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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. For the Mexico thing, you're going to have to count Ash (and me, if I even get out of here soon enough) out. It's now illegal for DOD employees and their dependents to go to Mexico due to the violence in the country.
  2. So I may have spoken too soon about not coming. I just checked the class schedule today, and it says I start my IT Fundamental class (the this-is-how-you-turn-on-a-computer class) on Monday. If that's the case, there's still a chance I'll finish through fairly quickly, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  3. Shiiiit, the last time a song of mine went to the judge's panel was Chrono Trigger, since then it's been all direct post by Dave. I think I have something like 3 or 4 songs in the DP queue as it is...
  4. It's very possible that I'm too loud, but I didn't change anything in the way I record. The only track where I have a differing volume level is my Chrono Trigger track "Fight For Our Future!", where I didn't know a whole lot about eliminating clipping, so I just lowered the master track volume to get rid of it.
  5. If I had my recording studio set up, I'd be very interested. Give me a month.
  6. So you've probably heard a draft of this if you were paying attention 3 months ago. I've done some tweaking to it, changed some rhythm and percussion parts, and finally wrapped up production on this piece. It's a progressive-ish metal take on "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet" with a few melodies from the overworld and some other tunes thrown in (can you ID them all?). Comments are more than welcome. http://tindeck.com/listen/tkdt
  7. Turns out marriage wasn't for me. Divorce incoming.
  8. I was working on a remix for The Extreme before I left for the Air Force... I'll finish it up when I get my recording setup back.
  9. Probably not going to make this meetup. Actually, 100% won't, unless I get discharged. I'll probably be here in Keesler until at least November. THANKS, LYING AIR FORCE.
  10. I am going to miss the listen party for this CHATLOG OR DIE
  11. why haven't i been on ocad yet you jerks
  12. I'm going to miss the release and the listen party D: YOU JERKS OWE ME BIG ESPECIALLY SINCE I'M GOING TO BE KEEPING YOU ALL SAFE FROM TURRISTS
  13. Sunshine was just terrible. Hey guys let's make a game that's all entirely set in one local with no break from it. I'm so sure that tropical area #34 won't get boring right guys.
  14. I have found that most of the haters of SMG didn't play well past the first couple of galaxies. Yeah, they're boring and pbad. But after that the game opens up to a world of tremendously awesome platforming the likes of which hadn't been seen since Mario 64. Sunshine was shit.
  15. Ah, yeah. I would be, too.
  16. Why swap the pickups out of that Iceman? It came with stock DiMarzio Evo's, top of the line pickups. Most Ibanez guitars come with shitty Powersound/V7-8's/AH's.
  17. Or listen to what I said. Because it's 100% accurate.
  18. Petrucci has used a multitude of different pickups and guitars over the years. I&W was primarily on his Ibanez guitars (basswood bodies) with either a Steve's Special or Tone Zone in the bridge, with an Air Norton in the neck. He has only recently started using the CL and Liquifire, literally the last few months.
  19. The backlash is going to be epic for this game. It has already soundly been rejected in Japan by even the most ardent of fanboys... I have to wonder how bad it'll be here.
  20. Update: Have a new version with a new mastering. Anyone want to tell me which you prefer of the two? Old: http://tindeck.com/listen/ibxu New: http://tindeck.com/listen/zvdl
  21. It's a right-handed, pictures probably got flipped somewhere in the process of uploading them. It has a DiMarzio Evolution 7 in the bridge and a custom-wound DiMarzio pickup in the neck that was made for Ryan Shuck of Orgy that I managed to snag. The swirl was done by Herc Fede, one of the most famous guitar swirlers before he quit doing them a few years ago.

  22. The correct answer. Sony really should have gone back to the PS1's splashscreen for the PS3 slim. Such an awesome intro and sound.
  23. Can't all be winners? Iono, but I'm glad I wasn't the only one that wasn't feeling the synth. But I take back a lot of what I said months ago about Shreddage. While not entirely realistic, it is probably the best option out there for someone who doesn't play guitar but wants some in their tunes. Not sure how someone who doesn't understand the intricacies of actually recording a heavy guitar would get by with it because I don't have it, or its lead sound (because there wasn't any in this song), but kudos for what I have heard.
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