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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. This is kind of a silly thing to say about a game like smash but, little mac looks a bit out of place to me there.
  2. I hope they keep this version short on characters, so they can focus on balance and make the game as tight as possible. They can always make SF4 hyper mega max Plus exponential Zeta -Challenger edition and add more characters later.
  3. As I said, EQ and mastering in general should be subtle, for the most part. You can't automate an eq to follow pitch because it will cause a filtering effect (EQs are filters, btw.), giving your instrument a different behavior and texture. As I said, do not to box every sound in your song to a certain frequency range, I doubt that could work. Instead try subtle adjustments to EQ and volume or velocity. There are several ways to make sounds that share the same frequency range to have presence and be audible at a similar level that do not necessarily involve EQing the hell out of everything. Stereo spread, for example, helps a lot. Try to pan one instrument to the left and the other to the right, start with small changes as you listen to them play. Play a bit with the volume of each and make more changes on the panning until you feel they are getting equal space in the song. You can also try to stereo spread one and center the other, using a stereo imager on one instrument to spread it, and another in the other instrument, to center it. You can also try to pass the signals of both instruments through a compressor and try to normalize the levels. If you want to find what the "main" frequencies of an instrument are, I already gave you the solution, use a spectrum analyzer (or in Reason's case, the vocoder), set your instrument on a loop and watch the peaks on the vocoder, they will tell you which frequencies are more prominent on it.
  4. First, don not eq everything as a rule. EQ is part of the mastering, and as all mastering, it should be subtle (unless you want to create special effects with mastering or give the song a certain dynamic etc, as a general rule, this kind of effects should be subtle) Changing the EQ on Real instruments will greatly affect it's nature and as thus, you can easily end up with undesired results, like real instruments sounding fake or overprocessed. Instead, try something more subtle. Do not make changes in eq above or below a ~6db threshold. If your song is sounding too cluttered, try attenuating the sounds instead of eq them. If you really feel you want two instruments who share similar frequency ranges to be clearly audible, do not completely cut off some frequencies of one or do insane boost on the other. Instead, start with one sound and find the freqs that give the instrument more prescence and boost them a little, then do the same for the other instrument. As for finding the right frequency, a lot of factors come into play. Pitch, for example, influences which frequencies a sound will occupy, so if you want you can try lowering/rising an octave on the desired instrument to fit the frequency range you want (this works better on synths and processed sounds, not real instruments). In the end it all comes from experience, and the more you mix the more you will be able to tell which frequencies are predominant on a sound. If you need help you can always use a spectrum analyzer (in Reason's case, a vocoder, there's a thread around here on how to use the vocoder as a basic spectrum analyzer). Put one at the end before the final audio out and run your instrument. Watch the peaks and you will have a good idea of which frequencies it's occupying. Again, from the things I've read and my own experience, try to not eq everything unless you feel it's necessary, you will see your mix will acquire a more natural feel. In the end, the kind of music you are making will influence where you will heavily use eq or not. Trying to EQ everything to fit a certain freq range will give a noticeable processed and unnatural feeling to your song, which you may not want. About compressors and limiters, that's a whole new topic and a BIG and complex one. I will try to make some sort of tutorial on this but suffice is to say that mastering takes a lot of experimentation and trial and error, as you won't find a mastering setting that will work for all your songs. There are some "rules" to follow but when it comes to mastering nothing is set in stone. I will try to cover this in more detail later, in the meanwhile try to apply what I said about EQ to your songs and see if you achieve better results. Understanding some concepts and grasping them will surely take time and it has a learning curve, so be patient, experiment, read, and of course, ask. Good luck.
  5. The only saturn games I got to play were really, really mediocre. Didn't get to play the good ones that everybody praises, sadly. Star Fox 64 - YES Ok this will be a little biased. Star Fox 64 rocks. Excellent soundtrack, likeable characters, and hey how could one not want the game that gave birth to such phrases like "DO A BARREL ROLL"?. Now on a more serious tone, this game is tight. The controls are spot on, the action is great, the voiceovers were cheesy which I think fits the theme of the game (I mean, toads, rabbits and foxes on spaceships, no one can take this plot seriously) And the graphics were nice. Some levels like the ID4 inspired battle on katrina are totally epic, and few games get so much action packed into a free flight environment and still make it fun and controllable, leaving a satisfying feeling. This game is a fun action game and the last good star fox game (I did enjoy assault, but, and I know this is getting old, fox's team NEEDS TO STAY IN THE GODDAMN AIRSHIPS) This is a game that should be in everyone's N64 games collection. I know I never get tired of it and play it very often, despite I've beaten it beyond death. Astro Boy: Omega Factor - YES From the makers of gunstar heroes comes a game so fun and hectic that it's incredible it fits on such a small package. Hordes of enemies coming at you, lots of different movements and ways to fight, a pseudo-rpg system to improve your character, insane replay value, this game is simply awesome. Many people will shrug it off because it's based on the Astro boy franchise (I know I did at first) but believe me when I say this is one of the best 2d action shooters ever made, right up there with the likes of Gunstar Heroes, Contra 3 and metal slug. (Btw the first two were made by the same company, no wonder they're all so awesome) If you hate anime or this franchise in particular I'd say shrug that off instead of the game, and you will find one of the most fun and challenging action games on a portable and one of the best values for your money. As I said, the replay value for this game is huge, specially for an action game. Go play it, like, NOW.
  6. I played through the game boy game. Not bad, nice animations, but it's kinda meh. Stick to the NES version, but you can check the GB one as it isn't terrible.
  7. At fucking last, dammit. it took you what capcom, 20 years to realize this game would rock in 3d? Anyways, I really hope they don't mess this one up. I'm a big big big big fan of this franchise (well my avatar says it all) and would break my heart to see it ruined. Time to save those bucks for a console.
  8. ****** Round Fourteen: ****** Bomberman 64 borderline YES This game is the best offshoot of the bomberman franchise you will ever find. At first glance it looks just like any other cookie cutter n64 platformer but on a closer look, it's a very, very good puzzle-adventure-action game that mixes this three elements very well. The mechanics were fantastic, the puzzles were smart and the boss battles were awesome. And for those who can breeze through the game (not many!) there's the golden card system, which has you doing things in the game to collect all the golden card. Plus, it has rewards for customizing your bomberman in multiplayer, which btw, is very tight and classic bomberman. The music is charming and catchy, and the graphics do their job. The only reason I'm borderline on this is because not many will be willing to go through all the puzzles. I was one that didn't like this game at first, but after getting into the mechanics of the game and the rewards, I was totally hooked. IMO this is a must have for any N64 owner. Final Fantasy VIII NO Crimsonzeal used to explain this better than me, but I'll try to do it without sounding like a hater: Lame characters Lame story Lame system and the most broken magic system in any FF, ever. I played this game right when it came out, and despised it. I beated it faster than any other final fantasy I've ever played and it was a pain to go through it. From squalls' annoying whiny kid nature to Rinoa's annoying personality and the annoying and incredibly lame plot twists... gah everything about this game was annoying. The only thing I can say that I liked about this game was a song or two, other than that, it's a big waste of time to go through it. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers YES EXCELLENT game. This game is a truly involving game. You will feel connected to this characters right away, and when they start developing their stories you will only feel the connection to tighten. One of the best storytelling I've ever seen in an adventure game, incredibly good music, and great graphics. This is a true jewel of a videogame that everyone should play at least once. The only bad thing I can say about it is that sometimes the puzzles didn't make much sense, but it's not uncommon in this genre. Give this game a try, if only for the excellent storytelling that it has. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire NO I don't know why so many people liked this broken game. Sure, at the time it was one of the few things to play on N64, but the graphics were horrible EVEN back then. The story and the character they based it wasn't too interesting at all, and the controls were soooo broken. I didn't recommend this game back then, and won't recommend it now. If you want a good action game based on the star wars universe go pick jedi outcast or the best one imho: Jedi knigh: Jedi academy Unreal Tournament - YES Talk about games taht never get old. This game really needs no reason, I haven't met a person who doesn't thinks this game is awesome, or at least enjoys it. UT popularized the non-stop action multiplayer FPS and it's still king on this genre. Not much to say here. Theme Hospital NO It's not a bad game, but not a must-have. The game is too linear to be a good sim game, and also VERY easy. As I said, it's not a bad game but nothing special either. oh forgot to YES Warcraft 2.
  9. "Asi es chicos y chicas, en estos momentos estoy desarrollando mas musica para los gamers veteranos, esta vez me enfocaré a ciertos titulos aparte de Final Fantasy, como los de Sonic, Golden Sun, Megaman Zero y Seikendensentsu 3." Seems like he was ready to steal more material and projects from the site as well. This guy... *sigh* "Por ahora, solo tengo algunas novedades.Especialmente para los amantes del viejo Castlevania olvidado del NES. Pues dejenme decirles que… por fin aceptaron la banda sonora “GOAT” y ya tengo la especial de “Castlevania” hecha!! inclusive en ciertas comunidades como “OCremix.org” y “VGMIX.org”. Entre otras." He says here that he made a soundtrack named "Goat" and that his songs will be posted HERE and in vgmix. Seems like he was going to publish goat's songs and leave the tags intact to pass it as his own soundtrack named "goat". This guy... *sigh*
  10. Sum guy: so what's your past-time? Me: I maek musaks. Sum guy: o rly well, what instruments do you play? ME: uuuh none lol Sum guy: Then how do you make music? ME: well I make electronic musax... Sum guy: Oooh so you're a DJ! ME: lol no I use my computer and punch buttons and play with shiny knobs *Sum guy scratches his head* ME: Oh and I also take old ass 8 bit musaks and turn it into tekno lol *sum guy slowly walks away*
  11. Spanish is my primary language, so you should have pm'ed me about this. I would have translated it clearly without the mess that google does XD. But he already took it down so, nevermind.
  12. Dammit, I wrote detailed explanations on each vote but my browser decided to go kaboom when I hit submit.. so I'll just resume. Sim City 2000 - YES One of the best sim games ever created. Starcraft - YES This needs no explanation whatsoever. GoldenEye 007 - YES A first in many aspects, opened a window for FPS in consoles, multiplayer still helluva fun. Prey - NO Level 1- Portals! wow this is so amazing! Level 2- Portals still awesome! Level 3- Portals... they're cool. Level 3- More portals... hmm. Level 4- *sigh* portals. Average FPS too. Annoying voice acting as well. WarioWare: Mega Microgame$ - YES Unique, innovative, crazy and funx1000
  13. Favorite: SMB1 Mario floats. The peak of his jump lasts like 3 minutes. Love the intertia Less favorite: SMW Everything was kinda hard to do, and kinda slippery too, felt less tight than smb3 or smb 1. So the order goes like this: 1.-SMB1 2.-SMB3 3.-NSMB 4.-SMBTLL 5.-SMB2 6.-SMW Not in order of favorite game, but favorite physics engine or whatever.
  14. Indeed, but in the case of a graphic eq, it's not something that you can really build. You can kinda emulate one with the vocoder bands but it's still really basic and well, almost not worth it. Something like Fruity loop's analyzer is actually useful.
  15. The delay kinda saddens me but at the same time: 1.-The more time they take the more polished the game will be, and you know that when nintendo takes its time to polish stuff up, it delivers. 2.-Gives me more time as well to get out of some debts and buy mi Wii after christmas. Otherwise I would have been in a very tight budget XD
  16. Hi who are you? This NGI thing sounds interesting but I'm afraid it will lack quality boomtiss.
  17. Another use I gave (still do sometimes) to graphic analyzers was when i felt the song had some empty room, I could look at the freqs and how they were acting and tell which freq range could use a filler. It goes a long way to get a fuller sound to your songs. Why reason still lacks one puzzles me, as it's not a complex machine. But oh well, maybe in the future.
  18. This is the most terrible birthday gift nintendo, up yours!
  19. Booo I forgot about this, and thus another chapter in my book of EPIC FAILS is written.
  20. This day is too small for the two of us. We'll have to solve this like true men. Pick your weapons. *picks a 4 on th efloor beat* Say hello to my little friend! Happy B-day.
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