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Everything posted by Synth

  1. We need a avatar of Steve Vai.
  2. Software: Fruity loops 6 Reason 3 Many free vsts Hardware: VOX Valvetronix 30W Amp Squire strat guitar Carera STC-33 Guitar 50+ year old acoustic guitar no-name Yamaha Dgx-202
  3. I to have a squire strat, and I can get some great tones out of it. No offense to you taucer, but I think your problem is your amp. I used to play my squire through the shitty amp it came with(value pack) but then I switched to a Vox Valvetronix 30W. I can get some surprisly good tones with such a crappy guitar. I used to have the problem with the trem bar, until I losend up the screws on the bridge a bit. It still goes out of tune a bit, but its no where as bad as it used to be.
  4. How does one make music with turn tables?
  5. Very very cool, I was able to get a 303ish sound out of one of fl's bass drums.
  6. :vomit:
  7. I found a Acoustic guitar in my closet which is about 50 years old. I know nothing about acoustics. Its head looks like that of a classical/flamenco, but its bridge is that of an normal acoustic. Is it ok to put nylon strings on it? or does it have to be normal acoustic strings? And it needs a bridge replacement, but I can't find anywhere to buy one, anyone know where?
  8. I know this isn't the answer your looking for. But maybe you don't like writing music anymore.
  9. $150 here http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Recording/Computer/Software?sku=955872
  10. I don't have EWQLSO but from what people say, its the best for your buck. If your a reason user, I would stay away from the Strings refill that propellar heads sells, waste of $90.
  11. Very very nice setup. Your dad is hot.
  12. I'm looking for a good free vst. Something with atlot of power.
  13. They are worth it.
  14. In the Piano Roll, how do I change the unused roll's(the ones with the pitch, pan, filter res etc.) I'm trying to change them to Filter cut on a midi out channel.
  15. Go to your cd drive through my computer and copy and paste the refill to your reason folder.
  16. Well what kind of guitars are you talking about? If you're using acustic add some reverb and eq. If its electric use a amp sim. You can get some good sounds out of slayer if you know what your doing.
  17. The one i'm looking for is about 200mb.
  18. I'm looking for a very high quality piano sf2. I've heard of one called gigapiano~1 but, I can't seam to find it. Anyone have a link?
  19. 1.Im trying to set the attack of a NNXT to my pitch blend wheel on my midi controller but the pitch is allready set to it. How do I remove the pitch and switch it to attack? 2. Is their a way to controll 2 or squencer tracks with 1? Fruity Loops has a layer channel but, is thier one for Reason?
  20. Im looking for some vsts that are good for 80's and early 90's synths.
  21. This continues on after what the help file says. 1) You need to input note data into Reason's piano roll. 2) Then in the FL Studio step sequencer (I use the first pattern, but it's not necessary) right-click on the ReWired channel, Reason and click "Piano Roll." 3) Make one note (anywhere) as many measures as the data in Reason's piano roll is. Meaning, if an instrument/synth in Reason plays for nine measures, make the note in FL Studio nine measures. Hope that helps!
  22. Im trying to use Reason with Fruity loops through ReWire. I did excatly what the help file says but I can't get it to work. Maybe im doing it wrong so, could someone tell me how to do it step by step?
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