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The Berserk Fury

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Everything posted by The Berserk Fury

  1. Another ?. When i try to save a mix into a flp file type then when i try to open it i get erros like cant find midi output/input or the file my be curourpt. THen i tired to open one that came with fl4 and the same thing happned.
  2. In frutiy loops 4 onthe left side is the browser. I made a remix and i wanted to add some reverb but i dont knowhow to. In the browser right clicked reverb and clicked add to selected channel but it said somelike reeverb isent a insturment and the genterator something. So my main question is, how do i put reverb into my mixes?
  3. This mix sounds a little strange. I dont like it.
  4. I Think this is the first remix of this song i have heard. Its nice catchy jazzy mix.
  5. Normally i wouldent even touch jazz but, this is great. You used great soundfonts.
  6. Great job. The chessy voice sample sounds a little like when the chicks witha moh hockdie.
  7. Pretty good a little tomuch distortion for me but other than that great mix.
  8. Perfect nice virety of insturments. Nice mix. Now go make a mix of the boos battle theme.
  9. I havent played this game in years so iam not fimmailr with the orinignal. But this is great.
  10. The hacking and the alarms sounds great. but about 0:50 is just :vomit:
  11. Well not my kind of music the only real part i liked was the flute. But even thou i dontlike this you did a greatjobon it.
  12. Especially McVaffe's remix. \m/ WOW This is something that you would find on a orchrested actraier soundtrack.
  13. Sorry dj pretzel but i like this better than yours. Anyways i lovethe great paino work!
  14. This is like old school techno. But its not my favorite but its good. My favorite part is 0:52.
  15. I dont like the begining but once zeros theme comes, all hell breaks loose.
  16. Its pretty goodbut to repetitive.
  17. Pretty good but needs more sounds.
  18. Great work but i have 1 problem with it. At first you think its going to be a classical but then the gutairs come in. I mean they just pop out.(That dident sound right)
  19. you silly billy this is great in mymind this is way better than kefka goes west are you going to make any more remiexes of kefkas theme
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