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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Now that I've developed a little more wisdom during the overnight transition between 19 and 20, I realize you're right. The four months you've spent ahead of me better qualify you for a leadership role, and I'm sorry I haven't handed the project over to you sooner. That was very childish. I hope you can forgive me
  2. If you dye a sheep by right clicking it, you can gather 1-3 colored wool blocks for every single unit of dye. Nice way to get the most out of your lapis lazuli. Now if only we could dye everything from cobblestone to water. What if I want red tiles?
  3. There could always be a little hole in the middle of the station, leaving an open space above the spawn point. Although a station might be a convenient place to spawn, safe from mobs at night, with a proper glass floor view of the compass, and quick access to tracks.
  4. I did some reviews early on, but the last half of the month was like WHOOOSH IT'S OVER
  5. This may be short, but it's not the length that counts; it's how you use...the source. And how you use the source is secksi tiemz. I listened to the midi at vgmusic, and I was surprised at how easily I was able to recognize it. This mix sounded like it would be ridiculously liberal, but it's not as far as I expected. It's got a balanced dose of protofication. Also tasty drums. GUD JOB Edit: Somehow I went from humming this to humming the Magic School Bus theme in a matter of a few seconds. WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THIS THING
  6. That's what the whitelist is for. Just don't start a massive community TNT-fest near your base and you should be fine.
  7. I was going to ask about your signature, but apparently other people already have, haha. Every time I see it, I can't help watching the loop several times.

  8. Well, the tool restoration trick doesn't work anymore. No more infinite diamond pickaxes. Also, weird retreating mountains instead of rows of magical floating furnaces?
  9. obligatory who's drakesword? sum n00b? I thought these birthday topics were reserved for popular people.
  10. OA, I think you may need to see a dermatologist about that
  11. Who, me? Cleansing the world of the vile undead? I would never do such a thing. (On the plus side I think you've been sufficiently purified now)
  12. Yeah, it's a survival server, and you are most definitely joining and building your creeper strip joint. I have my needs
  13. Try replacing "obsession with the morbid" with "undead infection." I'm not convinced you're still alive. In fact, just yesterday I was clearing out a dungeon, joyfully ignoring the useless monster spawner, when all of a sudden I heard a shapeless zombie growl right behind me. I practically pissed my pants. Apparently the server has zombie ghosts now. YES IT WOULD HURT
  14. This. For me, the biggest barrier to working on a song is the step it takes to open the file when I'm not "in the mood" to work on it. Sometimes I end up going "meh" and closing it again, but most of the time I get at least a little more work in.
  15. It'll have a full release when everything's done, most likely the second half of next year.
  16. Having discovered your empty coffin and a mysteriously unfinished hallway in your possibly ironic zombie survival bunker, I'm worried about your well-being. Might I suggest a pleasant midday stroll to...calm your mind?
  17. Looks like someone... *puts on sunglasses* is fishing for compliments. YEEAAAAAHH Nice work, both of you. Not my favorite source, but I like what you've done with it, and the whole thing's just got this pleasing tone to it.
  18. For seasonal balance purposes, I'd like to have a track for each Seasons source. If you and wildfire want to mix it in with Subrosia, that's cool; just know you won't be the only ones using it then.
  19. Mokram's the only other one with a wav, but a couple other tracks are practically ready. Then we have a smattering of long WIPs, short WIPs, and nonWIPs. Anyone signing up now is exempt from the upcoming deadline next week, but I'd like remixers who can complete their tracks in a reasonably timely fashion. Halc and Dj Mokram should be your role models.
  20. I started playing the track, opened the review thread, and happened to read this comment right around 0:15, when a chippy percussive swipe sound comes in. Now I'm picturing Links slicing up tufts of grass to the beat. Nice use of LttP strings. And you called this a Four Swords Adventures remix. The FSA-based flourishes are cool, though, and the remix does have a decidedly frosty feel. Looks like I forgot to download this when it came out, but that will be remedied. okay halc
  21. I remember hearing this on the WIP boards. Really nice half-debut track; everything works together beautifully. It's relaxing and doesn't intrude too much if you listen to it as background music, but it's also intricate enough to keep your interest on its own.
  22. I loved this remix 7 or 8 years ago when I first found the site. I showed it to my family and they were like "um okay" Yeah, it hasn't aged well. It's a pretty repetitive track with weak samples. It still makes me feel warm and nostalgic, though.
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