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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. The landscape doesn't load when you're riding a boat, and you'll get stuck if you ride past the edge of the loaded area. Then you have to disconnect, and when you get back on the server, there's a copy of you sitting there creepily (see NeoForte's picture above). Notch's blog says it's fixed for the upcoming update. Also health.
  2. Thanks for the help, guys, despite your tendency to gleefully launch tnt against the border of the circle. Of course, you enjoyed it too much to consider it "help." Also, fishing for sheep is amazing.
  3. Cool stadium. If anyone needs a lot of sand/glass, I'm doing a little excavation project in my desert north of spawn. You'll be doing me a favor and minimizing damage to other areas if you come dig in the circle.
  4. If we're getting stacks of materials, they should be cloth. I want cloth so bad. Seems more reasonable than diamond blocks, anyway, since SMP's brokenness is the only thing making cloth rare. But yeah warping would be pretty sweet. I assume you can make the connection between me and my email on paypal.
  5. I had a few treasure rooms/a secret inn scattered around the old map, with semi-hidden clue signs at my base. They were pretty fun to set up. You can hide caves behind waterfalls, cover tunnel entrances with a single cube of dirt, build rooms at the bottom of a lake...all kinds of stuff. infinity diamond blocks also money
  6. I chopped down a tree because it was blocking the W from the viewing platform. Now it's there again. Just so you know.
  7. That little bridge right at the spawn point needs a makeover. We could even turn it into a little raised welcome center with directions and stuff. But yeah...spawn protection. Aaaaghh Anyway, I've been expanding/altering the highway to Redneck-ville so it won't be quite as narrow and zigzaggy. (I don't know who edited that sign, but we're keeping it ) My furnaces are placed snugly in between chests and sand walls, and I've only rarely lost anything.
  8. A whole day? Wow halc, you're losing your edge. (Oh, I'm sorry, LESS than a day. Ok you win) The triforce chamber theme is amazing, and I love the way you handled that section of it here. But yeah the whole thing is pretty sexy. I need to figure out how to do production like this.
  9. So hey guys. If you're feeling tired of all your spawny snow, you should come visit Lemon Resort to the north (follow the Redneck-ville sign at spawn ). Here's the finished biodome. It took me a few days to carve out. It's constantly full of animals, despite being underground.
  10. Yeah. North in the top right would be nice.
  11. I don't dupe, but it doesn't bother me much if other people do. I'm more of a creative mode type of person anyway. Now, if this were a competitive game, I'd care. But it's not.
  12. I'm liking the strings' volume swells at the beginning. One might say they are...swell. Percussion sounds pretty awkward when it comes in at 0:28; it's like essential parts are missing, leaving the other sounds exposed to limp along on their own. It starts to sound much better at 0:47. The buildup could be more effective with a few changes. The little reversed percussive sounds in the background (they might be reversed snares, not sure) are placed strangely, and I don't think I'd make the regular snare so prominent right from the start of the buildup. More bass drum would be good there. The synth starting at 1:06 sounds cool, and it's the first part of the remix where I recognize the source, but some of the notes just aren't fitting in well for me. In particular, the long notes at 1:09, 1:13, and 1:18 (hopefully the times translate well across media players). Overall, this is pretty good for a first attempt. It took me a while to figure out how to make my stuff not boring. Haha now I'm listening to my early work. AWKWARD NOSTALGIA TIME
  13. Thanks, guys. I'll keep you updated. It originally had more bass, until I thought "what would Rozovian say?" what can I say, I like bass :3
  14. You sound like Dj Mokram. Self-deprecation is good for the soul. Also, I left a long-ass message in your inbox.
  15. ^ Hahaha, I had to fix so many sand pits in my desert. Damn caves. Anyway, that's a pretty awesome land formation.
  16. Nope, I don't; I have yet to hear back about it. Going the independent route again is probably the most likely scenario. Still, people wanted to make it an official project, and djp seems to advise it, so I'm not ruling that out. I'm just waiting.
  17. How are we splitting costs? Paypal? I could chip in.
  18. Life of a Bowling Pin (updated 1-1-15) Previous version Source: (Twilight Princess)
  19. As long as one of those voices is Julie Andrews. In the hills. I can't stop imagining her singing this.
  20. A gay orgy remix? At least the title won't have to change. (oh snap)
  21. Send it, post it, whatever.

  22. I don't mind bonus tracks, if you're ok with that. Wildfire's got dibs on the main slot right now, though.

  23. Uh oh, he's onto you, Brad. You'd better update your human program before he finds out what you are. I mean who
  24. That someone being me, haha. That name would be a good choice for just about any project, but especially this one.
  25. I was thinking the same thing. Sorry for any mild alarm I caused yesterday, Hemo. I'll keep my flint and steel usage localized in my tree nursery. Also no I'm not the arsonist.
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