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Everything posted by sgx

  1. I've got Coactive, Me Semper Maneas, and Haven ready to go almost. I looked at Crowdpleaser and it will be a bit of a pain to chop up and I think I've remixed it plenty already, so I don't think I'll include CP. I think instead I'll do Lofi Attitude. It's probably not a favorite, but I'd love to hear some new stuff done with it. Expect a big project page with details and the files by this weekend hopefully.
  2. I accidentally started my remix tonight. Made a beat and bassline, then accidentally clicked on a loop from Coactive in my Ableton Live browser, heard it preview with my new stuff......damn....had to bring that in! Wasn't planning on doing that. But this is gonna be the business
  3. Tite! I'm gonna try to get the files and something more official-like together in about a week or so. Will try to get all four tracks available for remixing.
  4. Back when Gray was actually online and still a judge he told me that several unmodders basically did all they could to do to annoy DJP and Gray, and perhaps other moderators/judger0rs. He didn't really get into details, and I didn't really care, but it sounded like there were several pewps in there that had the favor of a bunch of the other unmodders, so it was time to just end the ungrateful annoyance/bandwidth waste that didn't have shit to do with remixing game music. Too bad (((
  5. I'll stick in the RNS files, but all of the tracks weren't made just with Reason. I worked with Reason, Project5 and ACID with all of those so the reason files won't be the whole story. What would be wild is some crazy mashups between some of the tracks. Well I'm gonna have to look through my stuff and make sure I can actually make loops out of all of it. Haven seems popular so I'll try and get that too.
  6. Me Semper Maneas Coactive Crowdpleaser Coactive flash remixy game thing Actually I'm hearing some requests for Haven and I'd be interested in hearing that remixed. Ok, so links look the same as regular text in this forum now? And mrgreen doesn't work! I don't like this new forum.
  7. EDIT: OFFICIAL DETAILS It's late so I'm just going to link to my webpage with the deets instead of writing it all out here for now. SGXRMX2 SGX Remix Project 2.0 huh...can you not edit titles in this forum? I'm thinking about running another remix contest. Probably this time I will pick three songs from Chroma that people can choose from, and I'll have zips full of individual audio files/loops available. I'm not going to produce another album of remixes (BTSB sold like poo), so they'll all be up for free, and maybe I'll stick them in as extra data content on my next album or something. I think I might just pick my favorite three I get and send those people SGX T-Shirts or something. Every submission will be posted on my site regardless of quality. Which three tracks from Chroma would you like to remix? I'm definitely including Coactive because I already have that sliced out for the Coactive flash thingy. I'm thinking Coactive, Me Semper Maneas, and Crowdpleaser/Crowdpleaser Drop The Mic Mix so people can have fun with vocals. What do you think? Just guaging interest right now. Due date would probably be April or something somewhat far off so plenty of people have time. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
  8. I totally called it! eKudos to me.
  9. I did another track with Aurora (an original): http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20Me%20Semper%20Maneas%20%5BShort%20Edit%5D.mp3 I'm sure I'll do something with Destructo again sometime.
  10. Bumpy mcBump I sorta forgot about this deal till recently. I emailed loopmasters about it and asked if I could get an extension on the deal and they said yes (up till jan 3rd or something) as long as I email and say it was authorized by some dood. I don't think I want to buy three though. Would someone like to get in on this with me? Give me the money for one ($50 I think) and I'll mail it to you once I get it. Any takers?
  11. Sounds like your file is effed
  12. I'd guess that you're using a sample patch that doesn't go beyond certain octaves....but you said something about the db meter lighting up.... Perhaps you've got some automation of a volume or something that is conflicting?
  13. Are you guys having fun shitting up this guy's thread? I know if this happened in a thread where I was releasing an album I would be pretty pissed. I listened to a couple tracks and it is good stuff.
  14. Early summer hopefully. Glad you like it.
  15. Got my parents a DVD/VCR Player Recorder Got my bro Phantasy Star Universe and FFV Advance
  16. Yeah. I doubt MS will let anyone know specifically when they start. Though I bet if they make some sort of new packaged (like maybe if they start packing in a larger HD which I think might happen) deal, those might be the new cpus. Last mention of the new cpu in the news was 6 months ago though.
  17. My friends gave me Gears of War.....I don't have a 360 yet...my plan was to get one when the new cpu is included next year. Thinking of taking advantage of that toys r us deal....but I have a bunch of xbox1 games I got off of goozex.com to play first. I know if I get the 360 I'll just forget about them...hmmmm what should I do?
  18. Yeah, this has been in EGM and a lot of other places. On such an expensive game, it will be really hard to make back the money on the one system with the smallest amount of consoles out there. LOTS of westerners have and will have 360s...they can't afford to ignore the roundeyes! It will be HUGE if it comes true. PS3 won't have much big stuff that is exclusive. FFXIII, Devil May Cry 4..can't think of much else. DMC4 has a good chance of coming to the 360 also I think - RE5 is coming to both isn't it? Capcom likes to port anyways. I'm sure I'll miss whatever the ICO/Shadow of the Colossus guys are doing for PS3, but really it doesn't look like I'll be missing a lot when I refuse to spend $600 on a PS3.
  19. I actually don't really like EP myself...though I thought my song concept was cool . I was actually very underwhelmed with it and I doubt I'll play with it again now that this song is done (thought I have ideas for incorporating it into a live act if I ever really develop one). I totally knew from reviews that it isn't really a 'game' and was ready for that. That's not the problem. I think it is pretty creative and cool...great atmosphere and art and all that, but the level of interactivity and control was underwhelming for me. Most of the games you can't actually create specific sounds and melodies you want...its more like you do something and something really crazy and almost random occurs. Sure you instigated the result, but you don't have a whole lot of control. Perhaps also it is because I am EXTREMELY familiar/comfortable/used to a high level of visual interface/sound interaction with my music software and with my own music/audio interactive game/toy, that this fails to impress and intrigue me in comparison. I also didn't think the nintendo sounds in some of the games fit the aesthetic at all.
  20. Hey guys, I made a song using only Electroplankton and one piano patch as sound sources. Figured maybe some of you guys would be interested. http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20A%20Meal%20For%20a%20Whale.mp3 I talk more about it here: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=96464
  21. The only good one that I can think of. Oooh. Virtua Fighter 5 now coming to 360 also: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/752/752074p1.html I think the japanese are realizing they aren't going to make much money keeping things on the PS3 only. The western market is just too big. Here's hoping the rumors that MGS4 is coming to 360 also is true! Nope, totally and completely dismissed by both Kojima and Konami. Do you have a link? They could still be saying that they aren't making a PS3 version because they could be under some agreement with Sony not to talk about it. I read that Kojima was being forced by Konami execs to make the port. It will be hard to make a profit on this multi million dollar game when there won't be that many PS3's out there even a year from now. It's kinda like how Capcom forced a PS2 Resident Evil port. I wouldn't be surprised if the MGS4 port came 6-12 months later. Unrelated: The things that I like about the xbox and the xbox360 are that a lot of the games are actually NEW IPs. Or at least only the second or third in a series. There is the most NEW STUFF on xbox and I'm digging that.
  22. The only good one that I can think of. Oooh. Virtua Fighter 5 now coming to 360 also: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/752/752074p1.html I think the japanese are realizing they aren't going to make much money keeping things on the PS3 only. The western market is just too big. Here's hoping the rumors that MGS4 is coming to 360 also is true!
  23. I'm totally getting a 360 next year. I'm pretty sure they'll drop the price soon after the holiday season. Either that or they'll pack in a larger hard drive or something like that. I know if I don't wait for the drop, as soon as I buy one the price WILL drop and I'll feel like a newb for waiting so long to get a 360. Also, I read somewhere that they are beginning to manufacture the CPUs differently in a way that makes them less power consuming (less heat = less fan noise maybe?), and more stable. Sort of waiting for that revision of 360's. I'm really looking forward to getting Gears of War, Viva Pinata, Lost Planet (January, right?), Forza 2, Too Human, Mass Effect, Guitar Hero 360 maybe, Lumines Live so I can play in 5.1 sound , etc.
  24. http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20A%20Meal%20For%20a%20Whale.mp3 The full track is 7.5 min long and I feel it flows much better than this truncated one, but I'm saving that stuff for my album enjoy oh and if mods feel this thread needs to be moved because of the track's 'originalness' whatevvv, go ahead.
  25. Yes. Also agreed. I have a sparse bare facebook page I maybe check once every 3 months, and I dont even have a myspace account. I dont feel I need some massive social network to keep in touch with my "friends". No person has 500+ friends they keep in touch with on a regular basis. If those people really were my friends, I would hang out with them, or call them, or IM them or something. I dont need a website to do that. And yes, people who check their facebook/myspace more than a couple times a day need help. I hate it when people invite me to parties on facebook, but don't actually tell me about it. That's a good way to NOT have me come to your party. I check facebook maybe 4 times a year and ignore the emails most of the time.
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