easier and better. The old way of managing groups was a mess and now that I have this I can clearly see that, same with automation clips. Also the ability to record several lanes of melodies under the same sequencer track with the click of a button is a godsend, specially if you have a keyboard. In the end I can now clearly see the improvements and although it's not as intuitive as, say, fruity loops' sequencer, right now is just as powerful and flexible, if not more.
  17. nice, I hope the Wikipedo Zealots don't notice this right away.
  18. Do not feed the trolls people. I have heard a few songs from the galaxy soundtrack and I must say it's pretty awesome they finally decided to go the orchestrated route. Although it borderlines on starfox feel, it fits the space theme of the game, and the arrangements are very well done. Can't wait to torrent this, since nintendo isn't giving us any club nintendo love.
  19. at least he tried to spice it up with the coin-betting thing. It's something I haven't seen in any other spectator mode in any online game so that's a plus I guess. I've never been a fan of spectator mode though.
  20. Great choice of course of action, mr Lloyd. This way no one is forced to contribute in a specific way, and all of them are VERY worthwhile causes. I for one will donate something next month. Great initiative.
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