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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. I miss orange ocr and Time-limited downloads. srsly.
  2. nice. I would have liked something simpler though. We'll see.
  3. I played the DMC3 port. Pure and utter crap.(I didn't like DMC in ps2 anyways) So is the RE4 port, doesn't makes justice to the original when it comes to the controls, and practically no visual upgrade. Capcom does the cheapest PC ports you will find ever. However, these are really good news for me. If MGS goes multi as well, I could at last get rid of that thought in the back of my head that I, eventually, will have to sell a kidney to get a PS3. I couldn't care less about FF anymore, although if it goes multi as well, the better. For all the other ps3 exclusives... well now I will have enough high quality x360 exclusives to make for it. Just this year they are at least 15 high quality games coming for the x360. So come on konami, make me a happy (and less poor) boy and bring it to the 360.
  4. Oh yeah. Quest are so different between MMOs. Again, RTFM. Who says you have to? you don't have to. You can go solo or party until level 70. What's more, you can go questing or grinding with almost the same effectiveness, unlike FF, they don't force you to do either. ORLY? I wonder why 90% of hardcore and amateur players complain about how snail-paced slow FFXI is. Bunch of whiners. Everybody loves to spend your entire life on a game to accomplish next to nothing. ORLY? I wonder in which MMO you can't do ANYTHING, as you say, with your character. Besides, in WoW, if I get tired of being a NE Hunter I just log off and create a new char. i don't have to go check my wallet. Plus, you have 8 Classes and 10 Races. Plus Jobs and Sub-Jobs. And yes, TBC took ages to come, but it was worth it. Blizzard "Quality control my ass"? LOL . If Anything, Blizzard is the company with one of the highest quality control in the industry. That's why WoW has 8.5 M subscribers and counting and FFXI does not. That's why Starcraft, Warcraft and Diablo are considered some of the best games ever made.You're comparing a higly flawed game to a great, polished game(although with it's flaws, but which game is really flawless?)
  5. You fail it. I've played tons of MMOs. I played Everquest before the whole MMO boom started. I've played asian and american MMOs, and WoW is one of the deepest, biggest and more varied Battle-oriented MMOs out there. Also one of the easiest to level up through the first half of the game if you do things properly. I mean, you could get past 25 in a week. shut off your internet plzkthnx. FFXI is dumb and full of flaws. Slow as fuck, and made to suck you out of every penny.(paying for each character, what the fuck?) In Most MMOs out there you aren't forced to join a group to level up, and good ones keep you doing quests to avoid the endless grind that is found in these games. Sorry but if it weren't because of the FF name slapped to the title I wouldn't have seen this game last even a few months. Good UI? who needs that! just give them crappily designed mobs that spawn every year or so and let them grind to death. Fast Travel times? meh. The more they last from one city to another, the more money we make! One could argue that WoW is made for "Dumb" people. But are only "Dumb" people those in need of a good UI? those who like to do lots of stuff other than fighting all the time? those who don't want to play the game for hours to get one simple quest done because of the outrageous travel times? those who want some freedom with their chars without having to give their salary to sony? well yeah. Dumb people indeed.
  6. No one has said that Warcraft story is original. Is it bigger and better than any FF to date? hell yes. Again, if you knew the complete arc of warcraft and the complete arc of the final fantasy games, it's a no brainer.
  7. lol are you fucking kidding me? have you ever read the warcraft story and lore? cuz I have, and I know the story of each final fantasy to date as well. And none is as big, as epic or as well thought as warcraft's. I can resume each final fantasy story as "have whiny kids + good vs evil battle". Warcraft is not your usual "good vs evil" battle, is so much more than that RTFM!
  8. yeah, I'd put warcraft complete story and world against any FF, any day. Of course, if you (not you suzu) are a mindless grinder that don't even care to take a look at what those texts you see scrolling down in quests mean, then you won't have an idea of what's going on. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/story/index.html
  9. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7341
  10. I'm always watching this competition from a dark corner. I should start posting more often btw, that's some sexy wip copious... Also Bean I love your stuff I hope you can finish that.
  11. I'm a NE Priest on the Andhorhal Realm. The name's Macrona.
  12. Stay away from titan quest. It's a game that mostly dissapointed the Diablo-styled rpg fans. It's FULL of bugs, and not nearly as fun as Diablo 2. Wait until Hellgate comes out.
  13. Sorry if I'm a little late on this, but since when Wikipedia removed the pages where projects such as Kong in concert and The Dark Side of Phobos were explained in detail? seems like they don't have their own page anymore.
  14. haha I'm lucky I submitted my entry first, because this was exactly the same setup I used for mine, a battle after the sunrise. Otherwise you'd think I'm a copycat
  15. I never thought you did it on purpose. The unwillingness of mods to remove it or point at the fault is what bothers me. And they have been around and seen the thread already. But meh, I don't own any competitions anyways, so my thoughts on the matter aren't important, I just care about them because it's the only reason that keeps me coming back to the forums.
  16. Yikes... I haven't being able to mix anything at all this week, and I dunno if I'll be able to come up with something today either, been too busy. SHAME ON ME! BUT... Last week I got my new string samples and I decided to try them on this song. It's more or less a midi rip, so you might add it as a bonus, or not. http://www.sirnuts.com/Music/SymphonicTest.mp3 I love my new samples though
  17. I think it's fine to have a competitions forum. I don't agree though, that threads like this are created in gendisc to pull attention to competitions, specially since it hasn't been deleted, which would have been the case with other competitions if they had started a thread. This breaks the whole purpose of having the competitions forums. Why do we have a competition forums if people can still create threads about the competition in gendisc anyways? Moreso, why wasn't this thread deleted right away? I wonder if I had made a thread to pull attention towards the last ORC would have lasted more than a couple of minutes without being removed.
  18. This is no democracy. Don't like it? you're welcome to leave. I'm saving you the pain of hearing it from a mod/judge who will truly mean it.
  19. As far as I remember, you can do any genre you want without specifications, and I assume there are no lenght specifications besides what logically could be too long for a competition like this. Also midi, afaik are recommended but not necessary. But TO is who has the right to say what goes and what not in the rules so yo should try to pm him. My advice would be to keep it simple. It fits more a timed competition like this.
  20. ROFL. I would never make such a threat but yeah REESLUTS!
  21. Sorry Bahamut but that's not true. Adjusted for inflation should be around 320~330 dollars, as PP stated. I think weverybody's waiting for the big games to come out to make a judgement on how the ps3 will fare(that is, Metal gear anf FFXII). If they don't help the brand, and blu-ray doesn't stays firmly as the new data storage medium, it has a high probability of being just another overpriced and failed console. However as I said, everyone's waiting for the big games to come out to make a judgement. Good games are coming out already like tekken 5, virtua fighter and motorstorm, but they haven't helped the brand to sell much, at least not at the level the xbox360 and wii are selling now.
  22. nice name hehe I'll try to come up with something before the deadline.
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