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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. It was probably fireslash accidentally blowing everything up with TNT again.
  2. Um, what? Vurez has a bunch more on his site, too (at the bottom).
  3. I guess I haven't posted in here yet. You can add me to the list. Hylian_Lemon.
  4. Connected for a few minutes today before it crashed. I'LL BE BACK
  5. I had a similar problem...until I built a GLASS DIVING BOARD Just make sure you have a clear drop into a pool of water (it has to be deep enough that your head goes under). Of course, getting back up is a different story.
  6. I judge people mostly by what/how they write, but I guess sigs/avatars color the way I see people. I tend to associate them with those rather than their actual pictures (assuming they aren't using pictures of themselves in their sigs). Offline Rozo doesn't look demanding enough to be the real Rozo. To me, he will always be a cold-hearted bounty hunter with no face.
  7. I found a hole in the bedrock, fell to my death in the undersky, and lost all my stuff. Fun times.
  8. Aw, that guy was awesome. Looks like I'll have to replace the links in the Seasons album tracklist.
  9. I could not beat this game when I was a kid, mostly because I had terrible aim and couldn't get Bowser to hit the last bomb. Eventually I'd burn to death or fall off the star platform. My mom thought the game was evil because she likes to call stars pentagrams. Anyway, I like the theme because it nicely conveys your impending doom without being too overdramatic. Appropriate for a giant death turtle slowly waddling towards you on a floating pentagram.
  10. I almost forgot to happy birthday you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PROTO Please stay alive for at least a few more months so you can save Christmas!!: The Dangerous Formu--*cough* I mean save Christmas
  11. Speaking of this, how are we supposed to pronounce "Mokram"? Mock ram? Moe kram?
  12. I see what you did there. You set yesterday as the Dynamite Headdy deadline so you'd get birthday presents from us. what a terrible person
  13. Nobody cared about the hunters from corruption. Samus tries to look a little emotional for the camera during the ending scene, but really she's just enjoying the breeze.
  15. Queen Suit acquired Press A to give birth to a baby Metroid
  16. Everyone keeps complaining about the baby. I didn't notice it coming up that much. Samus' soliloquies about her past with Adam were pretty monotonous, though. Unrelated: I'm replaying the game, and I just found out that Samus can jump on the larger wasp things and fucking tear off their wings. *drools*
  17. I like to interpret it as a "goddamn you guys are stupid" kind of silence. Metroid research doesn't really surprise her anymore after what she's seen in Other M. Or at least she's gotten the surprise over with by seeing the labs firsthand. I think what's more interesting is that the computer doesn't seem to be against it at first, even though the real Adam would be. I guess you could argue that Adam's mind was tweaked a little bit to be more obedient to the Federation when it was uploaded, but when Samus accidentally calls him Adam, it brings back his true personality or something. Who knows.
  18. Right. It's too bad there's no way to play a game more than once. Well...back to the store with you, Other M.
  19. Yeah, I was looking at the gallery and it switched. I'm never going to take that long to choose a file, though. It's a nice song, but it's not the kind of thing I want to hear right before playing Metroid.
  20. Either you're joking or you haven't seen the final boss of Other M. "Giant space brain" is kind of misleading. No I want the Metroid theme again :C
  21. Haha, I know. Just when you think it couldn't get any more Hallmarky. I'm probably not even going to try hard mode. I died enough times with energy tanks.
  22. So...I just looked at a receipt from a couple days ago. It turns out that the day I first heard the name Melissa Bergman in the game, I had a cashier named Lisa Bergman in real life. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  23. Ah, cool. I use the default skin; I just wanted to make sure I wasn't spoiling dark skin users without warning.
  24. Spoilers (OCR needs a better spoiler tag than white text, for dark skin users): I guess they just wanted it to be a surprise. If he looked anything more Ridley-like than a little fuzzy white chicken, the scientists/Samus might have caught on before it was too late. I will say that from the first encounter, I knew Birdy was going to be some kind of freaky killer. Then it started feasting on that dead creature and I was like yeah...no surprise there. Definitely wasn't expecting it to be Ridley though. In other news, I just 100%ed the game. The music for when you get the "irreplaceable item" makes me laugh every time, especially the way it ends. Awesome.
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