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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Nope. Fault lies entirely with the presentation. Why people insist on blaming everything under the sun BUT the game is mind boggling. I guess fanyboyism runs that deep.
  2. Most good stories can explain themselves and get their major points across without you going "wtf did I just watch/play". That's why it's a GOOD STORY. Well crafted. FF7 was just absolutely ALL over the place, to the point where 12 years later I still didn't know EXACTLY what happened, even after playing it several times.
  3. and when you can't gather that by just playing the game, something is very wrong with the game.
  4. With any luck, my album (The Agony of Man) should be out before Christmas. But prolly not...
  5. It's in perfect sync, it's just not in 4/4 time.
  6. silent hill homecoming shit. shit. shit.
  7. ssh has never had a good simulated guitar tone imo. its always sounded fake. but eh.
  8. to b e completely honest, it's the kind of thing that blows every other project out of the water in WTF-ness. like how the fuck did you manage that. and it makes me proud to be onboard this project in part of it that and my remix is fucking jawesome for it
  9. The most delicious part is that I know what the secret is, and you don't. HAR HAR.
  10. I wouldn't mind having a go at it, to see how close I can get it with my knowledge of the stuff.
  11. Uh maybe it's just me but the solution seems really simple make the 1-80 game fun. dont make it "start" at 80. eq2 is fun from level 1 right on up to and beyond the level cap. why can't wow do that?
  12. No it's not. I don't see how anyone could have been fooled unless they were a tone deaf dork who has only been playing for 6 months. Now, I can see it EASILY fooling non-guitarists, and people who don't know anything about the instrument easily. And in the end that's the goal, iddnit? Maybe it's the production, because the rhythm guitar seems dead centered (a huge no-no in guitar mixing). But still, it felt very brittle and... digital. But like I said, still a marked improvement over what's out there now, and I can see it working just fine for people who know how to manipulate it properly.
  13. While certainly markedly better than what is out there now, still gotta say it doesn't sound even close to the real thing. But I can see it substituting in a pinch
  14. the ff8 review was like 40% ff8 and 60% him trying to show off his own original shit. not funny
  15. Yes and no. Hardcore, like you said, does not imply the negativeness that is usually used when describing an MMO. No grinding but you still can't take a character from 1-80 (is it capped at 80 still? been a while) in a few sittings like WoW. But there is still a clear progression, and no point where you're frustrated because you have to grind for something. EQ2 admittedly started off very badly, but within 9 months they had turned the game around completely and never looked back. I've played a lot of MMOs (EQ, beta Vanguard, EQ2, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, etc), and I can easily say EQ2 was the best of them all. CoH a distant second.
  16. I notice you say EQ, but not EQ2. You should seriously give it a try. It's WOW done right. Yes, I am saying WOW is an MMO done wrong.
  17. well duh i only have about a bajillion things in the queue
  18. It is very fun. I miss it, Ash misses it, and when we can afford it we'll be returning. Helpful community, great character progressions, etc. Just an all around good game.
  19. short answer: play everquest 2
  20. the day ocr went too far
  21. Does this mean the people that were originally opposed to the sidebar will be unbanned?
  22. What an incredibly racist thing to say
  23. Damn, this guy lives 180 miles from me. If only it were a little closer I'd pay a personal visit.
  24. iwi sh i was cool enough for someone to steal muscif from me oh wait they already have
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