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Everything posted by ekm

  1. Sorry Xerol, but how can this screen be LCD if the borders of the screen indicate that this is a CRT screen/TV hybrid The shape and thickness of the TV scream "OMG CRT!!" as well, since it's been a decade or two since LCD screens were that big.
  2. Not directly, as all the connections on the UB models are 1/4". The "Phones" jack is stereo so all you would need is a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter - any decent electronics/music store will have those coming out their asses. I'll mention this again though, since I ended up buying a mixer and having to take it back for a bigger: Unless you get a mixer with subgroups you will not be able to send your computer mix out through it while recording, as that mix would just end up going right back in with whatever signal you're recording. The UB1204/UB1204FX are the smallest ones Behringer has with this feature - a fair bit more expensive than an 802 but I'm quite happy with mine.
  3. I spent a couple of weeks trying to solve the exact same problem with my 0404. Between Radio Shack and my guitar store I couldn't get adapters that would do the trick, so I ended up grabbing a cheap Behringer mixer. I'd suggest either getting one or putting the output through one if you already do. Just make sure to subgroup it so the signal doesn't get sent back into your computer while you record...
  4. I've got an E-MU 0404, so two mono ins and two out, in addition to MIDI, SPDIF, and whatever other crap I can't remember sticking out the back of my computer right now. Works like a charm, though I'm having a couple of issues getting Patchmix (the mixing/routing utility it uses) to cooperate. 1. The "Product Default" session sets up ASIO so that each of the mono inputs sends to a stereo ASIO input. Thus, in my host (Tracktion right now) I have two lefts and two rights all sending the same thing. Even better, it has them set up so that the two lefts and two rights are paired together so I can't just use one stereo pair together and ignore the other. Can anyone tell me how to get it down to just a normal L+R setup? The input strips are just loaded with a peak meter and then an ASIO send (1/2 and 3/4, respectively). I can't find any way to, say, make one send to ASIO 1 and the other to 2. 2. I run my guitar through a mixer (Behringer UB1204) and from there into the sound card. Since I have it subgrouped so that the guitar signal is going to both the computer and the headphone mix, I don't really need to monitor the same signal coming back out of the sound card with everything else I've already got tracked. Flipping the Monitor Mute button in Patchmix mutes all the output, unfortunately, but I know there must be a way to do it. At first I thought it might be a routing issue with my host but closing it quickly proved that theory wrong.
  5. So, $1500+ for a desk that has rack mounts built in? I'll stick with IKEA furniture (hell, even Wal-Mart has some nice desks) and good ol' cinderblock + plywood.
  6. MiniHost ( http://www.tobybear.de/p_minihost.html ) is specifically designed to be a low-resource-usage VST host, though it has a surprising number of useful features. Oh, and it's free.
  7. I just got an SM57 a few weeks ago, and I couldn't agree with you more. Even using my dinky, no-name 30-watt practice amp I'm able to get some amazing tone - far better than the cabinet modeling Digitech has to offer. Chances are they've improved it a bit since I got my RP200 a few years ago, but I've never been very impressed with that feature except as another option for changing my sound. Garian: Hopefully you have a good sound card, as things like my SBLive tend to give you rather poor quality when recording. The E-MU 0404 is fairly cost-effective, as for a hundred bucks or so you get two 1/4" channels in, two out, MIDI in/out, some SPDIF junk I don't undersetand, and a couple of RCA jacks whose function I'm not too certain of. The sound quality, however, is rad. I run my mic into a Behringer UB1204P mixer, after which things get a little assbackward due to my lack of a monitor. The mixer has two "main" XLR outputs, two 1/4" outputs on a separate bus, and then headphone/control room outputs. I take the mic signal (or direct from the Digitech if it's late and I need to be quiet) and run it out the auxiliary bus into my sound card. From there, I send everything BUT that guitar signal back out to the mixer, and get everything mixed (couldn't help it) together for my headphone output. You could certainly get by without a mic, just running straight into a sound card, but I find having a mixer is infinitely more useful for keeping an eye on everything without being limited to what your computer feels like doing. Plus I love playing with faders, but that's me.
  8. I think Ghetto Lee Lewis is trying to say that he meant a different pentatonic scale altogether, as any scale with five notes is pentatonic. The major pentatonic, I believe, is R-2-3-5-6, or A-B-C#-E-F#.
  9. Blues = Minor pentatonic + a flattened fifth.
  10. I guess I'll throw my routing question in here too, rather than make a new topic for it. What I'd like to do is record my guitar mic to my PC through a mixer, have the PC send back either the guitar mixed with any other tracks or just the other tracks (as I can get the guitar straight from the mixer), and then get the result out of the mixer to my speakers/headphones. All of that is easy enough, except keeping the signal from the PC from getting into what the mixer is sending it to record. Any suggestions? I just bought a Behringer UB502 that I suspect isn't up to the task, but I'm probably going to take it back for a larger one - looking at the 802 and 1202 models, however, I can't quite figure out how I'd do it. Thanks for any help.
  11. Form of... inability to use output channels due to nonexistence of adapter required to hook up computer speakers in stereo!
  12. Sorry, I read it as "what you have" rather than "what you actually use". On top of that, Reason and Live are LE editions that came with other hardware - fully functional in terms of usability and saving, but lacking in the more complicated features. I won't deny warezing a ton of software, audio and otherwise, but I buy what I can.
  13. Software: Tracktion, FLStudio, Live, Reason, maybe a Cubase disc around here somewhere, Cool Edit Pro for quick stuff. Guitars: Ibanez AX7221, BC Rich Warlock Bronze, some no-name acoustic Hardware: Digitech RP200 guitar processor, Fender Princeton 60 amplifier, no-name 30w amplifier, E-MU 0404 sound card, and a Korg microKontrol.
  14. It is indeed the hardest boss. Its incredibly powerful attack, "Rollback", throws the entire forumverse back in time! I could never find that post again. Lost. Forever. And bumps only makes it stronger. Just thought you should know. What if everyone stops posting and just casts "Delete Post" every turn? I'm thinking Earthbound here...
  15. I always find that digging out a new scale or two to learn gets the juices flowing nicely.
  16. Anyone else ever think that John Williams was listening to a little too much Holst when he was writing Star Wars?
  17. Although it took two months extra and one lost item that Musician's Friend had to send out a replacement for (fuck you, UPS), Santa brought me a Korg MicroKontrol MIDI controller and an E-MU 0404 sound card. All I need now is some more RAM and various bits of cable and adapters to unleash my fully operational battle station.
  18. Thanks, man. My brain shuts off after about three seconds of looking at most synth VSTs, so these help a bunch.
  19. A mystery? Perhaps. One that will go unsolved for countless generations? Most likely. Or perhaps it's simply a fact of life that has to be dealt with when you enter... the Twilight Thread.
  20. Pretty cool, but please tell me you're going to spice up the text a bit. And for the love of god, anti-aliasing.
  21. Non-remix Favorite threads tend to be frowned upon too, as we've seen with Favorite Snack Food this week. Some topics are neat, like Favorite Weapon/Item or Favorite Boss, but some judgement really needs to be exercised before you start one of these. Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?
  22. Dear lord yes. My roommate and I literally spent a whole weekend playing that together, even trying to cheat the system by adding the second player at the right time, and we couldn't even make it past the giant glowing ball boss on that stage. I downloaded a Neo-Geo emulator and MS3 rom, which lets you continue right where you died, and I had to continue so fucking many times it made me want to hit somebody. We finally got the XBox version to a point where both of us had the pattern of EVERY ENEMY IN THE LEVEL off by heart. For those who haven't played the game this might sound like no big deal, but let me point out that this is a level that takes about 30 minutes to play. Non-stop platform shooting the whole time. The final boss was a piece of cake after the horror that is that damn ship.
  23. I've only just hit 07 - Beneath The Surface right now, but so far this kicks ass. Standouts so far, keeping in mind the whole thing is badass: West Coast DK Island - I've waited for fucking YEARS to hear a remix of this track, it's one of my favorite VG tunes ever. *waits for a deluge of previous mixes of the same song* One Zero One - Holy shit. Words can't express how rad this is. I got a vibe really similar to the ending credits of Mario 64, but with a nice thumping beat on top. Top notch work, gentlespoons. EDIT: Props to Vig for the references to other games in Beneath The Surface. EDIT 2: Funky Monkey Love. What the hell have you been smoking, and can I have some?
  24. I only ever had the shareware version of Commander Keen 4, but lord knows how much time I spent playing it over and over... and over and over and over. The village music always rocked my ears, and your version is no exception. Nice job, analoq. Dopefish lives!
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