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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Meow song is epic. I'll be looking forwards the next compo (and sorry about my tracks' volume for those who listen)
  2. I make music for myself and my tastes most of the time. I'm just lucky and glad some people enjoy it as well, sometimes.
  3. Woah i completely forgot about this... I don't even remember how my song sounds like (since I lost the mp3) Hope you can get this out... someday.
  4. Man I liked the character-specific break the target stages. Oh well. The restriction of 3 minutes is probably because of the small size of the wii's storage. If it had a hard drive it wouldn't be much trouble.
  5. ok, here are some initial impressions: I installed R4 yesterday and tried it the whole night and part of this morning. The sequencer: This will get a LOT of time for me to get used to it. My mixing takes a lot of note-writing and the way it is now it's kinda more complicated to do so. Recording notes from my keyboard will take some used to as well. however I like the changes on the way you handle groups and stuff. At last I can name groups and organize them, and also have different lanes for each automation which is pretty neat. However the automation itself is giving me a hard time to get used to the new system, I've always liked more the curves. Also I would like to see a "close all" button to close/open all lanes in the sequencer (maybe there is one and I haven't seen it yet). The good news is that the tool window makes life SO MUCH EASIER. Randomizing velocities, note lenght and adjusting them has become so much easier and intuitive, I can't really go back to the old ways now. One thing I do miss is the ability to stretch a note without the snap by pressing shift while I drag them. Seems like that option is gone and I have to click/unclick the magnet every time. bummer. Thor: Oh sweet jesus. This is a monster of a machine. It will take me A LOT of time just to learn the way it routes the sound through the envelopes/filters etc. but this is one hell of a machine that was much needed. There are a TON of presets, so many that i don't feel the urge to make my own synths, unlike when i first used subtractor! (But I'll still make my own sounds anyways, I'm stubborn like that). The modulation matrix helps keeps the rack clean of mad cv routing and it's pretty flexible. Whereas Maelstrom was good for certain kind of sounds and subtractor for others, Thor can do practically ANYTHING, and do it right. I still love my subtractor but i think I will start seeing it less in my mixes XD. The Arpeggiator: Pretty nifty tool. It wasn't as intuitive as i thought it would be but it gets the job done. I didn't mess around much with it but from what I heard in the demos it can be a very cool tool. ReGroove Another cool thing that at first got me totally lost. This can really give the songs (and specially drums) a very human feeling. No more relying on global shuffle =). Overall it looks a bit cleaner and with more emphasis on organization and productivity. I will still have to struggle with the new sequencer and there are some things that I really miss(specially some shorcuts) but overall the changes are great and really needed (TEMPO AUTOMATION AT LAST!) Expect some Thor patches on my next refill
  6. Would be nice to have a download avaliable for this so i can podcast it later as I doubt I'll be able to catch it.
  7. I lol'd at the vgmix part. Awesome parody. Where's a shael riley when you need one?
  8. I've been waiting for this game for ages.
  9. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - YES Did we really had to ask? Commander Keen III: Keen Must Die - NO The game that ends the "trilogy". But I'm gonna NO it. It's basically commander keen 1 or 2 with slightly better graphics and slightly more annoying too. 0 Innovation whatsoever, and the only reason to play this is if you beat the other two before. Diablo II - YES Please. People are still trying to get close to this game's awesomeness, and are failing miserably. Grand Theft Auto III - YES There are lot of GTA haters out there, but none of them can't deny this game's qualities. The ability to go where you want and do what you want, the story, the humor, the gameplay, the graphics, they were all handled with such a scope that was never seen before. A truly open world that is inviting you to do as you please, with practically no restrictions. GTA 3 was an industry-changer game, and it's still a great game to play. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - YES Wonderful story, great characters, stunning graphics, excellent sound and balanced gameplay. What else can we ask from a game?. This game tackled the old and tired RTS genre with a new point of view, a mix of RPG and RTS, and it worked. Absolutely must-have.
  10. I hope they do. The videogame industry is one of the few tech industries that divides it's hardware so much and has so many different standars and media. I hope one day we have a single console that will play all the fucking games and there won't be any more console wars on teh winterwebs EVER. Not gonna happen but would be nice.
  11. I'm very glad to hear that Pit is a good character, as I want to play him so bad .
  12. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Borderline YES I'm gonna yes this because it's classic kirby gameplay and the system implemented here is really really enjoyable. Mixing powers to obtain new powers, and said powers are very cool. The soundtrack is pretty weak but the graphics are solid, it looks like kirby only in 3d. Gran Turismo - NO This game was the thing back then, but I never really liked it. The physics were wacky, the game was repetitive as hell and the graphics were inconsistent (Dancing polygons!). I do love GT3 because it surpasses this game in every way and it's actually a lot of fun. This one is a borefest to me. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings - YES There's almost no reason to justify this game. It's a REALLY solid game, groundbreaking in all aspects, and fun as hell. Several factions, each with its own advantages/disadvantages, awesome graphics that still look nice, and a feel that no other rts has achieved (not even further sequels of this game). Go Teutons! Mega Man Zero 2 - YES My favorite of the series. MMZ2 boasts excellent graphics, fun gameplay, a solid upgrade system, EXCELLENT soundtrack and also a good story, not to mention the high level of challenge that this series offer. MMZ games have been the best thing that capcom has done to the franchise after MMX4, and this one is no exception Mega Man X5 - NO Hell no. Although not as bad as X6, This game was the start of the decline in MMX games. The level design are some of the worst I've ever seen, and all uninspired, and so are the mavericks. The music isn't as memorable as in other MMX titles, and the graphcis are.. more of the same. 0 innovation and recycled sprites. Megaman purists and fanboys will defend this game to death, but for any other player who isn't crazy about this franchise will not even be interested in beating this. Rise of Nations - NO I love this game. Why am I giving it a no? because although I love it I can't deny it's broken. The mechanics of this game are a simple race to the highes tech level and nothing else. There are SO many upgrades to be done that it will turn off the majority of people. The units are replaced in a matter of minutes and they quickly become obsolete, as well as buildings and such. I still like this game a lot because I like the "race to the finish" feeling of it, but I know this isn't for most people. Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - YES One of the most beautiful games in any handheld, an awesome soundtrack, classic and solid zelda gameplay, new and innovative items, a great story and a zelda game that actually feels a lot like a link to the past. What's not to love about this game? Go play it now. Star Wars Episode I: Racer - NO Wipeout clone that fails. Soundtrack is as good as in any other star wars game, but the game as a whole isn't as fun or as tight as wipeout, or even f-zero. It's not a terrible game, but must have? no. Sid Meier’s Covert Action - YES I know I will be the only one yes'ing this, as I doubt anybody around here has played it, but still, I want people to be aware of the AWESOMENESS that this game represents. As any game with the Sid Meier's name slapped onto it, this game is solid and pretty unconventional. It mixes action, puzzles and investigation together in a solid package, and boast more gameplay than most games of this age. In this game you play the role of a CIA agent that is given the task to investigate an ongoing operation by a terrorist group (Real terrorist groups of the time like the ETA, the Medellin cartel and a ton of others). To do so you are given a few clues and then you're set off. From there on, how you stop the operation from being completed it's up to you. You might go visit a known hideout of a terrorist group involved with the operation (or related with the group involved with the operation) and tap the phone lines, or wait till you see someone suspicious come out and follow him/her, or put a transmitter on his car, or you can actually break in (this is the action part of the game) and looks for clues inside of the hideout. search archives, take pictures of evidence, hack computers and search (you actually type words and search) for information on any topic, place bugs, and lots of other things. Sometimes you find pieces of information that are coded, and you can go decrypt them in the CIA base of operations. Most of the actions like wiretapping, decrypting, or chasing suspects involve some sort of puzzle minigame, and they are all fun and challenging. This is a game where you need to use your logic to predict the terrorist's moves based on the evidence you find and stop them. You can capture key members of the operation during break-ins and depending on how much information you have on them, you can either send them to jail or turn them into a double agent that will give you information on the operation. This is just the tip of the iceberg on this game. every single mission are part of a BIG scheme, and all the missions are GENERATED. Yes, there are no set missions and no mission is the same. The game ends when you capture all the masterminds of the organizations, but there are so many that it will take you a lot of time to do it. As i said, I only touched the tip of the iceberg on the complexity and variety that this game offers. I was surprised that a game from that time could do so MUCH. The only bad thing I can say about this game is that the controls are wonky in the action sections, and that the game has a slight learning curve (mostly if you don't have the manual that explains how everything is done). Also the graphics are VGA but around NES quality (a bit better though). Other than that, this is a truly underrated game that is HUGE on gameplay. As i said, not many modern games pack so much stuff to do and so many options. GO PLAY THIS, GO PLAY THIS NOW. Again, GO PLAY THIS NOW. Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - YES Pokemon, despite all hate and kids dressing as pikachu, is actually a pretty deep rpg that is big on gameplay, although a bit small in story and scope. The Gold/silver/Crystal series were the ones I played the most and the best ones IMHO. Everybody who doesn't lives in a cave knows what pokemon is, but if you're one of those hard to find humans that feed off of cave shrooms and never see the sunlight, give these games a try.
  13. It works just fine in god of war. Also, about time nintendo, 10 years late on this as always but at least it's good to hear that they finally decided to go for it.
  14. Franchises changing hands isn't necesarily bad, as it has been proven by the change of hands from miyamoto to aonuma of the legend of Zelda series. However some really valuable people did leave the company, and most of those people were the creators of some of the most innovative games that capcom has released, and original IPs to add to that. We'll still have to see how this works out. okami seems like the perfect game for Wii, but remember many people were thinking the wii was the best console for FPS before release, and developers are still struggling to make the experience work. Still, this can only benefit nintendo either way, but I'll be really surprised if this game wasn't just an exact port with the brush being controlled with the wiimote and no other improvements/additions whatsoever.
  15. @Kanthos: a game already uses the system you mention: Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. And it doesn't feels right at all, feels more broken than anything and makes your feel like you're standing in the same place, despite you improving your spells and abilities. It's a broken system in reality. If I want challenge in a game, I go play NES or old PC games. games nowadays aren't hard, we all know that. But they're still somewhat fun. Also, there's multiplayer and online multiplayer where you will find all the challenge you need.
  16. WRONG. The best looking wii game is a GAMECUBE port (RE4). oh wait, that one also came out for the ps2 XD. The best looking wii game will be mario galaxy when it comes out, and from the approach companies are taking at the wii, it will be the best looking wii game for a long time. (maybe for the entirety of its lifespan!) oh and about the news, it was a no-brainer. In fact this is a game made for a console like the wii way more than for the ps2.
  17. Although our project didn't come to completion, I'm VERY glad it got posted. I fell in love with this song since the first demo, it's too damn groovy. Awesome work Rayza, I didn't tell you this before but this might very well my favorite song from you. I hope you decide to cover some of the other songs from the game too XD. And people there will be more mixes from this game getting submitted (and most likely posted) soon, so look forwards to that.
  18. EQ is very common in the kick/bass situation, it's almost mandatory. But as I said, it depends on the genre you're mixing. As I said, for synth instruments you might want to do big changes to the freqs, but for real instruments and for general mastering is not recommendable. Again, remember that EQ can drastically change the "personality" of your sounds. Personally I eq pretty much everything, but it's because most of the songs I make are very synth-heavy and the genre requires drastic adjustments to the nature of drums and instruments. When I go for something like a mix of orchestral elements and electronic aspects I keep things gentle. If you want good examples of this, check out reason demo songs and see how they apply eq to instruments. As I said, how you will use eq, as any other effect, depends of the kind of music you're doing. But as a general rule try to keep it gentle and try to keep your sounds authentic. If you start EQing everything to box every sound into a frequency range, the sounds lose authenticity and character, whereas if you try to cover a good range of frequencies with each instruments in a way that they don't totally overlay each other but also don't sound boxed and thin, you will achieve better results. Sidechaining is a type of compression used to automatically attenuate certain sounds when others are played. This is used a lot for vocals, so when the vocals appear in a song, certain instruments get attenuated to give prominence to the vocals. Most of the time this effect is used in a subtle manner but it also can be used heavily on some styles of songs, for example a lot of House and Techno songs use this method to create an effect like the one found in rayza's new remix at around (0:45): http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01633/
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