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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Huh - that sucks about the PS3 system, but the 360, I'd just bring over the whole hard drive. Not too tough there.
  2. This is pretty yummy. I like it a lot. You got more like that? Planning on making more? As for feedback: - Is the structure final? It's kind of put together weird - I think it would work better in a more traditional pop/rock song structure. - Don't know if I like the bit crunching on the backup vox - umm that's it. yay
  3. I dunno man...both systems have almost the same 3rd party games, and in terms of exclusives, PS3 and 360 were about even in terms of quantity and quality this year in my opinion. Looking at next year, Microsoft doesn't have a lot on the way, but Sony's got a lot of stuff - Killzone 2, the next ICO team game, next Ratchet and clank, Uncharted 2, Infamous, Fat Princess, Flower, Heavy Rain, and more stuff. I have both. I got my MGS4 PS3 in the middle of the year and I've been playing it quite a bit more than my 360, though part of that is me catching up on good PS3 stuff that came out earlier like Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Wipeout HD, Pixeljunk Monsters and Eden, I got Motorstorm 1 and Heavenly Sword for $15 each (both worth that money). I just got Suikoden on PSN, and I gave my bro Valkyrie Chronicles for Christmas, so I've got more PS3 to play still. Seems pretty even to me, with PS3 maybe having some more of the interesting exclusives this coming year. 6 months ago I would have said 360 by a little bit, but I think a lot of Sony's games that have been in the oven for a long while are finally coming along and are quite compelling.
  4. You mean you guys didn't love Alien Apocalypse starring Bruce Campbell??????????????????????
  5. It made perfect sense to me, but I know the book very well already, so that probably helped. That was a tough book to adapt, and I think the movie did close to the best job possible considering. There are a lot of characters and a lot of details in the book that there's just not time to explain and put in context in a movie that doesn't have a narrator like a book does. I still like the movie a lot since it's like a nice visual cliffs notes for the book. It's cast extremely well too.
  6. Most TVs nowadays don't have the lag problem so much anymore, but there are a few ways that generally can speed it up. Look for a "Game mode" in the settings. This basically turns off a lot of features like noise reduction, scaling, some color modifications, etc. If you don't have a game mode, try turning off noise reduction functions, and make sure your screen size is set to "native" or "just scan (on mine)". This means its outputting the same resolution as what the game system is putting out. If your TV is 1080p, make sure the 360 is set to output 1080p. This makes it so the xbox does the scaling (with no lag) and the TV doesn't have to do any processing on the image which can add lag.
  7. Hey Jill and Andy, congrats!
  8. Cool idea. Wish there were more artists participating in this though.
  9. Needs moar buttons.
  10. Just go into the WIP O forums here if you want obscure music.
  11. I bet you were sleeping in your cube.
  12. I listen to albums. I don't ever make playlists or listen on shuffle. Usually I'll be in the mood for an artist's style, so I'll listen to a full album. I don't like getting singles. If someone sends me a sweet track they just finished here, I'll listen to it right then, maybe save it, but I'll rarely come back to it because it is just lost in a sea of other music. I need a big chunk of music grouped together to keep my attention. Albums that have a lot of variety and are really disparate in style I don't like as much as something that is cohesive as a whole. My older albums are like this and I've been working on getting away from that. Back then I was trying out a lot of different genres/styles partly to see if I could do it competently. Once I had 60 minutes of music, I just dumped it onto an album. I don't often listen to my second to last album Chroma straight through because I'll come up on a track that I'm simply not in the mood for then and skip it. I think Albums like that are not taking advantage of the full album format and show that the artist didn't have the vision to do something beyond packaging up a bunch of singles. Not that that is bad...if you're gonna sell music, albums are a good way to do it...its just that there is potential in the medium that wasn't taken advantage of to make a better piece of art.
  13. Awesome dood!
  14. Sup guys. I'm working on finalizing a deal with a group working on an XBL Community Game also. Should be rad.
  15. I love this game, though I can bitch about it a lot if I wanted to. I really like the art style, the music, and the character interactions. I've got about 3 more areas to clear tonight before I beat it, so I'll probably hold further comments till I'm done. I'm actually surprised about how long this game is. A lot of it is backtracking finding light seeds, but its still got a ton of environments.
  16. Yeah, I'm assuming I'm going to be working pretty cheap. It is worth it to me because the game concept seems very cool and I think it would be fun to do. Also, hopefully by the end I'll have an interesting OST that fans of mine and the game may be interested in buying.
  17. dannthr, that's very good info - thanks a lot. Last time I posted, I emailed the guy back proposing a possible combination of up-front payment (perhaps per minute) and a percentage of the profits. It's an XBL Community game and as far as I know so far, there isn't really any sales data out there. I want to make some money on it, so getting paid some directly for the work is nice, but I also want to be in on the profits if somehow it takes off. I didn't talk about specific numbers yet. I haven't heard back from him yet. This is definitely a very indie group - I believe the 5 other members graduated or recently graduated from college and are planning on working fulltime on the project. I'm not sure if they have any kind of budget. As far as I know, all the other team members are working free until the game starts to make a profit. Also, I have to be somewhat involved in the development since the gameplay has some interaction with the music. I'm not just making background music - I'll have to tune it and modify it to work well with the gameplay systems. I can't just make tunes and ship em off and because of this, my contribution isn't as simple and quantifiable as the amount of minutes of music I produce. Still waiting to hear back from him...will go from there once I get a response.
  18. This is way cool as I told you in chat. Good concept, groovin tunes. Nice work.
  19. Why didn't you just link to the joystiq article instead of making me watch a stupid fanboy video? http://www.joystiq.com/2008/03/02/kojima-mgs4-too-big-for-50-gb-blu-ray-disc/ I remember before that article a feature Hideo had to cut was options for multilanguage audio tracks since it took too much space. That's probably it. Even if not, having to cut gameplay features because of lack of storage space is pretty unlikely. Game engine, programming, logic, etc is not what fills up a disc, its assets like audio, fmv, and images/textures. I think GTA4 and Mass Effect both have a similar amount of voice audio and have much larger game worlds. They both fit on a DVD. Overcoat, if by that picture you mean there's a lot of video in MGS4, what I meant was FMV. I don't think the game-engine cutscenes take up that much data - they're using assets that are generally in the gameplay sections already. There are only a few full FMV clips in the game. I still think this argument that MGS4 is too large for DVD is BS.
  20. People think that since MGS4 used a ton of space on a blu ray disc, the game on 360 will need that much storage space too. All that space on blu ray affords them the luxury of not worrying so much about compression. The dialogue is probably running in a close to lossless format on the PS3. I'm sure if it does come to 360, they can pay a bit more attention to compressing a lot of the audio, the few video clips, and some textures and get the overall amount of data needed for the game drastically reduced. I'd bet 2 discs if it comes to 360.
  21. Rush 2049 baby!
  22. Does it have podcast support and load it onto iPods the same way iTunes does (has that nifty blue dot showing you what you have or have not listened to yet)?
  23. I appreciate all the input again, folks. Good stuff to think on. Still discussing with the guy. The 50% figure he mentioned I think was just off the top of his head and he hasn't ever dealt with or thought about this type of business before, and he knows we will be negotiating. What we decided we need to work out before we talk about music sales, is the nature of my contract with them - am I a development partner, or more of a contractor. I'll likely be back asking more stuff once I get further here! Thanks.
  24. Thanks a lot for the input folks.
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