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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. NO U Just when you think Proto is awesome at chiptunes, suddenly he's awesome at jazz. And then suddenly he's awesome at art. And then suddenly you realize he encompasses all. Also, I second Yoko Shimomura, but for the Mario RPGs.
  2. How do you get both images? When I looked on the SD card, the jpg just had one of the angles.
  3. I wish I'd been one of the project directors.
  4. Thanks for the new map, crowbar; I can't wait to get back on the server to check out the new stuff I see on there. Oh god that's disgusting.
  5. Of course not. I'm sure they'll all be free. Edit: Palpableninja'd! D'oh
  6. Stop trying to win at jazz. Jazz is just about playing wrong notes.
  7. I realized I could've been clearer. I never felt strained while playing; I turned it off after 30-45 minutes. The eye strain came after I was no longer looking at the screen. Whatever the right terms are, DS games seem to be resized to fit the 3DS resolution. You can either play with the game resized and slightly blurry or play on an uncomfortably tiny screen. Not like they're unplayable...they just don't look as nice either way. My friend doesn't even notice, but I think it's ugly.
  8. Playing DS games on the 3DS looks pretty gross either way you do it. Good thing I wasn't planning on selling my triforce DS Lite. The 3DS content seems pretty nice, though. I felt fine playing for somewhere around 30-45 minutes, but my eyes got a little strained afterwards. Now I'm afraid if I play for hours and then turn it off, my eyes will suddenly burst with no warning.
  9. The thread's there, but the file's gone.
  10. I liked Rebecca Black before it was cool.
  11. Good god how is this even possible? I can't decide whether I feel awe or disgust right now.
  12. I love inciting battles between mobs.
  13. I'm on the ground like 5% of the time when I play Brawl. I built a stage out of trampolines, and everyone hates it. I think it's fun.
  14. This thread is fun to watch for that reason.
  15. lol I logged on today and found a bunch of stuff missing from my chests, too. Like...multiple inventories full of stuff. I'm more amused than I am angry.
  16. I dreamed that I was standing in a vast, completely flat plain of dirt. Everything was dull brown and exposed to bloom lighting. I saw the back of some lady who looked like she'd come from the 50's, and as I walked up to her, she turned around to reveal that she was a skeleton. I gasped because she wasn't burning in the sunlight. Then I sicced my wolves on her.
  17. I'm not a big fan of the track selection in Double Dash, but I definitely love me some Bob-omb Blast battle mode.
  18. Sorry, man. They don't call me a lemon for nothing. I'll try to get those tracks finished asap, though!
  19. My sister heard Friday on the radio this morning.
  20. It would be disrespectful to the Goddess to call Her cute. Also may She smite you for such a sacrilegious comment.
  21. Black Plague? I like it. A high school in my city is having a "blackout" day tomorrow where people wear black shirts to honor Rebecca Black. After all, it's Friday tomorrow. (And Saturday comes afterwards)
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