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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. But you were able to save it? Three options I can see: 1. You buy FL Studio. 2. You send someone the file (is that allowed, though?), they open it up and convert it to MIDI for you, and you import it back into FL. You have to reassign all the samples, redo effects, stuff like that, but all the notes will remain intact. 3. You start over. When I used the demo version, I had to export projects as MIDI every time I wanted to save. It's a pain to redo stuff when you open it again, but it works. Kind of. It might be easier to work on the song in a free MIDI sequencer like Anvil Studio and then import it into FL only when the arrangement's done. I've done that for collabs with people who don't use FL.
  2. Hard Man vs. Air Man. GO. Oh, I've got something in mind. :3
  3. untitled.mp3 Spring Man vs. Solar Man? This is gonna be good.
  4. Making puns, I see. This is no time to joke around; we have some stiff competition ahead of us.
  5. Lol. MM7 does have some good music (looks like Shade Man's in our bracket, too).
  6. Aw, Knight Man's in the other bracket. I had some ideas for that one. Xarnax42, you and me. Final round. Let's show those n00bs PrototypeRaptor and WillRock how it's done. Anyway, I'll be listening through all the songs in my bracket in preparation for the coming week.
  7. I respect the people who want to do everything legit, but I've lost interest in sitting at the computer with the mouse button held down to collect stone for hours at a time.
  8. *cracks knuckles* Time for some inappropriate remix titles.
  9. "1 more WAV until I change the thread title to a different reward!" GET HYPE
  10. The person who tried to sign up as number 33 gets shot.
  11. I think this can work. I'll join if I can be in the bracket that DOES NOT remix on the week of June 5-11. 1. Hard Man 2. Napalm Man 3. Crystal Man 4. Hornet Man 5. Skull Man
  12. When I'm done with my project, we'll have a nice pair of giant balls in the north. Prophetik will inevitably start a new base nearby.
  13. Wish I could join, but I'll be DAWless on a couple different occasions over the summer. I'll be following the competition this time, though.
  14. I've been using the guides here. I'm basically editing the 99-diameter blueprint to figure out what I want on the inside.
  15. Thanks! Now I need to work some more on the sphere blueprints.
  16. I updated because I'd rather check out the weather effects than wander around the server waiting for crowbar to clear my crater.
  17. http://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/nintendo-console-rumor.php Finally a comprehensive compilation of solid facts.
  18. One week later: no mixes left in the judging queue. Nutritious and halc start preemptively emailing out NO's to prevent people from submitting.
  19. That would explain why all the promo screenshots for the game are HD (or at the very least, higher resolution than the Wii is capable of.) Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Nintendo already done that kind of thing with pre-release screenshots of Wii games?
  20. I was just speaking hypothetically.
  21. During thunderstorms, mobs spawn everywhere, including your completely enclosed home built entirely out of glowstone.
  22. So I guess it's going to start snowing around spawn, then. It's been so long since Orichalcon cleaned it up, I'd almost forgotten it's in a snow biome.
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