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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Really good stuff. Brad already pointed out what I would've. On top of that, the ending is perfect, including both the subtle changes to the chords and the way the song cuts off with a little chippy sound effect flourish. I LIKE IT
  2. This does make an appropriate intro to the album. I love the glassy-sounding percussive elements. Nice cameo of the "secret" jingle, too.
  3. The album has a very cohesive sound without getting boring. Lots of interesting soundscapes. There were a few surprises in there, too. Congrats on the release, finally! (Brad, you're not allowed to think the final battle theme is pathetic)
  4. Psych! The album's genre restriction was all a dream. I knew it was going to happen
  5. Ohhhh, I get it. The release date is December two thousand and tenth. That comes out to June 1, 2016 using real dates.
  6. IT'S OK GUYS I'M IN THIS PROJECT NOW. Also FFFFUUUU. Draconiator/Flexstyle, I'm going to have to come up with a new title for one of my Seasons mixes. Or you guys could change your track to Just Regular Frost.
  7. This remix makes me drive faster than I should. Excellent drumwork in particular. I enjoyed the little drum solo.
  8. Almost a minute done so far. A giant fish trilogy is too important to put on hold. Now if only this song had been in Link's Awakening, I could've definitely fit it into the genre requirement. It almost sounds like a Link's Awakening dungeon, anyway. Maybe that's my bassline. Either way CURSE YOU, JABU-JABU (in other news, this project is making me realize how annoying it is to type "awakening")
  9. The whole trailer sounded great, but I have to mention catfish's maw in particular. That clip is way more interesting than the stuff I'd tried to come up with. Also now I'm obligated to make an Ocarina of Time Jabu-Jabu remix called "Smells of the Deep" to complete our epic fish trilogy P.S. the transition between eagle's tower and mysterious woods was amazing.
  10. Well, this seems like an appropriate thing to review, given the LA project's imminent release. I used to like this remix more, but it still holds up reasonably well. It's an entertaining arrangement, especially the parts with the brass. Interesting drums despite occasionally being awkwardly barren. And that triangley percussive sound drives me insane over the last half of the track. I won't repeat what OA said above; most of my complaints are pretty much the same, but in a less bothersome way.
  11. STARTROPIIIIIICS This remix has been on my iPod for years. Every once in a while when I'm listening to more recent stuff, the playlist will loop and start playing this, and it makes me smile. Fun arrangement of a great source tune. It makes me glad my cousins had this game.
  12. Not familiar with the source, but ooh, I like this arrangement. Really nice powerful, adventurous sound, too. Well done.
  13. My taste in music was pretty narrow back when this was posted. I can say now that I fully appreciate this beautiful tribute. It really brings out the emotion in the original tracks, especially from Ages. I would have liked to be the first with a posted Oracle track, but I can forgive you for making such an amazing remix.
  14. A deadline sounds good to me. especially a really hard one
  15. It's designed to be viewed from above, not from the center.
  16. By east he means northwest. That's why I couldn't find it on the map earlier.
  17. As long as we're talking about not being on the project, I should have remixed the .
  18. The album's years-late release was Rexy's fault the whole time. Pitchforks and torches, everyone.
  19. Well, it's been a long process...BUT, VERILY, IT BE THE NATURE OF PROJECTS TO END! I'm looking forward to listening.
  20. I'm not seeing the tool-drop glitch mentioned, either. But when that does get fixed, I've got about 7 diamond picks in storage that the game glitched into my inventory. Haha. At least I want the crater there.
  21. I'm not really familiar with the sonic games, but this does sound reminiscent of Mario RPG in places. Great stuff, despite its clear olderness (I was a little confused at first). Also I swear I didn't mean to come up with a kind of similar prototitle for that one remix you know about, chthenjamin Briggs, even though I named it about a week after this was posted. I'd never heard of this.
  22. I logged in and instantly died, but after respawning, I was fine and still had all my stuff. Warping didn't kill me, even with all that void skydiving. Whatever. I saw someone else's stuff lying around spawn. I was going to empty out my inventory and put their stuff in a chest so it wouldn't disappear, but it was gone by the time I got back. :C
  23. Hey, anyone. I might be interested in collabing Innocent Water. I'll finish it on my own if necessary, but some fresh ideas would help motivate me.
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