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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Yeah, the synth in general is pretty bad. Dissonant and harsh, just not a good tone at all (nor is the note choice very easy to listen to). Shreddage turned out better than I expected, but how about some lead playing to show it off?
  2. I'm out this week, too. DISNEYLAND BITCHES. also my guitar is broken
  3. Great, now let's hope they fix the core element of the game that makes SF4 absolutely awful. Its slowness.
  4. No, in the old days we just stopped playing games that controlled like pieces of dogshit. Like Heavy Rain.
  5. Controls make or break a game. R2 breaks this game. How am I supposed to be immersed when my character walks around like a retard in circles?
  6. R2 to walk is the shittiest thing I've ever heard of in a videogame. Voice acting ranges from okay to awful. I wanted to enjoy this game (i even got the demo a week ago by getting a euro account), but I couldn't. Too many strikes against it.
  7. Not liking the fake guitar. And if it's real... well it sounds really fake.
  8. My refund should be here in a week.
  9. I want to help :3
  10. I will donate when our tax refund comes in.
  11. The fall is absolutely perfect for me, I'll be well out of boot and tech school, established in my job, and have much more of a regular schedule so that I may dedicate time properly to remixing. Then Dave and I can get our mojo going...
  12. do you know where the remote is?
  13. SNES, Wii, Dreamcast, PS2, PS3, 360, blah blah dick waving
  14. I thought they were dead on. I'm pretty sure they are.
  15. The original classic controller is thick beyond necessity. The SNES controller was thin n' slim and fit the hand perfectly. Wii CC suffers from obesity. goddamn american controllers
  16. Still don't get it. You're talking to a musical autistic here.
  17. Your music talk is lost on me, sir.
  18. Oh jesus christ, Sega, Sonic doesn't need a story. That's one of the things that ruined the series in the first place.
  19. http://tindeck.com/listen/elsc Just did this for starla's OHC. Had to do it on a regular pair of $15 headphones as my mixing headphones are completely dead, so there's a lot of clipping issues (especially near the end), and the mix in general may be a bit off. It doesn't stray far from the source for the first minute and a quarter, but you can hear it start to deviate before it gets cut off. Really looking forward to finishing this one. What do you think of it?
  20. UPDATE: Update: Have a new version with a new mastering. Anyone want to tell me which you prefer of the two? Old: http://tindeck.com/listen/ibxu New: http://tindeck.com/listen/zvdl original post: http://tindeck.com/listen/ibxu Length-wise, it's pretty much complete. Still have to layer some melodies on top of the more barren parts of it, and iron out a few clipping issues. What do you think of it?
  21. Dr. Robotnik sounds menacing. It sounds like a crazed psychopath bent on roboticising all the wildlife. Eggman just sounds fucking stupid.
  22. Probably because it's pronounced Neck-oh. NOT KNEEKO YOU REJECTS.
  23. This is Sega you're talking about. The same company who called the last Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog" because it was a reboot and return to Sonic's "roots". Of course they're going to mess this one up.
  24. Art style is quite hideous, to be perfectly frank. Sonic needs to be buried, he's already dead. This game comes 15 years too late.
  25. For anyone still interested in White Knight Chronicles, you might want to sit down. http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps3/whiteknightchroniclesinternational 64 on Metacritic, with a damning 5.1 from IGN and a 6.0 from GameSpot. Seriously? They had over an entire year to polish it from its already-attrociously reviewed Japanese counterpart and they couldn't do it.
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