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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Ground pound takes too much effort to say. Butt stomp is crisp and uses more pure sounds. Also this.
  2. I've got you guys covered. Should've subbed it to OCR 6 years ago when I made it, but having it on an album will be sufficient.
  3. You forgot to re-add me, too. (and when you're working on the warps, I'd like mine changed to just "lemon" please)
  4. Yeah, he's offered to get rid of it for me, but I've put too much work into it already to just stop and finish it with instant admin magic. It's nice to have a massive, everlasting construction project in my front yard.
  5. IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG™ I guess I'll just make sure to design the inside differently. Size isn't everything. (that's if I ever get around to digging the whole thing out, anyway, lol)
  6. I've finally started using the server again, and I'm remodeling Lemon Resort a bit before I get back to work on the crater. Obviously added beds, but also a cozy lobby and bulletproof glass tunnels above ground. Lemon Resort is like 90% night-traveler-friendly now (I just need to fix the temple roof; I forgot spiders can climb walls). (warp is Hylian_Lemon if you want to check it out/dig my crater for me) Who's the douche with the wider crater up north, anyway? ಠ_ಠ
  7. I played through the first Donkey Kong Country with a gamecube controller and contorted hands. Thumb on A and B, index finger on X and Y, middle finger on Z, ring finger on R. If I remember correctly. Ahahahahahaha :C SNES to GC doesn't work so well with platformers.
  8. The second arbitrary deadline is coming up this month (March 20). If you're currently on the project and you don't at least meet the first deadline by then, I'll come knocking on your door with brass knuckles and an eviction notice. You can make a short WIP in under an hour, people. Here are the current unclaimed tracks [EDIT: JUST KIDDING THERE AREN'T ANY] We're also looking for people who want to play an instrument for the spring Din's Dance remix. Light instruments are better. See if you can picture your instrument in a wandering band of minstrels, and then ask me about it. I'll want samples so I know a) how well you can play and how cleanly you can record. (You can also just offer your performance talent to the project in general.)
  9. Well, I don't like to do the same thing twice. Every time I come back to a melody, I think about what I can do differently. Anything from extra little flourishes to different harmonies to completely different time signatures. Generally, as long as the arrangement is always changing, it'll be automatically drifting away from conservatism. Sometimes it's just the result of random experimentation. I tend to copy and paste more stuff when I'm dealing with a short deadline like this, but I still try to make some small alterations to keep things fresh.
  10. Here's the song I mixed in, for anyone unfamiliar with Mario Party.
  11. Lol I accidentally started an entry because I didn't notice Bundeslang's signature said VOTING. Well, I'm going to mix it with the Mario Party 1 title theme to use it for my friend's birthday present. This is one of those situations where I work on a song, sleep on it, and then come back in the morning to find out that IT ACTUALLY STILL SOUNDS LIKE HOW IT DID WHEN I MADE IT. Can't waste a solid foundation. (I guess I'll post it here when it's done or something)
  12. I wasn't so interested in the addition of cobble and wood half-steps...but sandstone half-steps? All right, that's pretty nice. And it seems sandstone naturally spawns beneath sand now. Too bad we can't dye the beds.
  13. LOL THANKS CROWBAR MAN :C By the way, I accidentally blew up some creepers in the process of lighting up my little underwater room, but there was no damage. Is this like a permanent thing? Because it's kind of nice not having to worry about accidentally blowing up someone's stuff. Especially if someone has, say, a pool of lava suspended above their wooden cabin in a forest, and a stray creeper from behind ends up burning down the entire server.
  14. I love it when a song practically downloads itself. Everything from the trombone to the clavinet to the chiptune breakdown works together perfectly, and the arrangement never gets dull. At no point in the song did I ask myself whether it was a keeper. I was too busy groovin'
  15. So people can log in? For a while now it's been instantly telling me "connection lost/end of stream" whenever I try.
  16. Have you ever been to the OCR youtube channel? ._.
  17. I just did Afraid I might be a cannibal now
  18. Fair enough. Depends how often you're going back to your room, I guess, and I'm not sure how often that happens at magfest. From personal experience at a different convention thing, the stairs saved a ton of time, and I ended up completely abandoning the elevators (the hotel was maybe 10 floors though). I swear those elevators ceased to exist at some point between floors.
  19. I would tell you guys to just use the stairs, but I don't think you'd know what I was talking about. Google them or something. You'll thank me. (Seriously, at big hotel-based events, you could walk up to the roof and come back down in about a fourth of the time it would take for a single elevator to appear from whatever dimension those things hide in.)
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