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Everything posted by bladiator

  1. Oooh, I wanna see some doom pop cheese. That would be awesome. ....what?
  2. ARGH, dammit it Wingless, now the Guild Wars theme song is stuck in my brain again. Oooh, the memories. Oh, and nice work. I somehow knew you'd be the first to get that song remixed after we had commented about it in-game.
  3. You just don't want people to see how easily I can play your 5-pianos worth of sheet music with one hand and a extremely long penis.
  4. I have one more up for Grand Valse Mario .. it can be found here: www.doulifee.com/prc/TheOrichalcon/grand_valse_mario.pdf I really need to consolidate all this crap sometime.
  5. Shna sent this to me a while back, and I ACTUALLY listen to it. That tells you something, cause most of his stuff is way to freaky weird for me. Nice work Sam.
  6. Thanks for all the happy thoughts on the piece, guys. I really appreciate it. And who knew it was the first from this game? Woot! I had every note exactly the way I wanted it before I started. But I didn't write anything out. Even in a compliment, I dislike you.
  7. I agree with Dhsu that the background doesn't go very many places, but it can only be expected with a nice laid back piece like this. Some choice moments seemed a litttttttttle disjunct, but all in all, a VERY enjoyable piece. I love the bassline fills especially. Oh, and the run was just show-offy. I approve.
  8. Ditto (except for the judging the piece part). It only could have been better if it were in the same key as the song. That would have been awesome.
  10. Rexy, your innocence! *cry* In other news, I think thread waded through a bunch of poo, and has finally made it to the other side in good standing. Nice work.
  11. I think it should stay. Feelings might get hurt, or maybe this will make people stronger. Either way, who's to say that projects have to be all lovey-dovey all the way to the end? When the project is over, let this stand as testimony to the fact that in spite of each other, you all somehow lived through it and came out with a good project in the end. Yay controversy!
  12. Maybe a little, but I think it was more Beethoven to me. The piece didn't explore anything that made me really cringe with dissonant disappointment. Shostakovich is interesting and spirited, but I like my chords to sound right. Actually, the piano part sounded more Beethoven, and the orchestration sounded more simple Rachmaninoff. I liked it! I agree with one of the above posters that the piano-only sections sorta killed the flow of the piece. Not even the fact that they were just slower, but the fact that the piece came GALLOPING into it and then SCREEECHing to new section. But you know, screw it, I didn't come up with anything cool like this, so I'll take it and like it. Nice job. And so I'm not left off the bandwagon: OH NOES TEH NOODITIE!
  13. "take me to meet my mother" is cheesy? Damn, who makes up these "cheesy lyrics" rules anyways? Guess they all need to be about armpit hair and hot-rods...
  14. I usually read the review before downloading a piece, but I saw the name Neskvartetten and grabbed it immediately. I wasn't disappointed. Smooth stuff as always.
  15. Man, I don't know why so many people want an instrumental version of this. I actually am sad that there is an instrumental only part near the end of the song .. I was hoping for vocals throughout. It's like I only got a taste of them.
  16. Oops! I didn't realize what we said came off that way. I knew it was only the songs that were considered in violation of OCR policy, and I think that's what Rayza meant when he used the word "standards." We know that mixes aren't booted because of *quality* standards. I guess we just weren't clear enough with our choice of words. It shall be fixed. Cool Edit + Robot talkie voice = Fix'd.
  17. And Wingless has forgotten the face of his father, remember? Uh, someone shot my paw? (I'm a dog)
  18. Man, I hate being so far down in the review thread. Why don't you people tell me before you're going to post this stuff?!? Now that that is out of the way, I can't really say anything constructive, because my overwhelming love for this song prevents me from being lucid. HARMONY, HAVE MY BABIES!!
  19. why when he was a lad, he mixed four dozen tracks every morning to help him get ample now that he's grown, he mixes five dozen tracks, all of them using OMG GIGASAMMMMPLESSSSSSS. (had to force that one...) No-o-o-o-o o-o-ne fights like Wingless! Makes sound bites like Wingless! Creates Flash-based, dial-up-killing sites like Wingless! He'll use vocals in all of his RE-mix mak-ing!
  20. "Show me the beast." We're not safe until he's dead He'll come stalking us at night Set to scandalize our children even though he's super white He'll dance naked in our village if we let him wander free So it's time to take some action, boys Let's kill the UNIT B!
  21. I want a guy like Wingless!
  22. Fixed it. Simply awesome stuff. Fixed it back to what he said prior. The contrasting opinions of LAOS and Liontamer continue. I'll bet they're the same guy, just posting under different monikers and arguing against himself. LAOS = Carmella? Hmm.
  23. Where do you think I was getting the lyrics from in the first place? First google hit FTW! Besides, this is bringing flocks of naysayers and cave-dwellers into this thread.
  24. Yay! A convert! Every morning just the same, since the morning that we came (that's dirty), to this poor provincial town ... good morning belle. where are you off to? grumble grumble You know you like it. "The bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful story about a beanstalk and an ogre and a - That's nice. Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up!"
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