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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Check the Essence of Lime website
  2. Thanks! Yeah, I think I agree with you about the lead at 0:55. The orchestral samples came from: Rhapsody: Orchestral Colors Ventus Tin Whistle (just realized I didn't really spend any time humanizing this, whoops) Dimension LE (I think I got this for free. I'm not sure it's available anymore.)
  3. I'm working on an album, and I want to get some feedback early on so I start on the right foot! Here's what I've got so far. Tell me what I'm doing wrong please The Walls of Cydonia
  4. This is "Sandstorm Ballad" by Rellik, previously hosted on VGMix. I have it on an old CD.
  5. Thank you! It’s always interesting to hear what people’s favorites are. Swamp Luminescence came from a 2013 WIP that I pulled out of storage and reworked/finished. It was one of the key tracks when I was originally deciding on a tone for the album. Replumification, on the other hand, wasn’t started until everything else was finished. So you’ve kind of got the bookends there. I appreciate the compliment on the mixing. I’ve always seen it as my weak point, so I try my best to keep improving!
  6. A couple years ago, I released Zest Quest, an original album about fruit planets. Since then, I’ve decided to make more music set in the same universe, and I just released number 2! Expedition to PL21-13 It contains a mishmash of retro sounds with an emphasis on things that sounded purple to me, paired with a story about unpaid interns searching a swampy alien planet for a robot sent by their ancestors hundreds of years ago. If you’re into flavor text, there's a full description on Bandcamp, and the album download comes with a 5-page PDF of log entries. The original concept for the album had no narrative context...but it turned out that giving it a story and connecting it to Zest Quest unleashed a rush of motivation. Now I’m looking forward to all the possibilities for fleshing out this universe. Hope you enjoy!
  7. Wow, it's been almost 8 years. I don't know what's currently going on for Reckenefin, but I know I burned out on project management a long time ago. We briefly tried to get remotivated a couple years ago, and then...nothing. I don't have the energy to continue in any kind of involved capacity, but since it's really Reckenefin's brainchild, it's not my project to hand over. If he doesn't respond sometime in the near future, I could shoot him an email to see what's on his mind.
  8. I took some time to paws and reflect on the mix, and I'm not entirely sure what else to do with it. Any suggestions?
  9. Doggy Accessories This arrangement is about Chain Chomps and the women who love them. Let me know if I should adjust some things. Sources: Mario Odyssey - Cascade Kingdom Link's Awakening - Mabe Village
  10. I'm lucky enough to live within the band of totality. We got about 2 and a half minutes. It was incredible. There was a lot of thin cloud cover, which worried me, but we still got a pretty clear view. I even saw a star.
  11. I finally finished the original album I've had in the works for years! Check it out if you like anything vaguely chiptuney! https://hylianlemon.bandcamp.com/album/zest-quest Thanks to Phonetic Hero for helping out with the final track and for holding me accountable for making progress.
  12. Thanks! The chippy parts were made with FL Studio's 3xOsc plugin, and the LttP strings were from a soundfont by Blitz Lunar.
  13. New version! It has an ending now. Let me know what y'all think. Garrett: Yep, there's a mixture of SNES and Genesis samples.
  14. Multi-Track Drifting Source: The Final Exam (The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks) Inspiration: F-Zero The original tune was composed by Manaka Kataoka, the lead composer for Breath of the Wild. So why not get some BotW hype started with some lo-fi orchestra hits? Comments welcome!
  15. Hmm...Zelda's quest to rescue Link for the sole purpose of keeping the duck walk alive, eh? That works.
  16. I could use some more ears on this. Gimme your thoughts! Source: Zelda: Wand of Gamelon map theme (plus bits of the original Zelda theme) ReMix: Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk I was going to call it "Zelda Does the Duck Walk," but it turns out she doesn't use that term in her tutorial! It is written, only Link can do the duck walk.
  17. Last I heard, we were waiting for some feedback from the project judge panel. I'll get in touch with Reckenefin to see what we need to do moving forward, and then I'll try to take a more active role in the project's completion. I've been super distracted!
  18. My apologies! I've been working an exciting new excavation site with an unfamiliar team*. I'm cut off from the outside world unless I make the trek to a nearby village and ask some traveling merchants to carry letters for me**, so it's been difficult to maintain contact. It's rumored that deep within some nearby ruins, there sleeps an ancient technology*** that would allow me to communicate with you all at any time. I'll do everything in my power to recover this artifact and return it to its rightful place in the lobby of my mansion. In the meantime, I believe Professor Rocket has contacted the project's current members. Hoping you are well****, Professor Lemon *New apartment, new roommate **I have no computer and don't feel like typing much on my tablet ***Willpower ****I am a poo poo
  19. That would work. If you're interested, you can send us a private message with more details.
  20. You can send it to hylianlemon at gmail dot com.
  21. We'll check up with you a month from now, but you can keep the claim for a few months before we send the repo men. Ok, I'm putting you down for "Cave" from the original Spelunky soundtrack! Wildfire is interested in the newer Spelunky soundtrack. We probably won't take any more Spelunky than that unless the tracklist expands significantly to make room for it.
  22. Or because he's infested with microbes.
  23. You can play with random strangers online, too. Sometimes you get turds, but usually it's a pretty good time. I did 100% completion that way. Single player mode feels like an afterthought by comparison, but it's still all right. More awkward than Four Swords Adventures solo. I hear the best experience is to play it with people in the same room, but online play is still worth it.
  24. An update's coming sooner than I expected (December 2)! Here's the relevant part of the direct, showing the new area and costumes: I just finished all of the multiplayer challenges and am overflowing with materials, so the Linebeck costume's treasure-peeking ability won't be useful at all, but it might be fun to wear it and show teammates where the rare loot is. If the data-mined dialogue from Tripini is to be believed, there should also be paid DLC down the line. Hopefully something a bit more interesting than a string of battle rooms. Further details: - The merchant will now sell friendly tokens if you've beaten the game, so friendless people like me can finally have the timeless tunic. (!!!) - "By answering a question before matchmaking, you will be matched with other players who gave similar answers." (Sounds kind of like Splatoon's tendency to match people based on how much they like to splat other people?) - "Players who leave a game in progress through the Pause menu can be added to the blacklist." (Nice.)
  25. My favorites are Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Maker, and Splatoon. If you don't already have Shovel Knight on another platform, that's another good one. Watch some videos and see what you like!
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