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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. This is something my mom would like. Which usually means I don't want to touch it. However, it's Vurez, it's good, so hey, no harm, no foul.
  2. EVERY single time I listen to this I just go into this pleasure-trance. I'm doing it again.
  3. This just made me die a little bit on the inside. I hope he has absolutely zero chance of making it into the game. I will elaborate upon request but not until then. Request for elaboration submitted. Because it just seems more than likely that they'll get the kid that does Tails' voice in the recent sonic games to do the voice for mallow. I JUST KNOW IT
  4. Hmmm? LT: What da hell is that, son?
  5. This just made me die a little bit on the inside. I hope he has absolutely zero chance of making it into the game. I will elaborate upon request but not until then.
  6. Hence why I said: If I wanted to play teams with my friend we could ruin any cpu team thrown our way regardless of handicap. you two as pichus on level 1, they two as ganondorfs on level 9?
  7. I've had that problem. I'm pretty good and so's a friend of mine, so playing against 2 level 9 cpu's is pretty easy. Adding 2 slots for cpu players would be a good idea. Adding Sonic into the fray woulden't. Argh. Hey guys sup this is what the handicap slider is for.
  8. Now, if they had plainly stated that the game would work with the gamecube, why would you think any different control scheme would be in place?
  9. Killing someone with a Mr. Saturn is NOT luck.
  10. Ditto, just replace yoshi with ness in my case.
  11. Cloud got pwnt by Link you forgot Zelda 2 whatever that was subtitled Do you see the first "LoZ: LA" That stands for link's adventure
  12. Basically if I bother to post in the review thread it means that I'm really enjoying the mix. So I'm posting.
  13. I do believe I just submitted a suggestion for Captain Olimar to be a playable character were he not already.
  14. In the trailer, it looks like you have to grab an item in order to use the super attack, which is no big deal since items break the game anyway. It looks very interesting, and could add a new dimension to the standard Smash Bros. fighting formula. Wasn't it mentioned that the single player mode would be a little different this time around? The super attack thing may be the idea there. Also, meta knight ftw.
  15. Larry, are you just going through and reviewing every single mix now?
  16. I'm the kind of person that likes blending of styles like this, so I'll have to respectfully disagree with you. :]
  17. No, it's actually bullshit for an entirely different reason. They are pretty much 100% correct in saying that the characters are tiered. The problem is that they adhere to this. The game is meant to be played for fun, fuck the smashboards level of dedication.
  18. Best ssbm moment for me would be beating my friend with every available character in one sitting. He got pissed because i saved his best character for last, which would be roy, and that match took 30 minutes.
  19. Malcos_-_BotA_-_Bison_Stage_Tribute_to_the_Master.mp3
  20. Haven't even listened to this yet but I already know I'm going to like it. I'll be back when the download finishes. EDIT: Listened twice for good measure and yes I do think paragonx9 is entering my list of favorite remixers.
  21. Oh man, I hope this one makes it in. We love you, coop.
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