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Everything posted by bladiator

  1. WHY must everything be PvP with you people!?!? /cry
  2. What if you want to sing lyrics of words that are nonsense? Or just string to together beautiful foreign words that have no context when actually translated?
  3. I'm not sure why that's necessary, considering that the "big name" people will be recognizable anyway, if they're so popular. But I suppose if it would make you guys feel more comfortable, we can do it that way. We want to be sure that the voters have actually listened to all the tracks, after all. Just remember: All submissions should be properly tagged with song titles and artist names when they're sent to me. I'll assign numbers for anonymity when I host everything for the voting stage. ^_~ Some people might be recognizable, but some people (like myself) never use vocals anyway, so I'm hoping that you can't tell who I am. Well, *I* have to tell who you are to run this compo, but the voters don't. But I'm embarassed. lol
  4. I'm not sure why that's necessary, considering that the "big name" people will be recognizable anyway, if they're so popular. But I suppose if it would make you guys feel more comfortable, we can do it that way. We want to be sure that the voters have actually listened to all the tracks, after all. Just remember: All submissions should be properly tagged with song titles and artist names when they're sent to me. I'll assign numbers for anonymity when I host everything for the voting stage. ^_~ Some people might be recognizable, but some people (like myself) never use vocals anyway, so I'm hoping that you can't tell who I am.
  5. i second this idea I also like this idea. Maybe assign everyone a number and number the songs, and then vote? Otherwise, people will vote for the big names. Yeah, even using the name of the song might be a problem, because I know mine's going to be called "Bad Ass Collab by Mustin/pixietricks/zircon/other-people-with-badassedness"
  6. Not that you've gotten this far yet, but for the voting stage, do you think you could rename everything to something without the remixer's name? That way we can have less votes based on who actually did the remix. (Even though with vocals, there will be more chance to actually know whose is whose.)
  7. I've finished PRC entries in the first 3 hours. From scratch. And won. But most times they were crap. Bring it on.
  8. This is going to be a serious load of white rap. Also, I don't even know why you'd have to have someone else check the votes. I mean, this is OCR, not the presidential elections, if you're going to cheat to win a compo like this ... well, I'd just have to call you "gay as hell". I already bought my own shirt anyway.
  9. Does anyone else think that this thing lends itself to rap quite handily? And is anyone else chronically white like me?
  10. Maybe I'm a really crappy reader, but do we HAVE to be on the list of participants to enter, or can we just send you something if we decide to?
  11. I started playing a couple months ago, and I've got a 56 UD mage. The idea of starting from scratch makes me a sad panda. On Gorefiend, btw. Maybe someday that will get old, but I just got accepted into a kickass guild and I have to show some online time and support so I don't get "le boot".
  12. Is there a specific OCR meeting server out there? Sorry, but I'm not going to read 141 pages to find out.
  13. I can fill in as 1 1/2 judges.
  14. Begin the End of the Beginning is still one of the finest in-yo-face remixes on the site. It made it to a bladiator-CD-burn, so it's got to be good. I can't believe you people don't know BGC. EDUCATE YOSELFS!!
  15. Hey, I'm Bladiator, I joined your little alliance. Yay! Oh man, I didn't realize LUE had a group on here ... glad I found OCR first otherwise I would have been torn. LUE is such a guilty pleasure.
  16. Amazing stuff. The groove pulls you in, and I would have to say that RTF is one of the best sequenced piano soloists I've ever heard. Engaging all the way through. That groove. Oh, baby.
  17. bladiator gives this his 6'7" hug of approval. *hug* DON'T LEAVE US!!
  18. WTF? ROETAKA ON OCR?! Apocalypse time. Congratulations and nice work.
  19. Nice work RTF, I did, still, and will always enjoy this mix. I don't understand the judges problem with what they call "aimless improvization." Sometimes improvization IS aimless. Just because this is an electronic recreation of something and for that reason can be made "perfect" doesn't mean that you'll want to sculpt improv'd sections until they're overdone. First time through and go, you know? That's how every live gig happens. And believe me, this sounds a lot better than a bunch of live improv gigs I've heard before. That cadence at 3:38-9 where everything meets together is easily the favorite moment in the piece.
  20. Where's my 2nd chorus at the end, dammit!
  21. Thanks for the reviews, guys. We're really happy with how the piece turned out. As far as sheet music goes, I can say without a doubt that it will never exist. All I did was just play the song over and over til I knew the chord changes by heart and then improvised on the theme. I probably couldn't even replicate the recording that I've made. Sorry. But on the upside, the song is cool.
  22. Doh, I loved the lo-fi breakdown. Good job Diggi, but I'll be listening to the original version.
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