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Everything posted by bladiator

  1. Yay! A convert! Every morning just the same, since the morning that we came (that's dirty), to this poor provincial town ...
  2. yes, but... who could ever learn to love... a beast? *pizzacato string* *sustained high strings* *curtain opens on small marketplace at dawn* "Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day, like the one before .... " Little town, full of little people... waking up to say... Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour!
  3. yes, but... who could ever learn to love... a beast? *pizzacato string* *sustained high strings* *curtain opens on small marketplace at dawn* "Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day, like the one before .... "
  4. Her clitoris looks like a penis y helo thar somethingawful.com
  5. I'm just glad I got my interview in before this time-cutting session began. All that talk about "hoo hoo"s almost turned your family friendly show into something quite a bit more PG-13 rated.
  6. It's a 3-minute limit, I'm pretty sure.
  7. But they were but for the but of the but but butty but but.
  8. THIS is what critique posting is all about. Take lessons from this guy.
  9. Yup, but expect one of yours up soon too. OMJesus, stop patting each other on the back!!!~ It's ok Larry, it's normal to be jealous of camaraderie. Please. He just wants his money back. (u kno whut i mean, nigga) So Many Smilies!
  11. I've had this one burnt and in my car for a long time now. This is not something you chill to, but the work done to empathize with a real Scriabin etude is amazing. As for the recording quality, I myself feel as though it sounds like an old recording, perhaps being played on a phonograph. If it just had some scratchy fx, maybe the softness problem would have been overlooked in favor of authenticity.
  12. You are the kind of players I make the most fun of, the 12 year old - famale night elf playing ones.. I am glad the horde are ugly hardecore G's, so we don't get the shitty pvpers on our side. Yay for generalizations!
  13. Poop nuggets!!!
  14. I'm sorry. Hoo hoo's are not for everyone, I'm afraid.
  15. Sooo, the piercing tones are like sex, or are you equating sex to being very industrial? Quite the interesting philisophical notion there buddy, I think you can write a term paper and become a doctor with that.
  16. That's my favorite part as well. It reminds me a LOT of the "Thomas Crown Affair" soundtrack (the remake with Brosnan and Russo). Very piano-centric melody with upbeat strings hits in the back. Very cool. I just wish it could have been kept happy a while longer there, cause as soon as the mood darkens again, it loses the panache that it gave me to begin with.
  17. Finally! People that don't abhor the hoo hoos! You all make me very happy. Also, just to clarify, the original reason behind the song title is the fact that I still use a MIDI tracker circa 1996, so it will only save 8-letter file names. Only after re-reading what I had saved the file as did I giggle and realize it's true potential.
  18. Hawt?
  19. Lolz. Hero among underage girls and desperate choir directors alike, right? (Well, okay, I'm not underage. ) Desperate choir director perhaps?
  20. In no particular order... Industrial Strength, Reprocessed, The Chemical Imps, Jade Spawn, and Infected Lab. (Aria of the Damned not included, because I can't really judge my own involvement...) But keep in mind that this is all totally subjective. I really enjoyed all the tracks, and I admire the work everyone's done. Not just saying that! It's quite true. I made it in pixie's top 5. My life is complete.
  21. I love this piece. The mixture of western and stab orchestral is great. It reminds me a lot of the 80's television theme songs, where it was more of a pop feel song, but then the orchestra comes blaring through as background later on. The ending makes me weak in the knees, and I'm always waiting for the wah-wah portion of the song as well.
  22. I love this piece. It's got just the right amount of laid-backedness to make a chill arrangement, yet it's not without a good melody (one that I hum randomly a lot now). The voice work at the beginning was/is pretty sweet as well.
  23. Someone pointed this out in IRC. SUBLIMINAL JUDGEHATE IN THE DOOM PROJECT?!!!? ...yes... judges ... are ... evil ... mmm, brains. *drool*
  24. I've seen Naruto episodes with 500+ seeds. Downloading this now, can't wait until it is done... On the day of release, Naruto episodes usually have about 10,000 seeds. The most I've ever seen though was a copy of Star Wars Episode 3 (that turned out to be 2 hours of black screen... MPAA honeypot methinks). that torrent had 1.2 million seeds. Now it's up to 336 seeders. I'm talking about impressive for a remix album. Not this Naruto whatever-the-hell-that-thing-is thingie.
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