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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Playing Master Quest, and I'm stuck in the Deku Tree. I've been tearing through old puzzles from memory for the last two days and now I can't even process new ones. This is gonna be good. Mirrored slingshot/deku stick arm is weird. Also, I've been playing pretty much exclusively with headphones. Tried speakers for a few seconds and decided headphones gave me a richer sound. Edit: Oh. No more stuckage. Silly me for thinking Link's head couldn't pass through solid objects.
  2. What do you get when you complain about dungeons being too hard? You get the water temple 2.0. Here, we'll move that switch to the other side of the bars so you won't have any trouble hitting it. Look, this block floated up. See the hole under it? See it? See it? Ok, now follow the neon lines. P.S. I'm greatly enjoying the new character animation work.
  3. Submitted. If it's as solid as your last one, you have a pretty good chance. My remix doesn't hold together quite as well as I'd wanted. But ok.
  4. Referencing outside sources in a Mega Man competition? What a dick. I've got about two minutes down so far, so we can look forward to at least one battle this round. That leaves Sir_NutS to succumb to the Mega Man Bracket curse.
  5. It'll be my first time trying Master Quest, so I'm excited.
  6. Any problems I've had with my consoles have been completely unrelated to dropping them out second-story windows and hitting them with sledgehammers. My Wii likes to freeze on me every once in a while these days, so it's too bad the Wii U won't be GameCube compatible (basically what I expected, given the way they do handheld backwards compatibility). I haven't decided whether I want to bother getting it fixed yet. I tried cleaning it out, but it wasn't really that dusty in there. That was basically the extent of my desire to expend resources and energy.
  7. Facing PR is a good motivator. :

  8. Yesterday. Turns out I had FL Studio's automatic "not very good" option selected all this time.

  9. So you've been stalking my visitor message conversations where I tell people how terrible you are? That stuff's personal. What a douchebag :

  10. I've got almost a minute done. One more Harry Potter book and I can finally put my full attention on this... and sleep
  11. Hey, don't steal my moment. It's my turn first. I'm going to try something partially unorthodox to make things interesting, though.
  12. Nope. A remixer is terrible until posted. Afterwards, all of said remixer's subsequent work is automatically erection-worthy. It's the law.
  13. Yes, you do need to push Emunator out of the way. He always ruins everything.

    I'll be looking forward to the art whenever you have it! Make sure you're putting "Lime of the Season" on it and not "Season of Lime".

  14. I'm glad Flex is sticking around for Lime of the Season despite having never played the games. PLAY THEM. They will make your life infinitely more meaningful. This is a pretty awesome, hard-hitting track. The drums are really fun (in a gritty not fun way), and the strange lone melody writhing among the screams makes for a solid nightmarish track. Like any other project basically Fun, isn't it
  15. I might submit mine after some touchups. I'm not quite satisfied with the production; it's a little thick.
  16. They might be making it difficult, but I'd make it hard. oh ho ho
  17. You do if you live in American central time. 11:00 AM, to be specific
  18. My mix probably isn't going to get any better by tomorrow, but I'll hold off on submitting it just in case. It's basically done though. Short, messy, chippy. The usual. Can't wait to hear all the entries.
  19. I lol'd. I guess Hard Man is rubbing off on me (take that as you will). The longest remix I've ever made was five and a half minutes. Mostly because it was a medley.
  20. Me, too. I think they're solving some of the problems I've had with a few project WIPs that have been frustrating me. Of course I'm still early-WIP-drunk, so maybe I'm not hearing clearly. We can do it, guys; keep it up
  21. I am so close to accidentally including Knight Man in here.
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