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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. This is the perfect ending for this odyssey.
  2. Nah, I've done it, 3 full days without sleep. The last day I felt I was going to become insane because I couldn't focus on anything, the real world was getting distorted as it was getting mixed with crazy thoughts that I think were dreams I was having while actually being awake. Scary but interesting. I go for 2 days without sleep sometimes, specially when I have a trip with my friends to somewhere fairly far. Mostly because we spend the night before drinking and leave in the morning. When I go for long periods of time without sleeping and then try to sleep it can go in 2 different ways but it's always the same. Either I go to sleep and fall like a brick and don't wake up till 12-16 hours later, or I have problems sleeping with sleep paralysis, nightmares, etc.
  3. Sir_NutS here but in my country I go with El Señor de las nueces Danzantes.
  4. ROFl @ your gifs. Keep it up.

  5. After Bionic Commando Rearmed, my faith in remakes has been renewed greatly. can't wait for the new a boy and his blob, too.
  6. NO OVERRIDE Who would want to see a perfect videogame been shat on the big screen?
  7. Holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap TURTLES IN TIME 3D. HOLY CRAP
  8. Bump for new post. Anyone got something new?
  9. This is another remix that came out from my unfinished Top Gear 2 Remix Project (Along with Rayza's awesome remix). There were going to be only a few songs on it, and this was one of the strongest of the pack. Needless to say, it's bLiNd, so you know it's going to be awesome. Now I need to get off my lazy ass and finish the remix I had prepared for the project so I can get it posted as well.
  10. wtf, wait a second, isn't this the actual story of pokemon?
  11. This is actually one of my favorite Mazedude remixes. I agree this remix is not for everyone, but I totally get it. Keeping a constant, short-measured melody going for the entirety of the duration of the song without making the listener bored or annoyed is no small feat and borderline genius. I don't think anyone else around here can get away with that and still achieve success. Beyond that aspect, this song is actually very complex with what it does in terms of texture work and ambience. The constant melody actually works as a tension artifact in place of swirls and artificial build-ups or crashes. The instruments are both familiar and outwordly, but extremely interesting and entrancing. The arrangement is not quite as complex as what we've come to expect from Mazedude but it's the little details, and the constant morphing of the atmosphere that makes this song so unique and great. One of my favorites from the site. I recommend it to everyone I know, regardless of whether they like videogame music or not.
  12. Yeah, unmod was awesome just because of this. If it was a slow day at work, you could always count on unmod being the perfect timewaster. People posted at the speed of light there. Quantity over quality of course, but damn it was fun.
  13. I'm glad some people are liking my tracks, even though they were some of the oldest tracks in the album (I think I submitted the first completed track) and I could have retouched them before the release. I listen to them now and I can hear a lot of things that could be improved (Piano in frozen heart is too loud, tone down some dissonance in deity, etc.) but as I said, they were really old and the source files got lost in hard drive crashes etc. I think they are enjoyable nonetheless. Also, thanks for the comments .
  14. I just posted something, and my blogging will be most likely nothing planned beforehand like this one.
  15. In this discussion both anti and pro-pirates lose the focus of the whole thing, and that is: this is just media circus. RIAA doesn't win anything shutting TPB down, just like shutting down napster didn't stop music downloading, shutting tpb down, fining and sending its owners to jail will not stop this nor will in intimidate others to not find alternatives to continue illegal file sharing. Instead of coping with the situation and finding alternatives to benefit the consumer instead of squeezing every penny of those who still support the music industry, they are stubborn in making everyone believe they are the maiden in despair, blaming everything that goes wrong with the industry to piracy. Radiohead made an example of how you can do business in this industry without forcing people to buy your product how you want them to, instead of letting the people decide if your product is worth it in the first place. To resume this rant:
  16. http://sirnuts.blogspot.com/ About anything, everything and nothing.
  17. Oh my bad, I thought convicted meant that they were actually sent to jail. English 1 - Sir_NutS 0
  18. The title in this thread is misleading, since they haven't been convicted, and probably won't be for quite some time(we're talking years here). There are going to be several appeals on this case and while they are in process no one is getting fined or convicted yet, and there's a big chance that in the end, nobody is going to go to jail or pay fines. The trial was pretty much a joke and I don't think it stands a chance when it goes to appeal on higher courts.
  19. Greetings I won't be able to post WIP as soon as I thought but I will surely bring one up before the deadline that proposed. As some people who know me from PRC I tend to dissappear due to schedule in work. Just so you know if you don't find me for a few days, I am not leaving the project I am just out of town . Keep up the great work so far and pardon the bad english .
  20. hey man sup If I had been around here earlier and noticed you were entering I would have done something too, just for old times' sake
  21. How dissappointing. I thought I would be posting in a legendary judgehate thread :S.
  22. Greetings I know I am not well known around here but I would like to give this project my contribution, I can try to remix the japan theme, if that is ok with the organizers. I don't have an ocremix yet but I have done work for PRC. I will start to try some ideas this weekend so I can have a WIP. Sorry about the bad english
  23. Wow this song... is so great. P.D.: sorry about not voting in the past prc, my schedule is tight sometimes. If I'm still at home for a couple of days I'll try to remix this.
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