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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Awesome, I know everyone is just going to want to interview me for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours!
  2. There's a lot more to "remixing" than that.
  3. Not sure what you're going here, to be honest. This might hurt to hear, but this is, at best, amateurish. There's no way any of this (so far) would ever get anywhere on this site. Almost every track so far just sounds like a midi with, say, EWQLSO layered on and no adjustment done.
  4. Livejudge my Lufia track because I will be there :3
  5. Holy shit a lot of you are totally missing the point of SECRET Santa
  6. It would help if the in-game graphics matched the designs by the Korean artist who is well known to cause many popped boners.
  7. Man, my track on the project is going to sound REALLY weird leading into yours, Mr. Wise

  8. I dunno, I've tried to point it out a few times to several people, but it never made any headway. In the meantime you can hear the final version here:
  9. It should probably be noted that my REJECTED version of this mix got posted instead of the version that I actually subbed and got passed. There aren't really many production issues in the redo. I think someone messed up in the remix posting department.
  10. Maybe it's just me, but your current drum setup sounded just fine to me.
  11. It's just a dress what's the big deal
  12. Mono should prolly update the main post now. It's been pushed back a week, and now a metric fuckton of people are coming. Awesome!
  13. I have never played a CoD/MW game in my life. I WAS interested in this one until all of the PC shenanigans that went down. Then I said meh. I can do without, especially from a development team that made their name on the PC market and then not only abandoned it, but SCREWED it.
  14. I have been without my recording setup for about 6 months now, but am moving on Saturday and will again have access to it. I should be able to finish it up in a month or two.
  15. wtf secret SANTA? what about jews like me who say fuck that noise? we don't believe in santa and santa is an affront to god Me and Ash are in. We count as one person.
  16. My style is pretty much unique. At least, in this remix.
  17. It's not a secret anymore. Hasn't been for a while. Also, the NEW secret is still super secret. I think like 3 or 4 people know, myself included. :3
  18. http://www.gamespot.com/misc/presentations/ace-attorney/index.html?popup=1 It's a flash demo for the DS game and is fucking fantastic.
  19. i recognize arnold rimmer in that picture
  20. I first heard about this a week or so ago verbally, so when someone told me "Sole Signal" I thought "Soul Signal" and said to myself "self, that is a fucking stupid name". Then eventually I read the news elsewhere and saw it as "Sole Signal" and thought "holy shit that's pretty cool".
  21. No one is being a whiny bitch, and it's not a minor detail. Console gamers don't get it. They're perfectly okay with everyone being brought DOWN to their standard instead of allowing themselves to be brought UP to the PC standard. Why are you people so retarded? You retards should be demanding to have the features that PC gamers (apparently used to) have, because you have no goddamn clue what you're missing.
  22. headphones/monitors/whatever to be flat across the board in eq, tailor to that
  23. jesus christ you're a real piece of work
  24. i dont know. maybe if what you said was at all relevant to the topic at hand my opinion might have changed, otherwise you're still, at least for this topic, grossly misinformed at best.
  25. they have pictures on the internet now. how quaint.
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