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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Pretty sure the desert tower belongs to Darklink42. He mentioned it in here a few times.
  2. Yes. I'm listening to Leader's Lair right now. It's like the Metroid version of Voices in the Deep. Always nice to hear someone do cool things with an unexpected source.
  3. All tracks are claimed and all tracks have at least short early WIPs. If you're on the project and haven't shown me anything in a while, I'll probably be contacting you soon.
  4. I kept more than half of the album. This is high praise. Nice work, everyone.
  5. Try charging up a shinespark before you drop down there.
  6. Last time, everyone seemed to be donating $5. I should donate again soon.
  7. When I voted for Brad over myself, I'm not sure it was his name that convinced me. (Ok, Drew, so you're not satisfied with Brad's entries throughout the competition. That doesn't mean the other voters are incapable of individual thought.)
  8. Your portal seems to be consuming Jade's. Both of them lead to your small cobblestone room in the nether with the hedges, and then the portal back just leads to your tree throne.
  9. Haha. That makes more sense. Well, I cleaned up what was left. I think I'll open up a Lemon Resort nether branch eventually. My portal set itself in a high area with nice views.
  10. Thanks for the lava, Aba. Sorry I got disconnected right after asking you. I didn't mean to, but I was going to bed anyway so I went with it. I say this now because I wondered if you happened to fill part of my tower with sand in retribution
  11. Brad winning by default What an exciting conclusion that would make
  12. Best mob grinder ever. I cracked up picturing it in action.
  13. I liked her better when she was hilarious instead of obnoxious.
  14. Yeah, it was on the old site. Hylian_Lemon is me. I know the underscore can throw people off sometimes
  15. According to the first post, the mixing stage already started.
  16. Haha. No worries. The fact that you were looking for Oracle remixes means you're already a decent person. But it doesn't hurt to do a full search before asking stuff. Some of the tracks are available on youtube, but otherwise you have to download to listen, if that's what you mean.
  17. Honestly Unless Charlemagne here led you wrong with the album title, which should be Essence of Lime.
  18. I felt the same way; I was disappointed to see a lot of the fun subplots missing. I mean, Hermione never says anything about freeing the house elves in the movies, and that aspect of her character spanned multiple books. I guess that's the problem when you have the books getting longer and the movies staying the same length. 7.1 was better, though. Splitting it up was a good decision.
  19. I'd better start whipping up some remix sketches to prepare, then!
  20. I hadn't read anything, but I'd seen movie 2 on tv and 7 part 1 in the theater with some friends. They gave me a little summer reading assignment to finish the books before the last movie came out, so I blazed through them in about a week and a half and got the movies on netflix. Good stuff. I couldn't stop until it was all over. So, I'm going with the same friends to the 3D screening tonight (tomorrow morning?) because the 2D was sold out by the time we thought to get tickets a couple weeks ago. Basically, I didn't read the books when I was younger because my mom was wary of witchcraft-related stuff. I got in trouble once for smuggling a witch book home from the library and hiding it in the boards under my bed. One person from her church recommends Harry Potter on his blog, though, and all of a sudden she wants to read it too. Oh, Mom.
  21. I built the boathouse at spawn, and I don't really care what happens to it. Also BGC where did we end up on the subject of cleaning up the edges of my big giant circle? I don't remember what happened.
  22. A few of us had Crystal Man in our lists. It's an interesting tune. Also, Clown Man? Please noooooo If I wanted to challenge myself, I'd choose a weird song over a boring song. Something like Star Man.
  23. Is there any reason I get struck by lightning every time I pull one of my door-opening levers? I'm indoors and the sky is clear. ._. It's not really a problem in god mode, but I don't want mortal people accidentally setting my carpet on fire and dying before they can put it out.
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