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Everything posted by KWarp

  1. Anyone have tips for the new Macbooks?
  2. Yeah yeah. ;[ Next-gen buddy, next-gen. Around 2010.
  4. Everyone pick their own theme and see which one catches on.
  5. When they run out of old information to post, they stop posting information. Was really hoping for a new trailer...
  6. $20 is the ceiling for me purchasing Geometry Wars at retail stores. I'd much rather download it online for $10 or less.
  7. Yeah, I'm quite certain buying all these TVs is just a little too much for us. Then again, our family hasn't bought new furniture in the last 10 years. We're going all-out on this remodel. Buying 7 1080p sets is wasteful in my opinion. It seems sensible to make the largest one 1080p though. Seems like Samsung and Sony is the way to go. Cool. Anyone have experience with DLP projectors?
  8. Lots of them. My family's remodeling a house for us to move into, and they're equipping the entire place with a few new flatscreen TVs, HD ones for the most part. We've decided to go with LCD, 720p. Five 30" and one 50". All of them will be mounted onto walls. The next question is what brand of TV set will work best for us? (Sony, Toshiba, etc.) A durable TV and good customer service is a priority. We're also thinking about a DLP projector for a home-theater setup. Something compatible with computers, game consoles, and TV broadcasting. Suggestions?
  9. Wii has been doing pretty well for itself. I can't believe it's still selling out. 3rd-parties are having similar problems snagging Wii System Developer Kits. I wish they'd quit porting junk over though. I have a Wii game backlog. Never had that before with Gamecube. Very happy.
  10. Holding my breath for Sonic. Any thoughts on LAN multiplayer?
  11. Overseas for two weeks if that matters. Will be back on April 8th.
  12. Super Paper Mario Download some Virtual Console titles while you're at it.
  13. Yeah let's throw in Cave Story characters while we're at it. I'll go out on a limb and predict Brawl will implement neato motion controls. Sakurai has had a lot of time to experiment and I would a useful control scheme. I doubt it would outright replace Melee's system, but rather add to it. New move sets, move combinations with buttons and swipes and the like. If I were Sakurai I would definitely experiment with those ideas.
  14. Facebook is better.
  15. Played Smash Melee in anime club yesterday and in free block today. That game never gets old with new people. Brawl character wishlists = stupid
  16. NiGHTS rumors have been floating around for around year now. The way I see it, knowing about it now or knowing about it next week won't make the game come out any faster. (..I wish there were better youtube videos of the original game though. Anyone have a good one?)
  17. Protip: Shake the controller with one hand. Use time break often.
  18. No way, I want the whole package and I don't want to pay any premiums to get it.
  19. I'm irritated. One whole month and I still can't find Wii Play on store shelves. Typically when a game sells like hotcakes I head over to a store that isn't associated with selling videogames (ie Circuit City) and find the games I'm looking for there. In Wii Play's case it sells out especially quickly there. I'm out of ideas.
  20. I found the game at Blockbuster for $15. I'm addicted to the Everybody Votes channel. Virtual Console needs more Kirby.
  21. Tough to keep interest around here it seems. Approximately how "done" would you say you are?
  22. The greatest music in the world is whatever you like.
  23. I have a great selection of games for the next few months: Must finish: Excite Truck Elebits Sonic and the Secret Rings Monkey Ball (if I can sit through it again) Virtual Console games Must buy: Wii Play Warioware Super Paper Mario Mario Party 8
  24. Agreed. My drawing teacher explained the differences: -Mass media art is an escape from reality. -Fine art causes the viewer to reexamine his own reality from the artist's perspective. By that definition I don't know of any videogames that qualify as fine art. Conceptually speaking, a fine art game could be something that challenges the hierarchy of society, or what is acceptable in culture. Oddly, Rockstar fits in that definition a little too well.
  25. My most anticipated 3rd party game this year is Dewy's Adventure. Aside from that I'll probably pick up Paper Mario and Mario Party 8 in the next few months. Oddly it appears Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Brawl are NOT QUARTER 2 TITLES WTF NINTENDO AT THIS RATE ONE OF THEM WILL BE DELAYED TO 2008 ARGH!11!11111
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